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Topic: Vivard diagnostic tool issue, Issues integrating Vivard HDD Tools< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
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PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 02 2012,21:36  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

I all. IĀ“ve sucessfully managed to create some easyboot cds and dvds, which I use to this day, mainly due to Balders awesome help and also all that comtributed to geting me a bit into the "easyboot world".
A few days ago IĀ“ve decided I needed another cd with the main hardware tools for PC troubleshooting (mentesting, hdd testing, mainboard testing,etc. IĀ“ve sucessfully managed to integrate all the tools I needed with the exception of one Vivard HDD Diagnostic Tools. Which is a great program for hdd diagnostics still to this day. Ā The "run xxx .img" command works for other .imgs I am implementing on the cd ( Victoria is one of them), so some floppy images are working just fine. Just Vivard does not work... There is a multibootcd online available with it (and I believe Hirens also has the program) and Vivard works fine on both...
On my implementation the Vivard boots up and then the following error occurs just after selecting the hard drive (detected fine by the program: "Error writing to drive A: dos area: sector not found"

Any idea what the problem might be anyone?

Thanks for all and any help. Really apreciatte it Ā :)
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PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 03 2012,08:09 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


Quote: "Any idea what the problem might be anyone?"

Unfortunately not :(

Tested a lot of solutions without success :angry:
Strange is that testing in Virtual PC, EasyBoot correctly launch vivard and I can access the 'virtual harddisk' in Virtual PC ???
However when run from 'real hardware' I get the same result as you did :O

I cannot find a 'quick fix' to this strange behaviour from EasyBoot - vivard at present time :(

regards balder

Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE
Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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 Post Number: 3
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PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 04 2012,20:09 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Hello balder. Sorry for the late reply and thanks for putting the time and trying to help out.
Strange the behaviour of Vivard on your machines. IĀ“ve tested both on virtual box and qemu and none of them booted Vivard... Both presented the I/O error cylinder-no hard drive present...(in the case of qemu) and I/O error corrupted or non existing partition) on virtual box. Physical hardware was, in my case, what came closer to boot the thing up...  ???
Nevertheless, it still gives me the error mencioned. The hirens cd and one other cd I have lying around both boot the program just fine...strange indeed :(
Just for kicks could you mencion if you used the simple run xxx.img on easyboot to make it bootable through virtual pc or you used other method/s? Just curious...
Thanks for the help for all it is worth balder. Really apreciatte it. I do now you are a top contributer around the forum, and if it canĀ“t be "fixed" using your knowledge, it is probably hardly fixable  (in the mean time at least) :laugh:
Will be using my other cds for this program. IĀ“m just curious how you managed to put it to work in Virtual box... ???
Thank YOU
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PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 05 2012,03:00 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


Quote: " IĀ“m just curious how you managed to put it to work in Virtual box..."

So am I ???
Still haven't a clue why it worked 100% in Virtual PC but not to my real hardware :(
It is mystery why it behaved this way :cool:

However, I still am curios (as you also are) and will do some test later on... :;):
Note: EasyBoot uses its own boot-manager (EasyBoot is a boot-manager) to launch files and that can sometimes cause some problems and unfortunately vivard seems to be such problem-candidate :(

regards balder

Edited by balder on Sep. 05 2012,03:00

Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE
Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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 Post Number: 5
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PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 05 2012,12:59 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Ok balder. It seems like a pretty much no no at the moment for the specific program. Glad others exist and working just fine on easyboot (mhdd, hdat2, etc). When you mencion easyboot has got its own boot manager I believe you are mencioning something specific in the line of grub, syslinux,etc. Just to thrown some info to the topic (which might or not be useful :D  ) the cd I mencioned which boots Vivard just fine is named Multiboot cd tools by Sapitando (great contributor), available online. it uses both grub and/or syslinux as its main boot manager (if not mistaken). Hirens also boots Vivard just fine, just donĀ“t know what itĀ“s main boot manager is unfortunatley ???

