Post Number: 1

Group: Members
Posts: 6
Joined: Oct. 2011
Posted on: Oct. 29 2011,13:23 |
I decided to start a new thread to make my needs and intentions clear (if that is possible).
What I have is a Dell Inspiron 1200 Laptop, with a bad hdd, and drivers missing for the the cd/dvd drawer.
I want to test this laptop with a winpe, bartpe, or what ever pe I can get to work to see if it is worth fixing before putting money into this older laptop. I was going to give this laptop to my Granddaughter to use (she will be 9 in February).
I have tried several (more then I care to think) "surefire" methods of making a usb flash drive bootable, to no avail, all have erred and one killed a desktop completely by wiping out my entire hard drive. (I know Backup, well days, weeks, months pass and you say I'll backup later but never do so) anyway none have worked! I would think it would be a simple thing to do, in fact I am surprised no one has thought to buy USB flash drives and make them bootable and sell them on Ebay or what ever, but after seeing how much aggravation they seem to be , I guess that's why it has not been done!
What makes it so difficult a task anyway?
I am trying to use EasyBoot but again running into brick walls, one error code after another on several different machines, and severl different USB sticks, A 2GB stick, a * gb stick etc.
After making the usb stick bootable I want to put Hiren's boot on the USB stick, or any other similar app if you think another would better serve my needs.
I had made a copy of Bartpe on a cd years age but can't find it now and since the cd drawer drivers are not proper now would make not sense anyway.
I can run the f12 key at start up and run tests up to the point where is give me the option to use the dell Diagnostic tools but again cd/dvd not accessible now it does tell me that the hdd is bad, (which I knew already) and that is another cd that I had at one time but has gotten lost over the years.
I am not a newbie to burning iso files, and know much in that respect, I am not apt in coding so what I am looking for is a step by step tutorial on how to make a USB bootable with Hiren's.
I am a quick learner, and want to get this done but I need someone's help in order to succeed in my task, if someone would help it would be appreciated. BTW you might say "why not buy a new lappy for her" well the answer is 2 fold, one $$$$ and two(2) the challenge. So if you took the time to read this rambling maybe you'll have pity and try to help again it would be appreciated.
Post Number: 2

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Posted on: Oct. 29 2011,14:03 |
Quote: "I want to test this laptop with a winpe, bartpe, or what ever pe I can get to work to see if it is worth fixing before putting money into this older laptop."
You can use my script "easyboot-usb_v2.script"
Download script-collection (You have download below in every post I write in this forum) and extract folder "balder" to the root (C:\)
Double-click to "READ_ME.html" in folder balder and read carefully instructions - especially UAC (User-Account-Control) if you running Vista or Win-7 Then click to "easyboot-usb.script" and push on "Start"-button
But you need PE-files to fix that problem of yours - download this large MultiPE-ISO from HERE Download link courtesy of @farzanmicrosoft (thanks @farzanmicrosoft)
Note1. Copy (or move) downloaded ISO-file to the root (C:\) Note2: you don't need to extract anything anywhere - use ISO as it is EDIT! Wrong from me  1. You must extract one chosen ISO-file from downloade ISO-file (I recommend erd65.iso) 2. Chose erd65.iso as target to run from USB when script asking for ISO-file 3. Chose to launch Easyboot in menu that pops up when starting from USB (but in reality it is the erd65.iso that is launched)
During process script ask you if your intensions is to use floppy image or ISO-file, you of course select ISO-alternative (YES-button) Following instruction and be happy
------------------------------------------------- Some basic explanation how script behaves:
1. Script is doing a kind of "handshake" to the Windows system. 2. Script "asks" Windows explorer to report what USB drives that might be plugged into motherboard. Note: script never looking or touch your internal hard-drives - script only focus to the USB drives. To make this work, script uses a small command line tool that quickly create a simple text-file using Windows Explorer which is 100% reliable. When script has received information from Windows Explorer - script at once starts to manipulate (clean out) text-file to collect "USB parameters". This procedure  takes less than 2 seconds, and script continue with following:
1. Can find out how many USB drives that is plugged into motherboard! 2. Sort out what type of USB drive(s) - "removable" and/or "fixed" drive (USB-harddrive) that is plugged into motherboard!
You may ask why all this examinations? A: Make sure no data is lost (to make sure script doesn't format wrong USB drive). B: And because script  uses different methods to format USB-drive if run WinXP or Vista\Win-7 Yes, it is true - script is checking what sort of OP-system you are running - and need to adjust what tool to use during format-process - and also depending of what kind of USB drive that is found!
Note1: If script find USB-drive with several partitions (usually USB-harddisk) script always focus on first partition on USB-drive - script never touch second partition as the first partition normally is set to "active partition" (you can name it: "bootable partition")! In case first partition to such USB-harddisk isn't set as active - script fixes it during format process - you don't need to worry about that part
Note2: You can also create several partitions to USB stick as well - but second partition to such USB stick is not present in Windows Explorer, it's hided! But amazingly, script is able to find out that USB stick do have two partitions (including second not visible partition) - and still focus to partition one (never touch the second invisible partition)
Attention! Make sure to not use USB-hub as use hub can fool system in many ways - plug-in USB drives directly to motherboard!
regards balder
Edited by balder on Oct. 29 2011,15:26
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 3

Group: Members
Posts: 6
Joined: Oct. 2011
Posted on: Oct. 29 2011,15:54 |
Thank You !
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