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Topic: Boot UBCD4Windows from USB Flash using EasyBoot, create USB Flash booting UBCD4Win< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
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PostIcon Posted on: Oct. 23 2008,05:14  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Hi all, i burnt UBCD4Win 3.20 ( onto DVD  i  used its boot sector "BootImage.img", it worked perfectly and then created ISO file. Then i used UltraISO to write disk image to my 8GB Flash (Pretec). When it booted from my Flash it gave error message: File \$WIN_NT$.~BT\biosinfo.inf could not be loaded. The error code is 18. Setup cannot continue. Press any key to exit.
I tried to use Flash Boot ( but i gave me error: Error: Specified CD-ROM disk or image file is neither ISOLinux-based nor floppy emulation mode bootable CD-ROM; thus it cannot be converted
I suppose there musn't be kind of emualtion "no emulation mode" for this bootable DVD. Is there any chance to use EasyBoot to create bootable flash  with this ISO?
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PostIcon Posted on: Oct. 23 2008,07:11 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


Some notes

1. Folder i386 is ‘hard coded’
2. You can run (start) UBCD4Win from USB device using ‘minint’ approach.

Here is my solution for you:
1. Download my script with script engine included from here:;f=1;t=2576
2. Set script to use internal ISO. Then run script and take specially attention to: "Set number of connected hard disks, don’t count partitions or USB device! "
3. Copy every file and folder from inside of UBCD4Win\BartPE to USB device (this take plenty of time).
4. When finished, rename folder i386 on USB device to ‘minint’ (no quotes). Read here:;f=1;t=2480 Credits to heureka for this!
5. Reboot and set BIOS to boot from USB device and then choose ‘ERD Commander’ in menu. Your UBCD4Win built starts (this take at least 2 minutes and everything is constantly loaded from ‘minint’ folder). It’s a bit slow but works well (we are talking about USB not CD/DVD). If you have BIOS with ‘high speed support’ in ‘DOS’ it runs very fast, but that’s only for the ‘lucky ones’ that have this new facility supported in BIOS/hardware.

The future is already here!

Best wishes from balder

Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE
Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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PostIcon Posted on: Oct. 23 2008,12:30 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

HI Balder, many thanks for your help, but i am begginer for working with your scrript so i have a few questions:
1. Download my script with script engine included from here:;f=1;t=2576

I downloaded, then extracted and then run Winbuilder.exe
2. Set script to use internal ISO. Then run script and take specially attention to: "Set number of connected hard disks, don’t count partitions or USB device! "

After run WinBuilder.exe i could just find BartPECore in the list of many items with projects  so i downloaded it (see attachment), it was saved into the project folder next to WinBuilder.exe  Where is possible to Set script to use internal ISO and then run script? Thank you very much in advance. Martin

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PostIcon Posted on: Oct. 23 2008,12:42 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Hello again

Delete your download and extracted folder.
Do a new download (and extract) and finally read instructions here:

The future is already here!

Best wishes from balder

Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE
Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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PostIcon Posted on: Oct. 24 2008,10:46 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Hi Balder, i got everything you said and studied your instructions, i have almost done it, but because i am new in using EasyBoot, it shoud continue from this point: "Use command in EasyBoot as usual:  run reatogo.ima   This starts Reatogo from your USB device."
I understand that if did all needed modifications with base.ima etc and replaced "Reatogo" for "bartpe" and saved bartpe.ima to folder C:\EasyBoot\disk1disk that command should be "run bartpe.ima"
Bur my question is what should i do next. Should i press "make iso" and then copy it somewhere and should i make any changes of the items like boot image, file dir etc. (see attached print screen) ?   I apologies but i have never user EasyBoot before. Thanks Martin

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PostIcon Posted on: Oct. 24 2008,11:15 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Hi Balder, i got everything you said and studied your instructions, i have almost done it, but because i am new in using EasyBoot, it shoud continue from this point: "Use command in EasyBoot as usual:  run reatogo.ima   This starts Reatogo from your USB device."
I understand that if did all needed modifications with base.ima etc and replaced "Reatogo" for "bartpe" and saved bartpe.ima to folder C:\EasyBoot\disk1disk that command should be "run bartpe.ima"
Bur my question is what should i do next. Should i press "make iso" and then copy it somewhere and should i make any changes of the items like boot image, file dir etc. (see attached print screen) ?   I apologies but i have never user EasyBoot before. Thanks Martin

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 Post Number: 7
balder Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Oct. 24 2008,11:58 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Hi martin

Really nice to hear from you.

You must save floppy images to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot  
ezboot folder are repository for floppy images and other start-up files like ***.bin files  or ***.bif files  or ***.ima  or ***.img etcetera.

So save your modified floppy image (bartpe.ima) to ezboot folder and use command ‘run bartpe.ima’ (no quotes).

