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Posted on: Oct. 23 2009,23:22 |
hello, first of all, excuse me for my English, I'm using Google Translate because my English is ugly (I'm from Argentina).
I tell them my problem is that today I did my first bootable DVD with menu and all that:

but when I choose any of the options from 1 through 5 tells me file not found or something I would like to tell me how I can do to make the dvd work with these options (the 4 is a BartPE) i just read almost all the threads I thought I could help, but none really helped me.
Post Number: 2

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Posted on: Oct. 24 2009,03:30 |
Welcome to this forum cachoafull
Let’s start with the easy one and that is number one [1]. I guess this is setup WinXP-sp3. Correct?
Copy everything from your WinXP-sp3-CD (or from ISO) to EasyBoot\disk1 Use command: run W2ksect.bin  in easyboot menu. This launch setup of WinXP-sp3.
Let’s leave [2] and [3] for the moment and jump to [4]. This is bartpe you wrote. I’m curios what name to folder do you use to bartpe  You already have folder i386 (WinXP-sp3) in use?
You have to hexedit and change name to folder i386 in bartpe. To make it easier I have developed a script that takes care of this, scroll down to “Welcome to my website”. Download startkit followed by downloading EasyBoot-live.zip. It’s this EasyBoot-live -script you need. Everything is done in script. You even get a new “W2ksect.bin” in place in folder ezboot. Just follow instruction in script (tip, press help button in script before you go ahead).
Note: In EasyBoot-live-script you have option to test created ISO-file. No need to burn ISO to CD/DVD Â
To get hiren-9.3 up and run try this: 1. extract the contents of hirens boot cd (or ISO-file) to eazyboot\disk1) 2. extract the bootsector of hirens boot cd (1.44mb exactly) I use UltraIso for this 3. use a name for the extracted bootsector such as "hiren.ima" or "hiren.bif" 4. drop bootsector (hiren.ima or hiren.bif) to easyboot\disk1\ezboot 5. in easyboot menu, write the command:  run hiren.ima  or  run hiren.bif 6. Create ISO and test it in virtual machine.
Note: I’m unsure if bcdw command fully can run version 9.3 but above works for sure.
I do not have ubuntu live or fluxbuntu on my harddisk  We have to look into this later. Try to solve setup WinXP and bartpe as first step.
Edited by balder on Oct. 24 2009,06:42
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Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Oct. 24 2009,14:27 |
the I386 folder on the BartPE had named BART (recommended it to me another person who made a bootable DVD) when testing of then, I will post. thanks a lot balder!
Post Number: 4

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Posted on: Oct. 24 2009,15:44 |
YES! now run those three, for the Linux distros I read LINUX 4 NEWBIES tutorial but only understood that they are bad distros and end more confused than he had begun.
Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Oct. 24 2009,16:49 |
@ cachoafull
Quote: “YES! now run those three” excellent done cachoafull” Quote: “and end more confused than he had begun” Yes I agree with that statement. Linux-distros is a pain in the *** to launch
I really do not have a simple solution but you can always try one of this linux distros. Try this (Live cd ubuntu 9.04). 1. Extract all contents of ubuntu ISO-file to EasyBoot\disk1 2. Extract bootsector from ubuntu ISO (I use UltraIso for this) 3. Save extracted boot file to folder ezboot with name ubuntu.bif 4. Use command in easyboot menu: Â bootinfotable;run ubuntu.bif
I was presented a menu but when continue from there ended after while with “End of trace”. I don’t know if there is something wrong with my ISO or if this is a problem that I cannot solve
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Post Number: 6

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Posted on: Oct. 24 2009,20:33 |
Ubuntu 9.04 now also works, just be wanting to know how to add more of an OS based on Ubuntu.
Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Oct. 25 2009,05:44 |
Quote: ” Ubuntu 9.04 now also works” Great
Did you use my tutorial in post5  If so, test this: 1. Download premade floppy image (grub based) from here 2. Extract floppy image from zip-file and put image in folder ezboot. 3. Create menu with command:  run ubuntu.ima 4. Make a copy of ubuntu ISO and put this copy to easyboot\disk1 and in same time rename ISO-file to exactly ubuntu.iso 5. When creating ISO in EasyBoot check “Allow lower case”
Test and report back if ISO can boot directly with this grub floppy image. If it is possible for you to launch ISO this way, well then there is no limits to what you can do as you do not need anything else but the ISO it self
Note1: setup winxp fails most likely at this point but this can be fixed later. Focus on solution above to se if we can get ubuntu running this way. Note2: You can open ubuntu.ima and extract text file menu.lst and modify boot commands (notepad works fine) to se if you directly can launch ubuntu.iso. Read more here
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Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Oct. 25 2009,11:26 |
Thank you! I tried it and it works. Now I try editing the menu.lst to boot the ISO image of Fluxbuntu, besides that I changed the language because it boot in Chinese xD!
Post Number: 9

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Posted on: Oct. 25 2009,12:34 |
Quote: ”I tried it and it works. Besides that I changed the language because it boot in Chinese xD!” Sorry I didn’t fully look into command lines Anyway it’s great you have come so far so quickly. But as you checked “Allow lower case” to make grub image to work when creating ISO, I guess you have problems with launching bartpe and setup WinXP  You most likely get something like “ntldr is not found…” or similar when trying to launch this two ones.
Hopefully this problem can be solved using my script “EasyBoot-uppercase.zip”. Script run uppercase/lowercase to every file and folder. You have to download “start-kit” (look for “Welcome to my website” below) followed by downloading “EasyBoot-uppercase.zip”. Run uppercase to everything in folder disk1 in easyboot. This makes every folder and file to have CAPS in letters (including folder ezboot now changed to EZBOOT)
Note: It’s possible you have to manually write lowercase to ubuntu.iso-name in folder disk1 that will say from UBUNTU.ISO to ubuntu.iso for example. But try first and only run uppercase and check “Allow lower case” when creating ISO to find out if it works anyway (launching bartpe and setup WinXP and ubuntu.iso etcetera).
I must say I’m both impressed and curios if you (with a tiny little help from me) can sort this out. He, he we are partly breaking “old rules” when you launch ISO-files this way directly in easyboot  Indeed very interesting
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Post Number: 10

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Posted on: Oct. 25 2009,13:37 |
I just try the BartPE and it works perfectly, now I'm trying to install XP to assure proper operation 
EDIT: XP also works!
Damn Google Translate, things never translates as I want. I think right now I'm done with my DVD, because I can not think that I can add more. Many thank you very much balder.
Edited by cachoafull on Oct. 25 2009,14:14