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Topic: Problem Windows XP und Knoppix< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
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omario Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Jan. 26 2006,17:09  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


Bin noch ziemlich neu auf dem gebiet! Habs geschafft mit diversen Anleitung vom Board eine Mulit-Boot CD zusammenzustellen, Die Hiren's Multi Boot DVD, Windows XP Prof und ERD Commander beinhaltet. Möchte jetzt noch gerne die neue Knoppix CD in diese DVD integrieren. Hab mir auch schon die Beschreibung für diese Integration durchgelesen, werde aber daraus nicht wirklich schlau!

Ist das überhaupt möglich die Knoppix CD zu integrieren?

Ist es auch möglich BARTPe zu integrieren?

Wenn ja wĂĽrde ich mich ĂĽber eine Anleitung sehr freuen.

Danke fĂĽr eure Hilfe!


Edited by omario on Jan. 26 2006,17:10
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 Post Number: 2
TomSilver Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Jan. 27 2006,09:30 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Maybe if you would talk english you would get more replies...
I'm Dutch and my German is not to good...
It is possible to do this.
I think some topic has already been made about this, use the search button.
I am downloading Knoppix atm so I will probably run into a problem if I want to put it on my dvd. If I have difficulty, I may respond to your question again...
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 Post Number: 3
omario Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Jan. 27 2006,10:08 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Oh sorry!

I am a newbie in this board and I've read the Topics but I've got a big Problem to boot knoppix.

I have created a Multi boot cd which consists of Windows XP, ERDCommander2005 and Hiren's Boot CD.

Now I want to include also Knoppix and if it's poosibel BARTPe. When I include Knoppix I get a checksum error when booting.

I've read the solution to integrate knoppix, but I've no idea how to create this multiBoot cd with ultraiso.

Maybe somebody can send me the files which I need to integrate Knoppix 4.02


Maybe somebody has a working solution for my Boot DVD.

Thank you very much
kindly regards
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 Post Number: 4

PostIcon Posted on: Jan. 27 2006,10:14 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To omario

I do understand what you are asking for omario. But as TomSilver point’s out. It’s easier if we handling these issues in English (my German in writing is far from good, not to mention talking German language), so we have to communicate in English.

Knoppix is a little tricky, but I can help you whith Hiren’s, ERD5, BartPe and finally Winxp prof.
Hiren’s, read here:;f=1;t=902

Issues concerning BartPe and ERD5

Erd 2005  (Attention: This is about Erd 2005. I don’t now what ERD you are using, but tutorial down here show only Erd 2005).
Do it this way:

1. Copy folder I386 from ERD-CD to EasyBoot\disk1

2. Rename I386 to “ERD5” (no quotes).

3. Copy ident files (WIN51 and WIN51IS) from root on ERD-CD to EasyBoot\disk1

4. Copy w2ksect.bin to ezboot-folder (w2ksect.bin comes with EasyBoot. You find it in ezboot-

5. Rename w2ksect.bin to erd2005.bin

Now to hex edit:
Step 1. Start EasyBoot >> Tools >> Replace Text… >> Find file >> erd2005.bin in ezboot-folder
In “Text to find” you put in “I386” (no quotes) and in “Replace with” you put in “ERD5” (no quotes) push “Replace”.  Only one text string should be replaced if you have done right!
Attention: use uppercase (CAPS). Like this ERD5 not erd5

Step 2. This is a little bit tricky.
Again use EasyBoot >> Tools >> Replace Text… >> Find file >> setupldr.bin in folder ERD5
In “Text to find” you put in “i386” (no quotes and note: i386 not I386) and in “Replace with” you put in “ERD5” (no quotes) push “Replace”. Three text strings should be replaced if you have done right!
Attention: use uppercase (CAPS). Like this ERD5 not erd5

Step 3.  Again use EasyBoot >> Tools >> Replace Text… >> Find file >> setupldr.bin in folder ERD5
In “Text to find” you put in “I386” (no quotes and note this time you use: I386 not i386) and in “Replace with” you put in “ERD5” (no quotes) push “Replace”. One text string should be replaced if you have done right!
Attention: use uppercase (CAPS). Like this ERD5 not erd5