Anyway, thanks for the ideas and help. See you around  :)
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PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 05 2012,13:43 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


Quote: "It seems like a pretty much no no at the moment for the specific program"

How about change it to a big YES :laugh:

Test this solution:

1. Copy files syslinux and memdisk from folder EasyBoot\resource to folder EZBOOT overwriting existing files (to old files in folder EZBOOT)

2. Copy vivard.img to folder EZBOOT and use menu command: Ā memdisk vivard.img

3. Tick 'Joliet' when creating ISO in EasyBoot

Note: solution works from both CD\DVD-unit as from USB drive

Tested successfully to my 'real hardware' :cool: Ā 

regards balder

Edited by balder on Sep. 06 2012,01:56

Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE
Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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 Post Number: 7
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PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 06 2012,06:31 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

... Ā :) Ā ThereĀ“s a saying here in Portugal that goes something like this "quem sabe, sabe!" which means something like this " people who knows it, knows it!" Ā  :laugh: . Ā Working here following your instructions! But on my old machine, it only boots using the no himen configuration. If I use the Himen config it gives a "invalid Opcode" and a bunch of numbers... Not shure whatĀ“s the himen purpose though... it works fine whithout it.
The only problem I see using this configuration to boot Vivard is that, from what IĀ“ve read around here, joliet config might "break" some other boot files on the easyboot compilation. Will see how it goes as soon as possible.

Nevertheless it is better than what it was before, thanks to you and your awesome dedication balder. Two thumbs up! Ā :)

Thanks a lot

Edited by ricfil on Sep. 06 2012,06:35
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 Post Number: 8
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PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 06 2012,07:09 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


Quote: "joliet config might "break" some other boot files on the easyboot compilation"

Yes you are correct - but did you test not ticking 'Joliet' ???
You most likely do not need the 'Joliet' option to the 'vivard case' :)
However, reason to use 'Joliet' is that linux distro(s) in most cases need this option to run correctly :O
If the rest of build can accept 'Joliet' then use it :;):

I have solution to this to if it 'pops up'
We can simply use a 'grub-kicker-image' and launch ISO-file of this tool-set (EasyBoot ISO-file with menu that is created without ticking 'Joliet'. There are a lot of options\workaround to solve problems like these)

Great that it worked as suggested - well done @ricfil  :D

Quote: "But on my old machine, it only boots using the no himen configuration"

Himem use the 'higher' memory area - which seems to trouble your 'old machine'
You actually do not need the Himem - it should work anyway (but cross your fingers)

regards balder

Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE
Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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 Post Number: 9
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PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 06 2012,10:26 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

"I have solution to this to" Ā I would ask "what do you NOT have a solution for?! Ā :laugh:

Thanks for the amazing help balder.

Starting from the end. Himen problem on old machine, higher memory with Himen. The machine I speak about (test) only has got 128 MB of Ram. I believe it prety much explains the behaviour in itself?! Glad to understand the himen idea though :)

Relating the joliet fact, IĀ“ve already compiled pretty much all my first multiboot cd (with sub menus,etc to my liking, and so far (on VMs) so good, joliet does not seem to have a negative impact on booting the several images. Only Western DigitalĀ“s data lifeguard for Dos did not boot directly from the "run xxx.iso comand. I will try to extract the files and use the bif boot file instead. Still need to try the compilation on a "real" machine though. Will keep the thread up to date on my progression.

Many thanks once again. Really, really apreciatte the help balder.

Edited by ricfil on Sep. 06 2012,10:27
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 Post Number: 10
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PostIcon Posted on: Sep. 08 2012,00:00 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

Hello there. As mencioned before, I came back to give my insights on the process at hand on building my bootable dvds. One is already completed (the hardware related one). Vivard is up an runnning thanks to balderĀ“s great help (using memdisk and syslinus)  :D . IĀ“m in the proccess off finishing my second multiboot dvd (this one with more/several tools), itĀ“s going nicely, with a simple GUI oriented interface. The problem IĀ“m facing on this one is the implementation of Bit Defender... Kaspersky is running great using the  run xxx.iso comand alone, but Bit Defender is not booting correctly. ???  if I use balders iso scrip it simply wonĀ“t boot at all. Using both the run xxx.iso comand and the.bif proccess (using ultraiso) it boots to the language selection, but stops right after when loading files...

Any idea relating this issue someone? Anyone has got some other good bootable antivirus rescue cds working fine on their builds which I might use on my own?

Thanks for  any and all help from the other side.

See you.
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