If you open (extract ezboot folder) in my Internal ISO file that comes with my script, you can notice that I use this command:
‘run /ezboot/usbload/startxp.ima’ this is related to that I have put my ‘USB commands: (floppy images related to what I call USB commands) in a separate folder (usbload), like this; disk1\ezboot\usbload and I have another folder for my ‘format’ menu (submenu), like this; disk1\ezboot\format and inside this folder I have floppy images related to submenu ‘format’. I have a third folder as well ('images' for special floppy images) disk1\ezboot\images.

Run command to start ghost as example is this:
‘run /ezboot/format/ghost.ima’. You don’t need to use this approach; I use it to have a ‘clean’ ezboot folder. You may put every floppy image as usual in ezboot folder at this point.

And yes you should/must creates a new ISO. You can then run my script and choose option: ‘Use your own external ISO file’. Script then automatically fixes everything for you. Please read my updated help file one more time:

The future is already here!

Best wishes from balder

Edited by balder on Oct. 24 2008,12:35

Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE
Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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 Post Number: 8 Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Oct. 31 2008,11:56 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Thanks Balder, is it neccesary to edit menu.lst as per;f=1;t=2480 like this
timeout 0
title  Loading Reatogo
root (hd0,0)
chainloader /minint/setupldr.bin
if i just want to load UBCD4Win and not other software e.g. ERD Commander, Acronis.., Paragon...?
Is it possible to leave I386 folder without renaming
and edit menu.lst like as below?
timeout 0
title  Loading Reatogo
root (hd0,0)
chainloader /I389/SETUPLDR.BIN
(i think it is case sensitive) Instead Reatogo i would write WinXP (LiveCD)
Thank you very much
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 Post Number: 9
balder Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Oct. 31 2008,14:03 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


You must use "minint" approach if starting ubcdwin from USB device.
However, you can later hexedit "minint" (change name on folder from "minint" to reatog (or any name), but only use 6-letters.
You cannot use "reatogo" (7-letters name doesn't work) but "reatog" works fine.
Several more files need to be hexedit.

Examples on names:

Or mixed names like this: live88  or whatever.

ATTENTION! You cannot (or not recommended) use WinXP-sp3 as source when building BartPe (including UBCD4Win witch uses BartPe approach).
If possible first choose WinXP-sp2 as source and as second choice use server-2003

The future is already here!

Best wishes from balder

Edited by balder on Nov. 01 2008,18:27

Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE
Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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 Post Number: 10
balder Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 01 2008,18:28 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

***** TUTORIAL to change name to minint *****

Tutorial for hexedit Reatogo to different name (change from minint to ******) on USB device. In this way you reserve name ‘minint’ to Winternal-ERD witch is NOT recommended to hexedit at all.

Attention! Always run and fully test your minint - Reatogo or BartPE or Winbuilder-LiveXP from USB device - BEFORE hexedit! (changing name to folder minint). This is necessary due to ‘set’ some stuff inside minint folder. When done go for hexedit, changing name to minint.

Example (reatogo) - hexedit Reatogo that you already have run/tested as ‘minint’ on USB device and is fully working.

Start EasyBoot choose “Tools>>Replace Text
”  Browse to folder ‘minint’ on USB device and find setupldr.bin
In ‘Text to find’ you insert ‘minint’ (no quotes) and in ‘Replace with’ you insert ‘reatog’ (no quotes and note 6 letters only) push ‘Replace’. At least 3 places of text should be changed. Continue and find txtsetup.sif in same folder, use same text as above and push ‘Replace’ One place of text should be changed.
Browse to minint\system32 and find ‘ntoskrnl.exe’ In ‘Text to find’ you insert ‘MININT’ (no quotes and use caps this time) and in ‘Replace with’ you insert ‘REATOG’ (no quotes and use caps this time and 6 letters only) push ‘Replace’. One place of text should be changed. Continue and find ‘ntkrnlmp.exe’ in same folder, use same text (caps and 6 letters only) and push ‘Replace’. One place of text should be changed.
Finally, change name on current minint folder to reatog (note only 6 letters). Done!

It’s the same procedure to BartPE. Attention, you always have to reduce name to 6 letters.  Reatogo=7 letters not working (it must be same length as in ‘minint’ = 6 letters). You may use any name you like, but keep it 6 letters in length (reatog for example or ‘livexp’ or whatever).
But again (I must repeat), always do a full run (booting from USB device) and run every ‘minint’-system (Reatogo, BartPE, or whatever) to make sure it’s working properly, and then you can go for hexedit (change name from minint to whatever 6-letters name).

Final note: When copying files to USB device, always wait at least 30-60 sec extra (even if it looks in explorer that copying is finished) before restarting computer or pulling out USB device. When using NTFS file system on USB there is a kind of delay before USB device is finished.

Updated help here

The future is already here!

Best wishes from balder

Edited by balder on Nov. 02 2008,03:12

Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE
Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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