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Topic: gosh way ??, help for server 2003< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
 Post Number: 1
apollo13 Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 04 2009,05:34  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


i need some help to include a server 2003 installation on a easy boot dvd. I've heard from a "gosh way", but all links to get this infomation are doesn't work. If i try to include the server 2003 by traditional way, i see the error "CDBOOT: Couldn't find NTLDR".
The XP Client on the DVD works fine, but the server 2003 makes me crazy!!
Is there anybody who can explain exactly "gosh way"?

thanks a lot for your help
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 Post Number: 2
balder Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 06 2009,16:37 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


Welcome to this forum

If i try to include the server 2003 by traditional way, i see the error "CDBOOT: Couldn't find NTLDR".
I’m a little bit confused ???  what you mean with “traditional way”.
Do you mean use folder i386 as it is (not change name and not hex editing files), or change name to folder i386 followed by hex editing of boot file and setupldr.bin


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 Post Number: 3
apollo13 Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 07 2009,03:40 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

hello balder,

thanks for your fast response.

My approach is the same as in the easy boot help desribed under:
"Create Nin1 bootable CD/DVD with multiple Windows NT/2000/XP"

[B]2. Adding Windows 2000(Pro/Server/Advanced Server)

Here is a step by step instruction for adding Windows 2000 (English version):
1) Make a folder named 'en2k' under 'c:\easyboot\disk1'
2) copy cdrom_nt.5 (from root directory of original CD) to C:\EasyBoot\disk1
for Windows 2000 Professional, copy cdrom_ip.5 to C:\EasyBoot\disk1
for Windows 2000 Server, copy cdrom_is.5 to C:\EasyBoot\disk1
for Windows 2000 Advanced Server, copy cdrom_ia.5 to C:\EasyBoot\disk1
3) Copy I386 folder to 'c:\easyboot\disk1\en2k'
4) Copy w2k.bat from 'c:\easyboot\resource' to 'c:\easyboot\disk1\en2k', and run it there
5) Copy w2ksect.bin in 'c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot' to a new file en2k.bin
6) Start EasyBoot, click 'Tools'->'Replace Text', browse file 'c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot\en2k.bin', and specify 'I386' as "Text to Replace", 'en2k' as "Replace to", then click 'Replace', 1 occurence should be replaced
7) Do step 6 to 'c:\easyboot\disk1\en2k\setupldr.bin', and replace 'i386' to 'en2k', 4 occurences should be replaced
8) Open 'c:\easyboot\disk1\en2k\txtsetup.sif' by NotePad (or UltraEdit), search for 'SetupSourcePath', and change [SetupSourcePath = "\"] to [SetupSourcePath = "\en2k"] (not include [])
9) Set the menu item's command as 'run en2k.bin'
10) Save menu file

     3. Adding Windows 2003

     The above method applies to Windows 2003 Server as well, and a w2003.bat is available in c:\easyboot\resource

The first difference to this method is that i use the following files for server 2003 under the second point:


The second difference is that i have 5 occurences under point 7.

waiting for a helpful answer  :D
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 Post Number: 4
balder Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 07 2009,03:58 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


Quote: “The above method applies to Windows 2003 Server as well” Yes but creating problem according to setupldr.bin. You cannot hex this file in server-2003_sp1 as it gets corrupted. You have to patch setupldr.bin in server-2003 before hex edit.

Read post-9 here how to patch this file.

Note1: the available w2003.bat may work for server-2003 but I’m unsure if it works for server-2003_sp1 (but most likely).
Note2: this w2003.bat works for English version and probably not for different languages

Regards balder

Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE
Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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 Post Number: 5
apollo13 Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 07 2009,05:38 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Hello balder,

thank you for your answer, but the problem is that I want to add two Windows 2003 Server Editions (German & English) to the multiboot DVD.

So if we copy the i386 folder (and the needed unattended folders) we are not able to integrate another edition of server 2003.

Isn't it possible - as it is for Windows XP - to put the i386 folders of the server version in a seperate folder e.g. 2k3d and 2k3e (German, Engish) beneath the disk1 folder?

Do you know why EZB Systems doesn't provide a "out of the box" solution for W2K3?

Thanks a lot for your support.

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 Post Number: 6
balder Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 07 2009,10:41 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


Quote: ”Do you know why EZB Systems doesn't provide a "out of the box" solution for W2K3?” Well it does if we are speaking about English version.

Note: I do have a solution (script that runs using winbuilder as script-engine). This script should support NT-based systems such as win-2000, win-XP (all versions), server-2003 (all versions). Only problem is that this script is not located on this computer I use here. It’s located on a different computer. I have so much to do for the moment (time is my enemy). I’ll se if I can get it up on my website late tomorrow evening, or perhaps late this evening (no promises about that last thing :;): ).

For the moment, you can use my solution for the English version (patch setupldr.bin) and give folder i386 different name and use your German version as it is. That will say, keep folder name i386 intact on the root (disk1).

regards balder

Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE
Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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 Post Number: 7
balder Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 07 2009,18:30 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE


My website is updated :cool:
Note: you have to download “startkit” followed by downloading “”. It’s this script that you have been asking for (I hope so). Please read instructions how to use script.
I have not tested this script with server-2003. Script can most likely only run in winXP.

It’s very important that you create a “Local source” (copy CD to some temporary folder on your harddisk) – I repeat, read help in script!!! And do not interrupt script/installation procedure, let it run until it’s finished with “it’s things” (takes a couple of minutes).

You were asking for link to gosh :;):  Well press help button and see for your self.

Make sure you understand the need to make a copy of boot.ini (resides hided on the root of [C:]). It’s possible that script fails to copy original boot.ini file back to the root. If this is the case, you have to manually force an overwriting of this write-protected file using your copy (original one) of this file. Read instructions carefully (in gosh tutorial as well).

Create backup of sensitive data and your system before you rush away ???

You find my website with links below here :)

take care

Edited by balder on Sep. 10 2009,01:49

Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE
Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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