Post Number: 1

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Posted on: Aug. 18 2010,22:08 |
Hey, I want to make a disk that will have Windows XP Pro and an other Windows XPE Pro, XPE is a diagnostic windows that works awesome for techs, is there a way to have both on EXboot?
Post Number: 2

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Posted on: Aug. 19 2010,02:17 |
Quote: “I want to make a disk that will have Windows XP Pro and an other Windows XPE Pro”
If I understand this right…
1. You want to integrate WinXP-PRO into EasyBoot 2. You have another “Windows-XPE” that you also like to integrate into EasyBoot
You now find your self in trouble because these two system both use folder i386 Is this a correct description of your problem?
And now to issue about your “LiveXP-system” (XPE) There are several ways to solve integration of your “LiveXP-system” (XPE) Test this: 1. Check size to setupldr.bin in folder i386 in your “Live-XP-system” 2. If size to setupldr.bin is exactly 260800 byte continue. If size to setupldr.bin is larger in size – skip this tutorial. 3. If size to setupldr.bin is exactly 260800 byte copy folder i386 and “ident-files” (win51 etcetera) and possible “program-folder” of some kind to folder disk1 in EasyBoot. 4. Rename folder i386 to XPEP 5. Create menu in EasyBoot and use menu command:  bcdw /XPEP/setupldr.bin Create ISO.
If you have to skip tutorial above use this one instead! I guess that this “Windows-XPE” is some kind of BartPE or Reatogo build or similar – built using folder i386 (NT-5-system)  This is basically a “Live-XP” of some kind – is this a correct description? If you have it as an ISO-file you can launch ISO as it is using my script easyboot-iso.script. Note: You need to check “Run ISO from RAM” when using script to this ISO as it is a NT-5-system
However if it is a very large “Live-system” it might take some time to launch this way and you need a lot of RAM to successfully run such large system from RAM If this is the case, I recommend you to instead use my script easyboot-live.script to integrate your “Live-system”. Note: you need to extract everything from “Live-ISO” to a folder somewhere and give script path to this folder --------------------------------------------------------- To integrate WinXP-PRO follow tutorial below: 1. Copy (or extract from ISO-file) everything to folder disk1 in EasyBoot 2. Create menu and use menu command in EasyBoot: run W2ksect.bin Check that you have file W2ksect.bin in folder ezboot – it should be there
Edited by balder on Aug. 19 2010,13:03
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Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Aug. 19 2010,02:30 |
Can you tell me which version of windows xpe you want to integrate? I am already created windows xp(service pack 3) and windows xp live boot disk. Plz provide full information about your project.
-------------- Robin Singh
Post Number: 4

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Posted on: Aug. 19 2010,14:13 |
Hello, I already have a "LiveXP-system", and I want to integrate my custom boot, but when check "Run from RAM ISO" and generate the. ISO is emulated by VirtualBox does not work, what's wrong?

tanks ;)
Edited by stenyosullivan on Aug. 19 2010,14:15
Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Aug. 19 2010,14:47 |
Quote: ”ISO is emulated by VirtualBox does not work, what's wrong?”
You didn’t tell what type of ISO we are dealing with – but I guess it’s a ISO based on a NT5-system - with folder i386 inside ISO-file – correct? And you didn't tell what went wrong in your test
In text-box you give ISO the new name “xplive”. 1. You are instructed to use CAPS (BIG LETTERS) to name in text-box in script – like this XPLIVE - Please change to CAPS for ISO name in textbox 2. Why do you check DOS(8:3) when creating ISO? Please uncheck and recreate ISO Note: To check DOS(8:3) is only needed in very rare occasions – what software have you integrated to EasyBoot that needs this strange check of DOS(8:3) when creating ISO
Eeee… Did you solve this problem of yours
Edited by balder on Aug. 19 2010,14:47
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Post Number: 6

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Posted on: Aug. 19 2010,17:45 |
hello, I did as you instructed but it gets to this screen and just freeze, I tried creating the iso unchecking "Run iso from ram" comes to work but before starting the windows blue screen appears, has some advice!?

Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Aug. 19 2010,19:11 |
Quote: ”comes to work but before starting the windows blue screen appears” This is normal if you try to launch ISO based on NT5-system (folder i386) Note: NT5-systems are "hard coded" stuff -----------------------------------------------------
However… Quote: “gets to this screen and just freeze”
If it is a very large ISO you might run out of RAM Let’s say ISO is about 750 MB and your RAM on motherboard is 1 GB – this cannot possible work - or at least generate problem
Take attention to that it can be a very slow process to test in WmWare (or any “virtual” environment) - even if you still have enough with RAM but ISO is very large in size - It can take several minutes before ISO finally responds (finally loaded to RAM) – but from that point it runs very fast (but still not that fast in a virtual test environment as in “Reality”)
How big is this “Live-ISO” And how much RAM do you have in computer
If it is a very large ISO you are dealing with - then test on a ISO that is less in size (ERD-5 or ERD-7 or similar) or reduce this big ISO you are testing with  Use UltraIso and delete program-folder or something to reduce size to ISO (make a copy of ISO and reduce it in size)
Another solution... Please also read post nr: 2 in this tread (scroll up to post nr: 2 above): Read from "There are several ways to solve integration of your “LiveXP-system” (XPE)…" As you can see – use easyboot-Live.script if you having problem with your “RAM-approach”
Edited by balder on Aug. 19 2010,19:39
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Aug. 20 2010,08:41 |
but the funny thing is that when I run only the iso xp live-in virtual machine it runs normally with only 256mb of ram, after which integrates with the multiboot iso or with 1gb of ram in the virtual machine it does not rotate, this iso-xp I downloaded live on the internet, have any advice? 
* If the only way is to reduce the size of the iso, how do? * My pc has 2gb ram
Edited by stenyosullivan on Aug. 20 2010,08:41
Post Number: 9

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Posted on: Aug. 20 2010,09:31 |
Quote: ”but the funny thing is that when I run only the iso xp live-in virtual machine it runs normally with only 256mb of ram”
You mean that you launch ISO (but not from EasyBoot menu) but in Virtual way with only 256 MB RAM? In this case you do not it from RAM (integrated using my script easyboot-iso.script) You basically launch ISO in original shape (the “old” fashion way) – correct? And not launched from RAM as my script provides - correct?
Again I’ll ask you: How big is this ISO-file (XP-Live.ISO) It’s important that I get the size of this LiveXP-ISO
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Post Number: 10

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Posted on: Aug. 20 2010,11:24 |
You mean that you launch ISO (but not from EasyBoot menu) but in Virtual way with only 256 MB RAM? yes.. but he stuck with EasyBoot
So running XPLIVE.ISO the virtual machine with 256 ram it works normally, but when I am one with EasyBoot XPLIVE.ISO iso.script checking "Run ISO from RAM" or not, it freezes when running in virtual machine even with 1gb of ram and if no "Run ISO from RAM" blue screen appears Any advice?