
Group: Members
Posts: 153
Joined: Apr. 2009
Posted on: Jun. 14 2009,09:29 |
======================================= Â ERD Commander 2005 ISO by EasyBoot ======================================= Hi
if you try to run ERD Commander 2005 ISO by EasyBoot without any changes, you will get errors below: ----------------------------------------------- File ERDC.ISO Could not be loaded. The error code is 16
Setup cannot any key to exit. ------------------------------------------------
you should first decreas size of erd commander iso,then do as i will explain.
ERDC2005.ISO that i have was "482 MB",i needed to decrease this size to be able to run that by EasyBoot,so let's go through steps i did as below:
1.Open ERDC2005.ISO by UltaISO and delete directories below from programs directory of iso (Ofcourse you may want to delete other directories instead of them,i just show you the method of doing the work,but you can do it in your favorite method,just note that you should not delete some directories,if you do ,it will work,but you will have some errors when using that):
Adobe mcafee Microsoft Office Nero NJStar Opera75 Paragon PQMagic QVP8
Now save your iso.
2.Rename your Modified ISO to ERDC.ISO and put that in ...\EasyBoot\disk1 directory.
3.Use "Bart's Boot image Extractor (bbie.exe)" and get boot information of ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ERDC.ISO,rename that to "erdc.bin" and put that in ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot directory.
4.Open ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ERDC.ISO by ultraiso and extract files below from root of that to ...\EasyBoot\disk1 directory.
5.Open notepad and type lines below on it and save that as "WINNT.SIF" in ...\EasyBoot\disk1 directory:
[SetupData] BootDevice = "ramdisk(0)" BootPath = "\i386\System32\" OsLoadOptions = "/noguiboot /fastdetect /minint /rdexportascd /rdpath=ERDC.ISO"
6.Make a folder by the name of "I386" inside ...\EasyBoot\disk1 directory
7.Extract files below from win 2003 sp1 to ...\EasyBoot\disk1 directory
8.Run EasyBoot ,use command below for runing ERD Commander 2005 ISO
run erdc.bin
============ Thats all
Edited by madar on Jun. 14 2009,09:32
-------------- Shirin Zaban