Post Number: 1

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Posted on: Jun. 29 2010,09:43 |
Hi to all in this Forum
First of all wanted to thank this website (this forum) and a special thanks to Balder for his winbuilder scripts and all the inputs which has made it possible to achieve a Multiboot DVD in such a easy manner.
I have wanted to make a Multiboot DVD comprising of (01) WIN XP PRO SP3 32 bit (done) (ultraiso extract contents and save image file, COMMAND: run winxp.bif)
(02) WIN 7 32 bit AIO (done) (ultraiso extract contents and save image file, COMMAND: run win7.bif)
(03) UBUNTU 10.04 (done) (ultraiso extract contents and save image file, COMMAND: bootinfotable;run ubuntu.bif)
(04) ACRONIS RESCUE MEDIA BUILDER (done) ultraiso extract contents and save image file, COMMAND: bootinfotable;run acronis.bif)
(05) ACTIVEBOOT DISK (done) (ultraiso extract contents and save image file, COMMAND: run bootdsk.bif)
(06) ERD 5.0 (x86) WinXP SP3 (done) (Use Winbuilder EASYBOOT-LIVE script)
(07) HIREN BOOTCD (done) (Use Winbuilder EASYBOOT-ISO script where there is a button for Hiren. Allow Lowercase is Ticked while making ISO))
Now for the ISSUE AT HAND
(08) ERD 6.5 (X86) Win 7 First Case (Used Winbuilder EASYBOOT-ISO script and didnt "Tick" Run ISO from RAM) Second Case (Used Winbuilder EASYBOOT-ISO script and Ticked Run ISO from RAM) Whichever case i use for ERD 6.5 (X86) Win 7, the ISO which is made works properly on a VMWare but DOES NOT work on Real environment (meaning when i burn on a DVD-RW) and try it on a real environment. In VMWare i have two virtual machines (1)WIN XP PRO SP3 32 bit (2)WIN 7 32 bit AIO On both the virtual machines ERD 6.5 works (in xp maybe some functions are disabled but it still works, yes i know that ERD 6.5 is for a Win 7 environment but it works) On the real environment of mine i have only WINXP PRO SP3 installed and the multiboot DVD doesnt work for ERD 6.5. It should have atleast loaded the windows files and reached some stage before quitting bcos it is a win xp environment (though in vmware it works in xp environment for ERD 6.5). So i dont think the problem is with ERD 6.5 on Win XP environment. Something is wrong in what i m doing when i integrate ERD 6.5 via easyboot.
In real environment i get "UNEXPECTED EDITING ERROR". Restart your PC. This is happening for UBCD411.iso also. The same as in ERD 6.5 (same error for UBCD). In UBCD I Ticked Run ISO from RAM. And if i try this same DVD-RW on virtual pc it works for ERD6.5 & UBCD also.
Could anyone help me solve this.....have been trying for a longtime with no success Thanks in advance. Phew what a big post....but the problem is unusual.
Post Number: 2

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Posted on: Jun. 29 2010,14:38 |
As this seems to be you first post in this forum – I say welcome @fms
Quote: ”but the problem is unusual” Well – it’s not that unusual – it pops up from time to time – but mostly related to Laptop-computers Anyway… Thanks for a nice feedback
If I understand you right – you use Easyboot-menu to launch ERD 6.5.iso and the same to UBCD411.iso. You used command recommended by script “memdisk UBCD411.img.gz” as example. When starting ISO you get error message
Test this: 1. In folder ezboot, extract floppy-image from compressed floppy-file (***.img.gz) – extract to folder ezboot 2. Change menu command in Easyboot menu to:  run ***.img 3. Make sure you check “Allow lower case” when creating ISO in EasyBoot. So basically what you do is to extract compressed floppy-image to folder ezboot and change menu command in EasyBoot – followed by check “Allow lower case” when creating ISO.
Note: Take attention to that when launching ISO this way and from CD/DVD, grub (used in floppy-image) is case sensitive. Make sure that name on ISO-file(s) is exactly the same as in floppy-image (text file menu.lst in floppy-image)
Note2: Grub is not case sensitiv when used from USB Â
Edited by balder on Jun. 29 2010,14:46
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Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Jun. 29 2010,17:43 |
Hi Balder Thanxs for the quick reply, which i knew you would give.
Will try and get back to you with the results.
