(bozon42 @ Jul. 13 2009,09:27)
I have been reading lot of interesting and useful info on this forum for which I thank to everyone for the contribution.
I have tried a multiboot with EasyBoot and some things worked, other part not.
I gradually added to EasyBoot the following distros:
Paragon Drive Backup 8.5
Hirens BootCD v9.8
Ubuntu 9.04
To be frank I had a small problem with including Ubuntu 9.04
into my distro.
When I copied all iso content of Ubuntu 9.04 to \disk1,
\disk1 already contained boot.images\no_emul.00 and autorun.inf file from integrating Hirens BootCD .
I simply overwritten these files. I thought it can cause problems but so far distro is ok.
Now how can I add another ubuntu (f.e. 8.04)?
The first mail from billonious is not 100% clear since he writes:
"1) Extract each ISO to its own folder and start the hard job."
But where "own folder" should be ? In \disk1 like \disk1ubuntu8.04?
If so in this case path in bcdw command has to be changed.
For insert boot cd it look likes:
bcdw/inslinux/isolinux.bin /inslinux/vmlinuz initrd=/inslinux/miniroot.gz init=/etc/init nomce noapic dma boot_image=/insert/insert
But neither for Insert is mentioned where to copy all content of its own iso?
If I follow this command - it seems that all iso is copied to \disk1.
Somehow for 2-3 ubuntu distros there are similar files and dirs that can owerwrite the previous ones if copied to \disk1.
Can somebody clarify it for me?
Thanks and regards,
Hello all,
somehow I found out that
bcdw/inslinux/isolinux.bin /inslinux/vmlinuz initrd=/inslinux/miniroot.gz init=/etc/init nomce noapic dma boot_image=/insert/insert
is wrong.
Instead of miniroot.gz /miniroot.lz is to be used.
But the problem is that even if Insert linux is loaded INSERT filesystem cannot be found.
When I copy the whole content of insert.iso to \disk1,
i removed Tools dir and renamed isolinux dir to inslinux dir.
No other changes.
For command I have tried:
bcdw/inslinux/isolinux.bin /inslinux/vmlinuz initrd=/inslinux/miniroot.lz init=/etc/init dma boot_image=/insert/insert
since I cannot insert longer command.
Can somebody give me a hint?
Thanks and regards,