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Topic: Run EasyBoot from USB with a breeze, Problems earlier mentioned in forum solv< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
 Post Number: 1

PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 07 2008,17:13  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Edited by heureka

Gentlemen (and ladies not to forget) – I have now solved problems earlier mentioned in forum :;):

Basic tutorial to make it run from USB device (USB stick as example):;f=1;t=2472

Is anybody interested ???

I can now run (boot) EasyBoot from USB device (with a USB-stick for example) and get that nice EasyBoot menu. And from that menu I’m capable to start following (UPDATED!!! Note: You can use several applications of Reatogo or BartPE or Winbuilder at same time – the same to WinternalERD - but best result is to not hex edit WinternalERD, use it as it is (to avoid broken setupldr.bin):

1. Reatogo (several application if you want)
2. BartPE (several application if you want)
3. Winbuilder LiveXP (several application if you want)
4. Winternal ERD (use one to avoid broken setupldr.bin=no hex edit)
5. And further more use floppy images as usual - well basically no limits so far what I have found out - except some odd images (old ones). Note: Acronis products works well!
6. Start installation of WindowsXP. Probably the same to Vista (haven’t tested. I’m not any fan of Vista)

Regards from heureka to every EasyBoot user out there :D

Edited by balder on May 09 2010,14:23

 Post Number: 2
jerryboot Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 28 2008,11:36 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

i have a dvd multiboot which include bartpe, hiren's boot, acronis, erd commander, true image, ubuntu...

the dvd works perfectly!
i try to put it in a usb following the tutorial, and it works but is almost useles...
the grub loader boots and i enter the menu but only few application works...

true image works
bartpe doesnt load
linux returns an error at early stage of booting..
erd doesnt load
hirens loads the menu but then most of teh application get stucked at the oint when they search for cd and usb drivers...

why so? i thought it should be exactly the same on usb or dvd...

might depend on that particular usb device? should i try with another one?
i formatted ntfs as suggested, should i try fat 32? (i cannot fat 16 because the iso is too big)

thanks a lot anyway very clear tutorial...

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 Post Number: 3

PostIcon Posted on: Oct. 02 2008,13:19 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To jerryboot

Sorry for the delay been travelling

Quote: “why so? i thought it should be exactly the same on usb or dvd...”
It’s not at all exactly the same
 You have to copy i386 folder to usb device and rename folder to ‘minint’ (no quotes). For BartPE you also need to copy “programs folder” to usb device (but do not rename this – use it as it is).  

ATTENTION!  Deactivate floppy unit (if present) in BIOS. Set BIOS to NOT use any floppy at all= that means, literally deactivate function to floppy unit. We need to do this; otherwise explorer in BartPE/Reatogo/Winternal-ERD hooks up, when started from EasyBoot.
I have noticed that more and more computers for sale don’t have any floppy at all as standard. Conclusion: Forget your floppy and “think” USB.

Follow my instructions here (example bartpe) most parts originally from this tutorial:;f=1;t=2480

1. Copy folder i386 (and folder holding programs related to bartpe built) TO USB DEVICE. You don’t need ident files win51ip etc.
2. When finished copying folder i386 to usb device, rename folder i386 on USB device to  minint  
3. Open menu.lst in folder workbench (use notepad) and delete all text and instead inject this text:  

timeout 0

title  Loading bartpe
root (hd0,0)
chainloader /minint/setupldr.bin

Save changes in  menu.lst  
Open base.ima in folder workbench and inject your edited menu.lst  Choose to “Save as’ to disk1\ezboot folder with name: bartpe.ima   Use command in EasyBoot as usual:  run bartpe.ima   This starts bartpe from your USB device.

Run minint folder (originally bartpe-folder i386) to se if it works. Then follow this guide on how to hexedit this ‘minint’ folder to reserve name ‘minint’ to ERD-commander:

Attention! I repeat! Always run and fully test your minint (BartPE) from USB device BEFORE hexedit! (changing name on folder minint). This is necessary due to ‘set’ some stuff inside minint folder. When done go for hexedit, changing name to minint.

To hexedit BartPE THAT YOU ALREADY have run/tested  as ‘minint’ on USB device and is fully working.

Start EasyBoot choose Tools>>’Replace Text
’  Browse to folder ‘minint’ on USB device and find setupldr.bin In ‘Text to find’ you insert ‘minint’ (no quotes) and in ‘Replace with’ you insert ‘bartpe’ (no quotes and note 6 letters only) push ‘Replace’. At least 3 places of text should be changed. Continue and find txtsetup.sif in same folder, use same text as above and push ‘Replace’ One place of text should be changed.
Browse to minint\system32 and find ‘ntoskrnl.exe’ In ‘Text to find’ you insert ‘MININT’ (no quotes and use caps this time) and in ‘Replace with’ you insert ‘BARTPE’ (no quotes and use caps this time and 6 letters only) push ‘Replace’. One place of text should be changed. Continue and find ‘ntkrnlmp.exe’ in same folder, use same text (caps and 6 letters only) and push ‘Replace’. One place of text should be changed.
Finally change name on minint folder to bartpe (note only 6 letters). Done!
You now have to change path in menu.lst  in ‘bartpe.ima’. Change path from:

timeout 0

title  Loading bartpe
root (hd0,0)
chainloader /minint/setupldr.bin

to this:

timeout 0

title  Loading bartpe
root (hd0,0)
chainloader /bartpe/setupldr.bin

It’s this path that has been changed: “chainloader /bartpe/setupldr.bin”  insert this changed ‘menu.lst’ to bartpe.ima, replacing menu.lst to make sure path is the right one.

It’s the same procedure to Reatogo. Attention, you always have to reduce name to 6 letters.  Due to the fact that Reatogo=7 letters you have to reduce name to 6 letters (it must be same length as in ‘minint’ = 6 letters). You may use any name you like, but keep it 6 letters in length (reatog for example or ‘livexp’ or whatever).
But again (I must repeat), always do a full run (booting from USB device) and run every ‘minint’-system (Reatogo, BartPE, or whatever) to make sure it’s working properly, and then you can go for hexedit. The last one to be copied to usb device is ERD commander, due to the fact that ERD commander is a bad candidate to hexedit. That’s why we need to save name ‘minint’ to ERD commander.
ERD commander:
1. Copy folder i386 to USB device. You don’t need ident files win51ip etc.
2. Rename folder i386 on USB device to  minint  
3. Open menu.lst in folder workbench (use notepad) and delete all text and instead inject this text:  

timeout 0

title  Loading erd
root (hd0,0)
chainloader /minint/setupldr.bin

Save changes in  menu.lst  
Open base.ima in folder workbench and inject your edited menu.lst  Choose to “Save as’ to disk1\ezboot folder with name: erd.ima   Use command in EasyBoot as usual:  run erd.ima   This starts erd from your USB device.

About Linux:
“linux returns an error at early stage of booting”
Yes I know about this. It needs a true expert on linux. Witch I’m not. Note: I have tested starting linux applications directly from USB>grub and that seems to work, but when I do the same using an image with grub loader from EasyBoot I also get: “linux returns an error at early stage of booting..”

Maybe billonius or some other expert on linux could give as a helping hand?

Regards heureka

Edited by heureka on Oct. 02 2008,14:03

 Post Number: 4
tiyar Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Apr. 25 2010,10:50 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

I try more tu
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