Basically r u saying that once i extract the ERD6.IMG.GZ to ERD6.img, i delete the ERD6.IMG.GZ from EZBOOT folder and keep the ERD6.img in the EZboot folder. Check that the name of the file in the C:\EasyBoot\Disk1\ISO folder is ERD6.ISO Also open ERD6.img (which is inside EZBOOT folder) with WINImage program , extract the menu.lst, check if the name of the ISO file (ERD6.ISO) matches with the name mentioned inside the menu.lst. And if so inject the file back into ERD6.img and save this ERD6.img in EZBOOT folder and than use the command run ERD6.img in EasyBoot menu. And “Allow lower case” when creating ISO.
This was what i found inside the text file menu.lst in floppy-image
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ISO/ERD6.ISO map /ISO/ERD6.ISO (hd32) map --hook chainloader (hd32) boot
So i think the name inside the menu.lst matches with the ISO file name( ERD6.ISO) in C:\EasyBoot\Disk1\ISO folder
Will do the rest and get back to you.
Post Number: 4

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Posted on: Jun. 29 2010,21:27 |
Dear Friend just thought of informing the initial result of the test, after following your procedure......it worked fine. Was able to boot ERD 6.5 from a DVD-RW under real PC environment (in a WINXP installed system).
Just will try integrating ERD 6.5 into my rest of the multiboot DVD and check out that there are no conflicting  issues and will get back (there shouldn't be).
Tried the same procedure of extracting the ubcd.img from UBCD.img.gz in UBCD411 like in ERD 6.5 and using the run ubcd.img and it worked perfect thanxs to your useful input. As an after thought would like to inform that while using the EasyBoot ISO script for UBCD411, i tried it both the ways by Tick marking and without Tick Marking "Run ISO From RAM" and both the ways worked under real PC environment. Meaning in my PC environment i do not have to Tick the "Run ISO From RAM" in UBCD411, it works without it and loads faster than when you try to load from RAM.
Also i would like to know if possible one more thing.... It so happens that after putting (1)WINXP PRO SP3 (2)WIN7 AIO (3)UBUNTU (4)ACRONIS (5)ACTIVE BOOT DISK (6)ERD 5 (7)ERD 6.5 (8)HIREN BOOT CD
Even after optimizing (Tick Mark optimize) when making the ISO the size of the DVD was just exceeding by 1.4MB while trying to burn with Nero. So i deleted the SETUP98.IMG from Ezboot folder. What i wanted to know is if this file SETUP98.IMG is needed for my specific compilation which i have mentioned above. By deleting the SETUP98.IMG file from Ezboot will something not work from the above 8 items which i have put in the Multiboot DVD or is SETUP98.IMG only needed for booting Win98 operating system.
Will get back to you after integrating ERD 6.5 into the rest of the Multiboot DVD.
Thanxs in advance for your guidance.
Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Jun. 29 2010,22:18 |
Dear Balder
THANXS a Ton.....U r a specialist and a genius AIO (all in one).
Integrated the ERD 6.5 into the rest of my multiboot DVD and burnt in on a DVD-RW and everything worked like a charm.
Infact right now m posting this reply from within the Multiboot DVD (using the UBUNTU LIVE CD. Â Not from an installed operating system).
Also i would like to know if possible one more thing.... It so happens that after putting (1)WINXP PRO SP3 (2)WIN7 AIO (3)UBUNTU (4)ACRONIS (5)ACTIVE BOOT DISK (6)ERD 5 (7)ERD 6.5 (8)HIREN BOOT CD
Even after optimizing (Tick Mark optimize) when making the ISO (using Easyboot) Â the size of the DVD was just exceeding by 1.4MB while trying to burn with Nero. So i deleted the SETUP98.IMG from Ezboot folder. What i wanted to know is if this file SETUP98.IMG is needed for my specific compilation which i have mentioned above. By deleting the SETUP98.IMG file from Ezboot will something not work from the above 8 items (say example from within hiren bootcd some program inside or for that matter any other of the above eight items) which i have put in the Multiboot DVD or is SETUP98.IMG only needed for booting Win98 operating system (which i don't have in this compilation of mine)
Sorry for the double query
Thanxs again for all your precise guidance......
Edited by fms on Jun. 29 2010,22:22
Post Number: 6

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Posted on: Jun. 30 2010,02:26 |
Quote: ”U r a specialist and a genius AIO (all in one)” He, he – at this point I blush with shame
Quote: ”By deleting the SETUP98.IMG file from Ezboot will something not work from the above 8 items” No, it has no influence to you build. Note: floppy image SETUP98.IMG is only used to launch setup of Win-98 – which I guess is not used that frequently this days. You can therefore safely delete this floppy image as you have no setup for Win-98 in your build. However - there are more options to reduce size of folder ezboot  When you have saved your menu in EasyBoot (pushed button “Save” in EasyBoot primary window) just before creating ISO – you can remove all BMP-pictures in folder ezboot.
