Post Number: 1

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Posted on: Mar. 19 2011,22:34 |
hello mate,just wondering once you've created a multiboot of 86 and 64 o/s,and then you create Grub for booting from USB. is there any way for a delay in timing,so people have a bit of time to think about what they want, would i instigate that when creating original iso ,by using easyboot and ticking delay on time factor.
thanks in advance.
Edited by fattiechef on Mar. 19 2011,22:53
Post Number: 2

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Posted on: Mar. 20 2011,01:54 |
Quote: “using easyboot and ticking delay on time factor”
I’m not sure I can follow you to 100% However you of course have “delay time” in Easyboot. You can jump to different submenus in EasyBoot and set individual timers in each menu
You also have a timer in grub menu. When you finally have transferred your build (using Easyboot-grub-iso.script) to USB device you can modify text file ”menu.lst” on the root of USB (use notepad) and change “timeout 10” (in seconds) to what ever you like. Note: you can jump to another grub menu and having different setting in that/those menu(s).
As we are speaking mainly about USB: Read how to use (and jump) to different grub menus HERE Continue read how to jump from Easyboot menu to grub menu and how to jump back to EasyBoot menu - start reading post nr; 16 HERE
Quote: “created a multiboot of 86 and 64 o/s, and then you create Grub for booting from USB” There is no problem to launch and run PE-systems from USB – including NT5-systems (WinXP-series) as well as NT6-systems (VistaPE or Win-7PE). I guess you already are familiar with easyboot-iso.script that can launch ISO-file as it is. Note: it is possible to launch NT5-systems (WinXP-serie) using “minint”-solution. However “minint”-solution isn’t that stabile and easy to use as the “ISO-solution” used in script. I therefore highly recommend easyboot-iso.script to WinPE (both PE build built with source of NT5-systems as PE build built with source of NT6-systems).
Attention! If you wish to run setup of winXP-series from USB, you cannot use the same approach as from CD/DVD. You cannot just use a typical CD/DVD-build and transfer that build to USB and launch setup of XP Read HERE
Setup of NT6-systems (Vista or Win-7 or server-2008) from USB, can basically be used in the same way as from CD/DVD.  However you need a menu command in grub – or even better up - launch setup of a NT6-system from EasyBoot menu - but in this case you need a special “kicker-image” - works great  Download “kicker-image” to launch setup of WinXP from USB HERE And “kicker-image” to launch setup of NT6-system from USB HERE Put “kicker-images” in folder ezboot as usual and use menu command:  run “wanted-kicker-image.img.gz” Note: no guaranties it works (nothing is “bullet proof” in this world of mine)
We have to take in consideration that run our "EasyBoot stuff" from USB is a little bit more complicated – but still possible. Hmmm.. Question is – How long time will CD/DVD exist and USB instead is the “king” of media I guess that I must take a seat and wait a while……
Hopefully I did not disappoint you in your “current process” to the “perfect build”
Regards balder
Edited by balder on Mar. 20 2011,06:39
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Mar. 20 2011,10:16 |
i thank you for the links to look deeper into this matter and of coarse your wisdom on this matter. this forum is one of the best for advise,i've seen in a long time.so thank you again to the crew of EZB and especially Baulder for his wise words.
sorry for being a pain Balder. just a question mate: can you use osx imaging for macs also throught these factors? i know using ultra to create hybrid and open osx..
Edited by fattiechef on Mar. 20 2011,10:26
Post Number: 4

