Post Number: 1

Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: Mar. 2011
Posted on: Mar. 08 2011,11:18 |
Hi new kid here.. I downloaded the trial and it sure looks like what I need. Mainly it looks like I should be able to create a Windows 2000 Pro boot DVD although following the instructions in the help file didn't really work. It gave me some error about not finding Boot.Bin or something like that and booted to the hard drive.
Anyway I don't need anything but Windows 2000 and it looks like I might be missing something. The help file says "Please check the following files" and lists one named w2ksect.bin. I either don't have it or don't know whear it is located. It isn't in the ezboot directory like Help says it should be.
Thinking this should be fairly easy to do but guess I'm missing something?
Probably should add... What I need to do is run a couple DOS Commands and a small Windows program from the CD. I have played with BartPE and it's way overkill for what I need and forces me to use WIndowsXP boot files.
Edited by BReeves on Mar. 08 2011,11:32
Post Number: 2

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Posted on: Mar. 08 2011,14:13 |
As you are a new member I say welcome @BReeves
Quote: “Thinking this should be fairly easy to do but guess I'm missing something?”
Well I’m not to 100% sure what your goals are at this point, but integrating setup of win2000 seems to be one goal Correct?
And yes when you have installed EasyBoot you should find W2KSECT.BIN in folder ezboot. By the way an important note: please install EasyBoot on the root – that will say C: and not in some folder like “Program files” – I repeat, install Easyboot to the root C: and nothing else
Test reinstall Easyboot to see if you now have file W2KSECT.BIN in folder ezboot. If still missing, then if you are lucky you have Win2000 on a bootable CD (hopefully). Open CD with some “ISO-program” (I use UltraISO). Save “BOOT-file” to folder ezboot - and just for fun – save file with the name W2KSECT.BIN
Copy folder i386 and “Ident-files” (win51 etcetera) to folder disk1. Note: everything else is optional!
Use menu command:  run W2KSECT.BIN When creating ISO don’t check “Allow lower case” and don’t check “DOS (8:3)” and don’t check “Joliet” as this isn’t needed at this point.
To integrate BartPE you need to do some hexedit as folder name i386 already is occupied on the root of EasyBoot (the root in EasyBoot is folder disk1 if you wonder). Or you can even do better - run ISO created by BartPE as it is
Download my set of scripts (download below) and read “READ_ME.html” before you go ahead
Option 1: Use “easyboot-iso.script” to integrate and run ISO (created by BartPE) as it is. Don’t forget to check “Run ISO from RAM” in script, as this is a NT5-system with folder i386 involved in that “Live-build”.
Option 2: You can use “EasyBoot-LIVE.script” to integrate BartPE.
Final note: if you still having problem integrating setup of Win2000 to Easyboot you can use “easyboot-AIO.script” and let script do the hard work for you. Note: You can use any 4-letters name you whish to folder i386 (He, he how about BREV?) You automatically receive the right menu command in the end of process – when script is finished!
Edited by balder on Mar. 08 2011,14:16
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 3

Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: Mar. 2011
Posted on: Mar. 08 2011,15:24 |
I'm impressed, thanks for the quick reply.. I'll regester EasyBoot when I finish this message..
Not sure if it makes any difference but I'm building the DVD on a WindowsXP computer with the Windows2000 files from the CD on the hard drive. I am not on that computer now as I am at a different location.
I did install EasyBoot in C:\EasyBoot as it was the default. However W2KSECT.BIN is not in the EasyBoot folder or any of the sub folders.
Not sure I have the files as my version of Windows2000 came on one of my Developers Network DVD's and MS had a problem with making a boot CD from the DVD. Of course when they quit suporting Windows2000 they didn't bother fixing it and I dropped my MSDN Subscription several years ago.
When I get back to the other computer tomorrow morning I'll download the scripts and try it again. Thanks..
Post Number: 4

Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: Mar. 2011
Posted on: Mar. 10 2011,07:18 |
Now I get it... I was mistaken thinking EasyBoot was like BartPE but Windows2000 rather than XP. Not sure how I got this idea but now realize EasyBoot is just a Boot Manager which I don't really have a need for. Consider my registration fee a donation to the cause..
What I was looking for was a BartPE that would use the Windows2000 OS rather than XP. Have came to the conclusion what I am looking for doesn't exist and it would be too much work to develop it for an old OS. Anyway good talking with you and best wishes.. Bob
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