If you have let’s say five BMP-pictures (8-bit colours) you can save 3,937550 MB with space. However you have to put them back next time you open or make changes to your build in EasyBoot.
Note: do not remove “bmp-substitutes” created by EasyBoot - typically: ***.bm1, ***.bm2 etcetera – it’s this ones that are used by the EasyBoot system when you create ISO. The original bmp-files are only used to create the “bmp-substitutes” (“bmp-substitutes” are created when you push the “Save”-button) and can then temporarily be removed to reduce size to folder ezboot. Hmmm…. Not the very best explanation – hope you understand my point and that I haven’t confused you in any way
I’m very impressed by this quick learning of yours It’s an impressing bunch of “tools” etcetera that you have integrated in your build
About the "memdisk"-command: When we launch my “grub-kicker-images” as the are (***.img) using the “run”-command - you must check “Allow lower case” - as grub is case sensitive. But by using “memdisk”-command we can launch a zipped floppy image and we do not need to check “Allow lower case” – however this command can fail on some computers motherboard. He, he - I guess it’s a question about choosing between “pest” and/or “Cholera” Â
My best regards balder
Edited by balder on Jun. 30 2010,03:02
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Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Jun. 30 2010,07:13 |
@Balder QUOTE I’m very impressed by this quick learning of yours Thanks for the compliment.....it's a plus specially when it comes from a knowlegeable person as yourself.
QUOTE Hmmm…. Not the very best explanation – hope you understand my point and that I haven’t confused you in any way Your explanation is precise and clear. I have understood what you are saying and it is very valuable knowledge that you have been sharing
Yes i had seen before the “bmp-substitutes” which are in the Easyboot folder and had been tempted to remove them....which now i realize it would have been a mistake from what u have explained. So in other words the back.bmp can be removed just b4 making the ISO, but should not remove the back.bm1
QUOTE But by using “memdisk”-command we can launch a zipped floppy image and we do not need to check “Allow lower case” Now i have followed the ***.img method, and it is working fine, but just out of curiosity , could it have been that the reason for the ERD6.5 not working before when i was using the command memdisk ERD65.img.gz was because i had Ticked “Allow lower case” which i should not have Ticked in case of zipped floppy image.
Also one more thing i do have only two ***.bmp files in my Ezboot folder (back.bmp, logo.bmp and it comes to 815KB in total). Is there a chance that there can be more ***.bmp files in the Ezboot folder . What I m trying to find out basically is, if a more better looking (presented) multiboot DVD will have more ***.bmp. And since mine maybe be a more basic presentation it has only 2 ***.bmp. And if this is the case if you could point me in that direction.
Thankx once again for all the information Â
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Jun. 30 2010,08:56 |
Quote: ”So in other words the back.bmp can be removed just b4 making the ISO, but should not remove the back.bm1” Yes this is correct
Quote: ”because i had Ticked “Allow lower case” which i should not have Ticked in case of zipped floppy image” No – there is no conflict  There are (in some rare cases) problems with the “memdisk”-command as some motherboards “chipset”, allocates RAM in a way so that “memdisk” comes in conflict with motherboard. However - in some cases we still need to check “Allow lower case” and at same time use the “memdisk”-command. There is no conflict in this.
Quote: ”Is there a chance that there can be more ***.bmp files in the Ezboot foldee” Sure – you can use a lot of different bmp-backgrounds (to different “menus”). You can “jump” to a “sub-menu” and back to “main menu” or jump from a “sub-menu” to another “sub-menu” and back to the “main-menu” Note: you can have up to 36 different menus
Let’s say you start with Default.ezb and use back.bmp (back.bm1) as background. Create a menu command: run format.ezb (format.ezb is used as a “sub-menu” in this example) - press save Now modify your original Default.ezb by changing background (use a different bmp-background) and create a couple of menu commands including: run Default.ezb (to jump back to Default.ezb). Use “Save as” when saving modified menu and use name “format.ezb”. You can now jump from “main-menu” to the “sub-menu” format.ezb and from there back to the “main-menu” Default.ezb Note: Please read also help in easyboot Â
Attention! Script easyboot-iso.script is updated. You can now - as option - check for not using “memdisk”-command in EasyBoot. Please do a new download (replacing folder “WinBuilder_complete”)  My best regards balder
Edited by balder on Jun. 30 2010,14:44
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 9
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