Hello as i finished with my firsth bootable MultiDVD with great help from balder i will "write" tutorial how to do it using balder's advices.
I posted this if there is some1 like me who didnt know how to use EasyBoot at all and with useful advices and searching this forum and web all put (well i think its all for this DVD) here on one page (post) . So you dont need to  do researching and asking anything just follow instruction and thats it 
For Windows XP:
1. Copy (or extract from ISO) folder i386 and “ident-files” win51 etcetera to folder disk1 (note: folder disk1 is the “root” for EasyBoot).
2. Create menu in EasyBoot and use menu command:  run W2ksect.bin  (check that you have file W2ksect.bin in folder ezboot – file should be there
For Hiren's BootCD 10.4
Download balder set of script and use “easyboot-iso.script” – push on “Integrate Hiren’s boot-CD” and follow instructions given by script.
When creating ISO in EasyBoot, check “Allow lower case”
For MiniPE:
1. Copy (or extract from ISO) folder i386 and “ident-files” (note: Same “ident-files can be used as in “Solution to WindowsXP” in case you wonder). Also copy folder with programs related to miniPE (folder "Programs" or whatever) to folder disk1.
2. Rename folder i386 to a different four-letters name like MYPE (Note: use caps to letters. Caps = BIG LETTERS).
3. Create menu in EasyBoot and use menu command: Â bcdw /MYPE/setupldr.bin
For Windows 7:
Download balder set of script and use “easyboot-vista_win-7.script”  and follow instructions given by script.
When creating ISO in EasyBoot, do not check “Allow lower case” (if not using my script to Hiren’s)
For changing image of menu and logo see:
Menu and Logo
For transparent menu text on background image:
Transparent menu text
If you ask how to use balder's script's and where to find it link for download script's is:
Balder scripts
When downloaded that zip file you will find READ_ME.html and there is everything clearly explaned with pictures and text!
when you finish all of this you will get ISO image size 4.56 GB and ofcourse you cant put that on DVD so you open this ISO file in MagicISO and click Tools-Compress CD/DVD Image..after that small windows pop-up to select source of file and output file after you selected this click on compres button. when compressing done you should get DVD with size 4.23 GB and for burning UIF image check this page:
there you have all explaned with pictures and text so i dont need to write 
and after all here is menu and logo of mine DVD.

Edited by balder on Apr. 01 2011,08:27