Anyone have ideas on how to get parted magic working tried a few different ways if i use run pmagic.iso it partially boots but i cant select any of the options to boot it to.
Quote: "Anyone have ideas on how to get parted magic working"
Hopefully I do have a working solution - read below...
There might be some different versions of this 'parted magic' - hopefully we are discussion the same software To make sure I downloaded and used this 'parted magic' from HERE
Do it this way:
1. Open partedmagic ISO-file (I used UltraIso to this) and extract folder 'pmagic' to folder disk1 in Easyboot (folder disk1 is the 'root' in EasyBoot if you wonder)
2. Still having ISO-file opened in UltraIso, I deleted folder 'pmodules' that is inside folder 'pmagic' in that ISO-file. Note: this operation isn't really needed but reduce size to the ISO-file (we don't need to have file 'PMAGIC_2013_08_01.SQFS' inside ISO-file anymore as we in step-1 above copied  that stuff to the root in EasyBoot)
3. Now in UltraIso use 'Save As' and save ISO-file (that now is reduced in size) with a new simple name - save reduced ISO to folder EZBOOT (I used the name partedmagic.iso)
4. In EasyBoot menu use menu command: Â run partedmagic.iso
5. When creating ISO in EasyBoot tick 'Joliet'
Note: this solution most likely works from both CD\DVD as from any kind of USB driver
regards balder
Edited by balder on Mar. 31 2014,09:56
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help fileHERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later