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Topic: Run EasyBoot from USB tutorial, Tutorial edited bye heureka< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
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PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 04 2008,03:57  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Tutorial for USB boot approach.
(Okay, I know my English is far from perfect, but hope it’s readable anyway) :;):
Attention: I do not take any responsibility for any problems this tutorial may lead to!

You need some files from Windows-XP so this tutorial works primary only for systems that running Windows-XP.

Download HP format tool for USB devices from here:  >> Install this tool to [C:\]

Download Grub MBR-tool from here:  >> Expand zip-file

Download grub4dos here: >> Expand zip-file

You now have necessary tools to make EasyBoot run from USB device (stick).
Step 1. Stick in your USB device to computer. We need to create a batch file. Start your Notepad and insert this text:

@echo off
rem Use at your own risk
SET /P driveletter="Put in drive letter (no colon) for USB device and press Enter: "
echo: *** Note: Format to NTFS take some few extra seconds ***
Hpusbf.exe %driveletter%: -FS:NTFS

Save text file to folder “drivekey” with the name: format usb.bat     (Note extension bat)
Double click on batch file in folder “drivekey” and do as you are told (answer questions).
And yes there are GUI-tools for HP format tools as well (Hpusbfw.exe). It’s possible to use this to, but I found out that Hpusbf.exe works better. Don’t now why? That’s the reason I want you to use a batch file, instead of “graphic user interface” (Hpusbfw.exe).
Step 2. Open folder “grubutil-1.1-bin-w32-19” and double click on “grubinst_gui.exe”. A nice window shows up. Be very careful what your do here. In the top of window you find “Disk………Refresh” Push Refresh to make sure program has found your USB device. Use the little “arrow” to check out what disks that’s connected to your system. Be sure you choose USB Device. Example: If computer have two hard disks and one USB device currently in use, it could look like this:

(hd0) (105509M)    
(hd1) (140681M)    
(hd2) (486M)    <Obviously this is my USB device in this case  

(hd0) (105509M) This is my hard disk number one (partitions doesn’t matter)
(hd1) (140681M) This is my hard disk number two
(hd2) (486M) This is my USB device currently in use (512 MB USB stick)
(fd0) This is my floppy unit (if you don’t have floppy it might not show up)

Okay you of course choose “(hd2) (486M)” and then in bottom of window you press “Install” a dos window shows up telling you (hopefully) that everything went right. Press Enter to close dos window. Quit “Grub4Dos installer”. You now have a USB device bootable to Grb4 Dos.
ATTENTION: Never touch your harddisk (hd0) or (hd1) etcetera. If you insert grub MBR to harddisk (hd0) your system won’t boot and you have to run: “fixmbr\device\harddisk0” from windows repair consol. Windows cannot start with grub MBR (MBR= MasterBootRecord). You can use a grubloader on the rot of first hard disk, and then start windows from that stage, but we are not interested of those issues at this point.
Note: I take no responsibility for people that mix this up.
Step 3. Open “grub4dos-0.4.4-2008-08-08” folder (you can rename folder to a shorter name).
Copy this three files: “grldr”, default and “menu.lst” to USB device. You now have a USB device that starts to Grub4Dos, but we need to do some editing to file “menu.lst”. You can open this file with a simple texteditor (Notepad works fine). Open “menu.lst”. on USB device, delete all text and insert this instead:

color blue/cyan yellow/cyan
timeout 6
default /default

title Boot from Hardisk (Start Windows)
root (hd0,0)
chainloader (hd0,0)/ntldr

title Start EasyBoot
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/mycd.iso
map /iso/mycd.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

Close and save changes made to this file.
Step 4. We need a couple of more files. Make “hided files and folders” visible in windows. From root on [C:] copy “” and “ntldr” to your USB device.
Again start Notepad and insert this text:

[Boot Loader]
[Operating Systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Start Windows from hd 0 part 1" /FASTDETECT

Save this text file to USB device with the name:  boot.ini     (Note extension ini)
Step 5. Create a folder with the name   iso   on USB device. Copy iso-file from EasyBoot (mycd.iso) into this “iso”- folder” on USB device (this take some time).

Congratulations you are finished!

Reboot your computer and set BIOS to boot from USB device. You get two choices: Boot to Windows or start EasyBoot. I guess you choose EasyBoot  :laugh:  Enjoy

Regards from heureka

Edited by heureka on Sep. 21 2008,04:38

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PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 11 2008,01:07 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

i tried this but doesn't work. I didn't use bootcd's iso. Instead, I tried using hiren.iso to test first.

