Post Number: 1

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Posted on: Dec. 14 2011,10:39 |
Hi, i'm using EasyBoot v5 on our Dell servers without problems. Today i've installed v6.5.2 on a testcomputer and copied v5 files to it. As mentioned here http://www.ezbsystems.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=1;t=3514 i saved all .ezb files once and created a new iso.
But after booting from this iso, i get a "Device=<82>" message on a black screen and a ~30sec delay before easyboot is starting. Also tested on a vmware esx 4.0 virtual machine, message appears too, but no delay.
Any ideas how to solve this?
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Posted on: Dec. 14 2011,11:04 |
Welcome back @schd
Quote: "But after booting from this iso, i get a "Device=<82>" message on a black screen and a ~30sec delay before easyboot is starting."
Is it W2k3-BartPE (BartPE built from Win-2003-server) you are dealing with - you wrote a post mentioned this HERE
Or what kind of ISO-file (or build) Â is it you have problem with Is it a different WinPE of some kind or is it some type of Linux-system
regards balder
Edited by balder on Dec. 14 2011,14:00
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Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Dec. 15 2011,03:56 |
Hi balder,
the iso is created from easyboot itself (main menu -> make iso).
Iso from V5 (fully working) - starting process: Message Start booting from CD... Easyboot logo appears (no delay) Easyboot main menu appears
Iso from V6 (only saved .ezb files, nothing changed) - starting process: Message Start booting from CD... Message Device=<82> ~30 Sec delay Easyboot logo appears Easyboot main menu appears
The problem occurs before i start something over easyboot menu.
Post Number: 4

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Posted on: Dec. 15 2011,04:07 |
Quote: The problem occurs before i start something over easyboot menu"
Yes I got the message
But what kind of build is it we are dealing with (WinPE or whatever ) And further more - what is the structure of your EasyBoot-build
Basically; what files or folders (if existing) is in folder 'disk1'
regards balder
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Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Dec. 15 2011,04:41 |
Ok, wasn't sure about that ;)
But i found out something else: I took the disk1 folder from a fresh easyboot installation, removed default.ezb and made the iso.
The device=<82> message and delay also occurs, so it has nothing to do with my configuration.
It seems that the new version of easyboot does not like my Dell servers (PowerEdge 1950, PowerEdge R710) ...
Post Number: 6

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Posted on: Dec. 15 2011,04:51 |
Quote: "removed default.ezb and made the iso "
I cannot be to any help if you don't give me some information what kind of build we are dealing with
Is it a kind of WinPE (BartPE or whatever) that is causing you problem  Note: I have my doubt that removing default.ezb should make any changes to the 'right direction' Â
Sorry I still need information what files or folders you have (and use) in folder 'disk1'
regards balder
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Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Dec. 15 2011,05:09 |
when i'm saying i took the disk1 folder from a fresh installation, then install easyboot on your pc to a new location, browse to the disk1 location and you will see, what content it has Â
i haven't changed or added files, just made the iso over bootmenu.ezb.
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Dec. 15 2011,05:28 |
Quote: "when i'm saying i took the disk1 folder from a fresh installation..."
Hmm.. You are saying you don't have any files or folders in folder disk1 - with exception of folder ezboot of course - which must be in folder disk1
And when creating this minimal basic build you get errors - correct me if I'm wrong
Okay if this is the case - my guess is that we are dealing with a BIOS-problem
We are now in a position where we need to perform troubleshooting  You could as a work-around, test launching ISO (ISO created by EasyBoot). This is possible to perform using my scripts
I'm pretty sure you have some USB stick to test with. Use 'easyboot-usb_v2.script' to make your USB stick bootable and launch ISO created by Easyboot. In this way we establish a genuine 'real test' what happens if we use ISO instead of boot-file 'ezldr'
It is just an idea to try finding out if this is a 'hardware issue' or if it is a 'BIOS issue' Though I still think it is related to a 'BIOS issue'
regards balder
Edited by balder on Dec. 16 2011,13:42
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Post Number: 9

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Posted on: Dec. 15 2011,06:36 |
Yep, usb stick works. No message or delay occured.
But unfortunately i need a iso file for booting easyboot and no usb stick. So i guess i always have to use a script of yours to generate a working iso?
Post Number: 10

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Posted on: Dec. 15 2011,06:44 |
Quote: "Yep, usb stick works. No message or delay occured."
As expected
Now to the final troubleshooting:
1. Use my script 'easyboot-grub-iso.script' and create ISO-file
2. Use created ISO-file and burn to CD-RW
3. Test and see if ISO works from CD\DVD-reader as well
Note: ISO created by script can be found in folder 'balder\winbuilder_complete' and name to ISO is what you put in text-box in script.
regards balder
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later