Post Number: 1

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Posted on: Apr. 14 2012,12:30 |
Hello everyone! I'm projecting my own project in easyboot. I've spotted 2 problems with booting programs from easyboot.
I have registered iso Active @ Boot Disk, in easyboot i wrote command: run active.iso, and after booting program want to write serial number: http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/5220/activer.png I spoke with ikoretic from youtube, he helped me a lot. He pasted me that tutorial 1.Open Ultra.iso and Save bootinfo of "Active@ Boot Disk" as "act.bif" in ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot directory.
2.Extract contents of "Active@ Boot Disk.iso" to ...\EasyBoot\disk1 directory
3.Use command below and make your final iso
run act.bif
and it doesnt work properly. I used winbuilder to repair Hirens boot cd, (HBCD menu), of course ikoretic helped me, thanks again mate! 
Somebody can help with Active and Kaspersky?
Kaspersky Rescue Disk is working, I can select language, accepting agreement, run kaspersky grpahical mode, and now is bug, if you must see that error write i will rewrite here that info.
Please help me, and sorry for my bad english.
Best regards.
Post Number: 2

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Posted on: Apr. 14 2012,14:08 |
First I say welcome @modecom601 to this Easyboot forum
Quote: "I used winbuilder to repair Hirens boot cd, (HBCD menu)" Hmmm... You have problems related to kaspersky and active@boot-disk - but what does this have to do with with Hiren's boot-cd
Quote: "I used winbuilder to repair Hirens boot cd" I guess you used my script 'easyboot-hiren_v14*.script' to 'repair' (actually rebuild) your Hiren in Easyboot
Anyway... Let's move to kaspersky/active@boot-disk issues
First kaspersky... Quote: " run kaspersky grpahical mode, and now is bug" What bug and what method did you use to integrate kaspersky into Easyboot
---------------- The active@boot-disk case...
Quote: "run act.bif"
I'm unsure what active@boot-disk you are using - but I guess it is 'ActiveBoot5Plus' (version5) that we are dealing with.
Test this:
1. Copy (or extract from ISO) folders; boot, EFI and folder SOURCES and also copy file BOOTMGR to folder 'disk1' in Easyboot Note: folder 'disk1' is the 'root' in Easyboot if you wonder
2. Use menu command in Easyboot menu: Â run /BOOTMGR
As always I recommend to only check 'Joliet' when creating ISO in EasyBoot.
But you still have problem with the 'licence issue' I admit that this can take some time to solve but is the only way to achieve 'auto-licence' to work correctly You have to 'mount' wim-file to make it possible to modify it
Test this:
1. Move folder file boot.wim from folder 'sources' that you have in folder Easyboot\disk1 to the root of C:
2. Use method to mount wim-file as described HERE
3. Open notepad and create a 'BOOTDISK.KEY' with 'User-name' and licence-key as example below show (using your right name and licence-key of course
some_name 111111-222222-333333-444444-555555-666666-777777-888888
Save changes in notepad with the name BOOTDISK.KEY to the root of mounted wim-file Note: when you mount 'boot.wim-file' you have folders;
Bootdisk_Drivers Bootdisk_Scripts Program Files sources Users Windows and files; BOOTDISK.KEY and file Unattend.xml However file BOOTDISK.KEY is missing in your case and that is the one you need
Following tutorial and unmount wim-file.
Open active@boot-disk ISO file (I used UltraIso) and overwrite existing BOOT.WIM in folder 'sources' with the one you modified Save changes to ISO-file Copy modified active@boot-disk ISO-file to folder EasyBoot\disk1
Use menu command:  run active.iso  (or what ever name you use to ISO-file)
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Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Apr. 14 2012,16:28 |
Hello  Nice to meet you:) Why i said about hirens? Because I used your script 
Kaspersky Rescue Disk 09.04.2012 That bug: http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/8071/p4140122.jpg command: run kaspersky.iso normal method as other programs 
Active Boot Disk It isnt active boot 5 plus, its Active @ boot disk I used your first method, i overwrite bootmgr from ultra iso and that method destroyed my project  Yes i Have problem with licence. Bootdisk.key is creating by making iso in active boot disk creator, i opened that bootdisk.key in iso and it looks like your example which i must do. when i opened there are only XXXXXXXXX, Thats photo after opening existing bootdisk.key http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/994/licencej.png
I surrender 
Edited by modecom601 on Apr. 14 2012,16:41
Post Number: 4