During bootup, I get error saying "find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/myiso.iso" file not found.

BTW, can grub open iso files automatically? Cause I don't see any use of tools to open iso and read the boot information I am not sure if this tutorial is correct.

Any, I will try again following this with easyboot iso.
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 Post Number: 3

PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 11 2008,02:57 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To abubin

Hi abubin! Are you really sure that you have put ”mycd.iso” file on USB device and placed this in a folder named iso ???  Like this:


Note: Name on EasyBoot iso must be “mycd.iso” (no quotes). I have tested this on several USB bootable computers and have no problem. I have also already pointed out that there might be a problem with some computers BIOS’s.

Seems that name on your iso (created by EasyBoot) is ”myiso.iso” correct? If so change name on iso to mycd.iso to fit path.
I currently use: “find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/mycd.iso” in my path.
Or use name “myiso.iso”, but then you must change path in your “menu.lst” to this instead: “find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/myiso.iso” no quotes! You may call iso file whatever you want, like: abubin.iso and then change path in “menu.lst” : “find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/abubin.iso”.
Please note: path in next line in “menu.lst”: “map /iso/mycd.iso (hd32)” must be changed to right path as well. It’s like that old DOS (Disk-Operative-System)-times. Always be sure to have right path in text files.

Some information about my tests:

Computer 1:
BIOS= Phoenix BIOS v.661M04MX (Intel single core)
CPU= 2.8 Ghz
RAM= 767 Mb (should be 768 Mb but some problem with memory bank)
Motherboard= FOXCONN (cheap one but works)

Computer 2 (high performance):
CPU= 3.4 Ghz (Intel double core)
RAM= 2 Gb
Motherboard= P5LD2 Deluxe (excellent Motherboard with high performance USB-speed)

Computer 2 loads an iso file with size 400 Mb into memory in less than 45 sec. Computer 1 (Foxconn) take more than 15 minutes to finish.
Talk about differences :O

As you can se, I have two different BIOS, s and two different computers (but Intel in both, shouldn’t make any difference).

In fact I have tested this on my harddisk. My boot.ini file (hided on C:) has now an extra boot option. Instead of normal start:

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

My boot.ini now looks like this:

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

As you can notice I have put in C:\GRLDR="Start GRUB"
And to make Easyboot run I have put a copy mycd.iso and a copy of  grub loader   grldr   and a copy of my     menu.lst    on C:    And finally edited  menu.lst  to have this text:

timeout 0

title Start EasyBoot
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /mycd.iso
map /mycd.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

I can now choose to start EasyBoot or start Windows :laugh:

Have to edit post (forgot to answer your question: “BTW, can grub open iso files automatically?”) Straight answer is: YES

I’m amazed that it doesn’t work out for you.
What kind of USB device did you use for this test (just by curiosity).

Regards heureka

Edited by heureka on Sep. 11 2008,06:07

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PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 12 2008,00:58 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

yes, my iso is called myiso.iso and I already changed it in menu.lst as well. So, it shouldn't be due to that.

BTW, what does chainloader (hd32) means?

I will trying now following this guide exactly.

Now error is different :

map /iso/mycd.iso (hd32)

Error 60: File for drive emulation must be in one contiguous disk area

Press any key to continue ...

Any idea?

When I check the usb drive, using defrag, I can see the iso file is in fragmented into 2 part. But how do I make sure it's one part? I just copied them over. Don't know why the copy is splitting the file into 2 fragments.

I can't proceed to defrag cause windows will report an error. Probably cause it's usb drive. I tried to delete the file and copy again but this time it's fragmented into 3 parts. How to copy it to make sure the file does not get fragmented?

Edited by abubin on Sep. 12 2008,01:23
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 Post Number: 5

PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 12 2008,03:08 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To abubin

Hello again abubin. I wrote in my first topic quote: “You must (or recommends) use NTFS as file system on USB device - otherwise it’s common to get this:
     “Error60: File for drive emulation must be in one contiguous disk area”. Make sure you used NTFS. I had the same problem (my blood pressure for sure raised for a while :angry: ).