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Posted on: Mar. 20 2011,11:11 |
Quote: ” can you use osx imaging for macs also throught these factors?”
Good question but not much to an answer from me
Unfortunately I do not have any mac to test with , which makes it impossible for me to give a straight answer
However in theory it should be possible to use Easyboot to launch “MAC OSX Imaging" (I guess mostly used in deployment of mac systems). And grub should work as well – but to find the right parameters to use in grub (menu.lst) can be a hard nut to crack
Problem is that I do not have any mac and no mac OS
As said not much to an answer….
Regards balder
Edited by balder on Mar. 20 2011,11:11
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Mar. 20 2011,21:24 |
@Balder, there's another one one the list them mate, i will try that and get back to you.
Also,did you know you can run osx imaging through vmware with snowy_vmware;on windows o/s. also i have new lion,leopard and snow leopard available if you'd like to play with it/them. up to you .
snowy_vmware here
Edited by fattiechef on Mar. 20 2011,21:33
Post Number: 6
Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Mar. 22 2011,12:30 |
Quote: ” i seem to be having differculty as in where to put command for kicker-image”
I guess I replayed a little bit cryptic
Note:  “wanted-kicker-image.img.gz” is just a substitute for SETUPXP.IMG.GZ For example - launching setup of WinXP from USB you use menu command:  Run SETUPXP.IMG.GZ You only use these “kicker-images” when launching setup of WinXP (SETUPXP.IMG.GZ) or setup of NT6-system (SETUPNT6.IMG.GZ = Vista or Win-7 or server 2008). If launching setup WinXP from CD/DVD-unit you simply use:  run ***.bin Note: file ***.bin may have been hexedit by you or my script easyboot-aio.script and have any name you have choosed.
However if you run setup from CD/DVD-unit and only have one folder i386 - then no need to hexedit - and you can hereby use “w2ksect.bin” that you have in original in folder ezboot. You can simply use setup of WinXP like this.  Run w2ksect.bin  (or rename file to let’s say setupxp.bin).
Briefly - bin-files is used from CD/DVD-units and “kicker-images” is used from USB. However sometimes we use “kicker-images” in builds run from CD/DVD. An example is when we launch ISO-files as they are – that’s where “kicker-images” comes in handy
I hope this explanation was less cryptic
Regards balder
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Mar. 22 2011,21:01 |
so in this context ,you are saying to rename the XXX.Bin files ,one for x86 and one for x64,to say
x64: run w2ksect.bin,
and that should congregate both file to boot from usb, as the primary boot would be x86,and then from there, you can boot from x64 via usb as it's opened ezboot splash screen on boot from USB. would that be correct in saying.
please by all mean's tell if incorrect. i just hope that path i explained is corrwect path.
thanks in advance Balder,you are the man. with great knowledge.
Edited by fattiechef on Mar. 22 2011,21:02
Post Number: 9

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Posted on: Mar. 23 2011,02:54 |
Quote: ” so in this context ,you are saying to rename the XXX.Bin files ,one for x86 and one for x64,to say”
NO!!! In post nr; 7 I said that bin-files is used from CD/DVD-units which kicker-image SETUPXP.IMG.GZ is not.
SETUPXP.IMG.GZ is in this case used when launching setup from USB. Further more read carefully in post nr; 2 It seems to me that you missed important parts in post nr, 2
I quote from post nr, 2: “Attention! If you wish to run setup of winXP-series from USB, you cannot use the same approach as from CD/DVD. You cannot just use a typical CD/DVD-build and transfer that build to USB and launch setup of XP Read HERE
Setup of NT6-systems (Vista or Win-7 or server-2008) from USB, can basically be used in the same way as from CD/DVD  However you need a menu command in grub – or even better up - launch setup of a NT6-system from EasyBoot menu - but in this case you need a special “kicker-image” - works great  Download “kicker-image” to launch setup of WinXP from USB HERE And “kicker-image” to launch setup of NT6-system from USB HERE
Put “kicker-images” in folder ezboot as usual and use menu command:  run “wanted-kicker-image.img.gz” Note: no guaranties it works (nothing is “bullet proof” in this world of mine)”
As you see there is a huge difference creating setup from USB comparing to how easy it is creating setup of WinXP from CD/DVD-units
When creating setup of WinXP or NT6-systems from CD/DVD-units we ALWAYS use a simple ***.bin-file (basically a simple binary-file and not a compressed floppy image that I call “kicker-image” as we use grub to “kick-start” setup of WinXP or NT6-system from USB).
Further more: in case you only have ONE setup of WinXP from CD/DVD-unit you can as told in post nr 7 and I quote: “However if you run setup from CD/DVD-unit and only have one folder i386 - then no need to hexedit - and you can hereby use “w2ksect.bin” that you have in original in folder ezboot. You can simply use setup of WinXP like this.  Run w2ksect.bin  (or rename file to let’s say setupxp.bin). “ Reason to rename w2ksect.bin  was plainly that it look nicer in the build. If you are creating several different setup from CD/DVD-unit of NT5-systems (for example WinXP-home WinXP-Pro etcetera) you must hex edit w2ksect.bin and change name to folder i386 (you can obviously only have on folder i386 on same root (folder disk1) This can be done easily by using my script easyboot-aio.script. Attention! Script cannot creating setup from USB – in this case you must use this solution Read HERE (and kicker-images if you like to use Easyboot as boot-manager to launch these setups)
Regards balder
Edited by balder on Mar. 23 2011,09:21
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 10

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Posted on: Mar. 23 2011,18:10 |
i thank you for clarifying these matters with me . i now understand that the creation of .bin file name is for asthetics,i do use the AIO script.
so sorry for giving you such a head-ache due to speed reading and no obsorbing the information at hand, thank you again.
i must admit that this forum is far more advance that others i've been to with direct technical support and structure.
Edited by fattiechef on Mar. 23 2011,18:39
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