Use run command in EasyBoot as usual: run erd2005.bin
Tutorial for BartPe:

1. Copy folder “programs” from BartPe to EasyBoot\disk1

2. Rename i386 folder in BartPe to BART

3. Move folder BART to EasyBoot\disk1

4. Copy w2ksect.bin to ezboot-folder (w2ksect.bin comes with EasyBoot. You find it in ezboot-

5. Rename w2ksect.bin to bart.bin

Now to hex edit:
Step 1. Start EasyBoot >> Tools >> Replace Text… >> Find file >> bart.bin in ezboot-folder
In “Text to find” you put in “I386” (no quotes) and in “Replace with” you put in “BART” (no quotes) push “Replace”.  Only one text string should be replaced if you have done right!
Attention: use uppercase (CAPS). Like this BART not bart

Step 2. Again use EasyBoot >> Tools >> Replace Text… >> Find file >> setupldr.bin in folder BART
In “Text to find” you put in “i386” (no quotes and note: i386 not I386) and in “Replace with” you put in “BART” (no quotes) push “Replace”. Four text strings should be replaced if you have done right! (if using XP-sp2 as base when making BartPe)
Attention: use uppercase (CAPS). Like this BART not bart

Don’t forget ident files on the root (EasyBoot\disk1): Win51ip and Win51ip.sp2 (if you used XP-sp2 as base when making BartPe).

Use run command in EasyBoot as usual: run bart.bin

Windows XP Prof: As this is the only i386-folder on the root (EasyBoot\disk1), we don’t need to rework this part.
Copy folder i386 to EasyBoot\disk1
Copy necessary ident-files win51, and several more ident-files (win51IP and/or win51IP.sp2/sp1 and/or win51ip2/1. It’s related to what kind of i386-folder you have. If it’s been slipstreamed with servicepack1 or servicepack2).
Make sure you have a copy of w2ksect.bin in EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot folder.
In EasyBoot use command:   run w2ksect.bin  to start up installation of Windows XP Prof.

Note: You can use same ident-files to different system-folders (i386-folder and BartPe-folder).


 Post Number: 5
omario Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Jan. 27 2006,12:57 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Thank you very mutch for your solution. All staff worked but I still don't know how to integrate knoppix to my DVD. I've build up an imagefile. There I integrated all files of my boot directory. When I start this file I get a kernel panik!

Can somebody help me please!

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 Post Number: 6

PostIcon Posted on: Jan. 27 2006,15:26 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To omario

I downloaded “Ubuntu” (Linux system). I then copied everything from ISO. Saved boot file as linus.bif (used WinIso to save boot file to ezboot folder) I then used this command: “bootinfotable;run linux.bif” (no quotes). This worked (at least with “Ubuntu” linux version).

I have seen this command “bootinfotable” mentioned many times in this forum. In fact, it’s repeated by “sib” here:;t=1139
Scroll down to last post.


 Post Number: 7
omario Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Jan. 30 2006,17:44 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Thanks very mutch! Now I can boot Knoppix! The only big problem I still have is, that I do't know how to set the Preferences for my MultiBootDvd with UltraIso.

If I burn the disk as Iso 9660 and RockRidge File System and set the FilenameFormat to Windows/Unix and set the Checkbox "Ommit ISO 9660 version Number" checked, then I can boot Knoppix but I can't boot Windows.

If I uncheck this Checkbox I can boot Windows but get an Error when booting Knoppix.

Is there a working Solution for Windows and Linux on one DVD.

Can somebody please tell me step by step the settings in ULTRAISO?

Thanks very much!!!
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 Post Number: 8

PostIcon Posted on: Feb. 01 2006,09:34 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

You dont need RockRidge for Knoppix.

 Post Number: 9
omario Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Feb. 01 2006,09:41 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Okay, I don't need Rockridge but when I make an iso with EasyBoot I can boot WindowsXP but can't boot knoppix!

If I burn the iso with ultraiso and check the box
"Ommit ISO 9660 version Number" I can boot Knoppix but can't boot windows! How can I manage this! Please help!

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 Post Number: 10

PostIcon Posted on: Feb. 01 2006,09:53 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

Vergiss UltraISO!

Follow the link I mentioned before and do everything with EasyBoot.

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