Read this:
“I have managed to start EasyBoot from USB-device. Tested this on 3 different USB-sticks. One 4 Gb, one 512 Mb in size, and finally tested on my Digital Camera-Sony memory stick-512 Mb (using separate multi-memory/sim card reader stuck in to USB connector).

And this: There is still no 100% standard using USB devices. On some motherboards it works and in some not. It’s a mess out there with different motherboards and different bios. You need a computer that support booting from USB.”. This last is not the issue in your case. It’s something with your USB device (I can se you already figured it out what causes problem, read next lines and se if it can be solved).

This error could also be a problem when using to small USB device comparing to size of EasyBoot file.
I recommend not using more than proximally 25-30 % of USB device/disk area, and absolutely not over 30 %.
In fact, I recommend test EasyBoot file with only 10 % of USB capacity, just to check that it runs.

Quote: “How to copy it to make sure the file does not get fragmented?” It could be an issue how you formatted device. Always use my designed batch file together with Hpusbf.exe. Note: Hpusbf.exe and batch file must be together in same folder. It doesn’t matter where or what name on folder you use.

Finally, make a EasyBoot file that’s really small, a basic one for test purpose. That should do it.
To make it easier, do not use any large images in ezboot folder, because later on we will not start (run) large images from that folder.
And do not insert any files into EasyBoot/disk1 folder as well, because we will not be using them from that repository anyway. I’ll explain later when you are up and running EasyBoot from USB device.

(hd32) issue. Well I’m not any expert to this but I think it’s related to a command to use iso file as a kind of harddisk/cd-rom, but as I pointed out, I am no expert, only user :D

regards heureka

Edited by heureka on Sep. 12 2008,03:54

 Post Number: 6
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PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 12 2008,03:59 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

yes, I am sure it is NTFS cause I formatted using -FS:NTFS command.

BTW, after a lot of formatting and recopy the file, i used a defragger to look at the USB thumbdrive's file mapping.

After formatting using hp format tools, in the middle of the drive, I can see a strip of data there. That's why the 700mb file cannot copy into there as one complete file without fragment.

Edited by abubin on Sep. 12 2008,05:43
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 Post Number: 7

PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 12 2008,05:47 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To abubin

It happens to me :(  I get “File for drive emulation must be in one contiguous disk area”. When this happens, I use this trick to get USB device geometry on the right track. In Windows choose to format your USB device (right click on device in explorer) and format USB device (you can use fat or fat32, if it is a big USB device you probably only can use FAT-32, it doesn’t matter what file system you use, just do it!).

When finished, start downloaded HP GUI-tool (Hpusbfw.exe) and from this again format USB device with file system FAT. Now use my batch file to run final format (in tutorial). Finally follow guidelines in tutorial (except format that’s already done) to get EasyBoot file (mycd.iso or whatever) on to USB device together with grub (grldr) and “menu.lst” as well and rest of necessary files.

Important: Do NOT pull out your USB device without using (“Safe remove USB….) in Windows. If you pull out USB device while system still have contact (and “chatting” to USB) parts of file structure or even parts of geometry in USB device may be partly destroyed and you have to start all over again.

Please read this: "Make a EasyBoot file that’s really small, a basic one for test purpose. That should do it.
To make it easier, do not use any large images in ezboot folder, because later on we will not start (run) large images from that folder.
And do not insert any files into EasyBoot/disk1 folder as well, because we will not be using them from that repository anyway. I’ll explain later when you are up and running EasyBoot from USB device".

Regards heureka

Edited by heureka on Sep. 12 2008,06:33

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PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 12 2008,06:35 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

arh...doesn't work. I tried formatting fat, fat32 then ntfs but still same. The tried low level format it but still same. Ahh..this is annoying, spend the whole day trying to do this.
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 Post Number: 9

PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 12 2008,07:08 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To abubin

It’s something wrong with your USB device.  It’s not related to my tutorial.

Final test is to create a very small EasyBoot file. You should easily get down to less than 3 Mb in size. In this way you may have luck to inject file on to one “contiguous disk area”, due to the fact, that parts of your device seems not to have a “contiguous disk area” :( .

Or bye a little cheap one. I can easily get 2Gb from a store for about less than 10 Euro.  

regards heureka

Edited by heureka on Sep. 12 2008,09:42

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PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 12 2008,11:16 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

yeah..nothing much can be done. I even tried another USB thumbdrive and same problem. So, I am not even sure which thumbdrive to buy now.
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