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Posted on: Apr. 14 2012,17:10 |
Quote: "I used your first method, i overwrite bootmgr from ultra iso and that method destroyed my project "
Well I have no knowledge how your 'project' is designed - I only deal with what you are telling in writing
Quote: "It isnt active boot 5 plus, its Active @ boot disk"
However, what I can find out you have active@boot-disk installed and created a 'rescue' ISO-file that didn't have BOOTDISK.KEY properly in boot.wim-file as it should be - is this an correct explanation what happens Note: check if you have folder structure as described in post nr;2 When using UltraIso and open ISO-file and if there is a folder boot, EFI and folder SOURCES and also a file BOOTMGR then this is active@boot-disk based on an NT6-system (Vista\Win7\server-2008 is typically NT6-systems)
If this is the case you still need to practice method described in post nr;2 (mount wim-file and inject BOOTDISK.KEY) as you fail to make it work when using 'Create rescue ISO' in active@boot-disk This surely must solve this problem with the 'licence-key' in active@boot-disk ISO-file
----------------------- And the kaspersky issue
This is no 'bug' - question is what method you used to integrate kaspersky And further more - what version of kaspersky are you using (there are major differences between versions of kaspersky).
Note: you need the 'ROOT File system' on the 'root' To integrate kaspersky10 into Easyboot read post nr; 4 HERE
Psssst... It's bed time
regards balder
Edited by balder on Apr. 14 2012,17:10
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Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Apr. 15 2012,03:22 |
Did some test - and this is what I done:
1. Opened active.iso-file and extracted folder source to C:\
2. Mounted BOOT.WIM-file (in extracted folder source) to a separate folder (my_temporary)
3. Removed my licence-file BOOTDISK.KEY in folder 'my_temporary'
4. Unmounted BOOT.WIM-file (in extracted folder source)
5. Opened my active.iso-file (used UltraIso) and injected folder source overwriting folder source in ISO-file
6. Saved changes to ISO-file.
7. Copied ISO to folder disk1 in EasyBoot.
8. Used meny command: run active.iso (checked Joliet when creating ISO in EasyBoot as well)
And as expected, I was forced to write in licence to make active.iso continue
I then reversed the whole operation (copied BOOTDISK.KEY into mounted BOOT.WIM) And as expected, active.iso worked correctly (licence was automatically found by system)
Above worked as expected - in fact - exactly as described in post nr;2
Kaspersky works perfect (as expected) if you use kaspersky10 and follow given link in post nr;4
regards balder
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Post Number: 6

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Posted on: Apr. 15 2012,05:44 |
Thank you for help, but your advice about kaspersky in post 4 from link doesnt work, i downloader new version that program  I must resign from kaspersky and active ;( ;(
Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Apr. 15 2012,08:01 |
Quote: "but your advice about kaspersky in post 4 from link doesnt work"
I can guarantee it works properly, if you follow given tutorial Note: I have tested this to a lot of different computers and it works okay
---------------------- Quote: "I must resign from kaspersky and active"
I'm working on a new script that automatically mount WIM-file and when you are finished with modifications (in your case, inserting file BOOTDISK.KEY into build) script also automatically unmount and save changes to WIM-file You can then insert modified WIM-file to your ISO-file (use UltraIso) and that's it
Hopefully I'm finished before evening - have some issues to solve in my garden - I have to prioritize
regards balder
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Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Apr. 15 2012,09:13 |
I try do it by steps again, if it does not work again i wil waiting for your script ;)
Post Number: 9

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Posted on: Apr. 15 2012,12:37 |
Quote: "if it does not work again i wil waiting for your script"
Note: Script only handles WIM-files and not kaspersky (kaspersky works if using tutorial)
Download zip-file from HERE
Extract folder 'Mount_Wim-files' to C:\ Open folder Mount_Wim-files and double-click to WinBuilder.exe You will notice there is only one script to chose from... Push on 'Start-button' and enjoy....
Note: you are presented with a text-file that explains where your files are
Simply follow instructions
regards balder
Edited by balder on Apr. 16 2012,06:50
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Post Number: 10

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Posted on: Apr. 15 2012,15:32 |
From your notepad Files extracted from WIM-file is now mounted by script and files and folders can be found in 'C:\temporary_mount'
It is files in 'C:\temporary_mount' that you are interested to modify as you please...
Folder 'C:\balder_temporary' is left with the modified ***.WIM-file (in folder sources)
It is this file WIM-file you are interested to use instead of the WIM-file in ISO
You simply manually delete folder 'temporary_mount' on C:\ when you don't need WIM-file any longer!
Attention! When you close this window script automatically run 'unmount' to WIM-file!
To make it possible for imagex to unmount WIM-file, you must be sure you don't have folder
'C:\temporary_mount' opened in Explorer or any other File-manager!
Imagex cannot unmount a file that is opened in Explorer or any other File-manager!
Of course when i close notepad folder temporary_mount will close and delete content, but tell me where is modified active.iso file without licence? 
After your tutorial from post #4 i've spotted that error: http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/2212/kasperskyz.png After my combinations that error: http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/7782/kaspers.png
Kaspersky. WHen i extract folder rescue to disk1 and file rescue from folder boot from active.iso he ask me to overwrite something, i clicked yes but its error ;( because I think folder has the same name like file rescue. In iso there is one file rescue with .igz. Which file rescue must i extract to disk1 folder? SOrry for my anti-knowledge about that tricks, its my first project. Next time will be better.
Edited by modecom601 on Apr. 15 2012,15:55
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