Post Number: 1

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Posted on: Mar. 25 2015,14:12 |
Hi !!!
recently i have created Ghost image of windows xp , it was created with norton ghost 2003 in .gho format , so i want to run my shot when someone select it in menu ..and start copying to C:/ driectory ..
Post Number: 2

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Posted on: Mar. 25 2015,18:16 |
Quote: "i want to run my shot when someone select it in menu"
This need some knowledge in how DOS is used (Disk-Operative-System) I assume you want to do this from a CD\DVD driver so I start with this part...
The basic stuff... You should have a floppy image 'dos98.img' in folder EZBOOT (when EasyBoot is installed this floppy image is put there as an option)
We are going to use this DOS floppy image Now lets do it...
1. Create a folder ghostimage somewhere
2. Launch UltraIso and open dos98.img using Ultraiso (don't close UltraIso - keep dos98.img opened in UltraIso)
3. Extract file 'Autoexec.bat' and 'Config.sys' to folder ghostimage Note: you can in UltraIso optionally use 'drag and drop' or marking files and push to F4 on keyboard and then locate your newly created folder 'ghostimage'
4. Use notepad to open text file Config.sys in folder ghostimage and then delete all text in Config.sys Followed by inserting following text to Config.sys
device=himem.sys /testmem:off device=oakcdrom.sys /D:cd001 device=btdosm.sys device=flashpt.sys device=btcdrom.sys /D:cd001 device=aspi2dos.sys device=aspi8dos.sys device=aspi4dos.sys device=aspi8u2.sys device=aspicd.sys /D:cd001 files=60 buffers=20 dos=high,umb stacks=9,256 lastdrive=z
5. Close 'Config.sys' (saving changes to Config.sys)
6. Open 'Autoexec.bat' (use notepad here to as well) and replace all existing text (delete all existing text) and replace with following text:
MSCDEX.EXE Â /D:cd001 /L:X PATH=a:\;a:\dos;x:\ ghost.exe -clone,mode=restore,src=X:\system.gho,dst=1:1 -rb
Save changes to Autoexec.bat Attention! If you want to avoid question 'Proceed with ghost disk restore?' then put in '-sure' Â before -rb That will say it will look like this in Autoexec.bat ghost.exe -clone,mode=restore,src=X:\system.gho,dst=1:1 -sure -rb
7. Drag and drop Autoexec.bat and Config.sys to opened 'dos98.img' Â (see step 2 above) Overwrite existing files when asked
8. Use 'Save As' in UltraIso and save floppy image to folder EZBOOT using name ghost.ima Note: UltraIso automatically use extension 'ima' but check that this in your case.
9 Copy ghost.exe (DOS-version of Ghost.exe) to folder disk1 (folder disk1 is the 'root' in EasyBoot if you wonder). Note: make sure to use name ghost.exe
10. Copy your Ghost image (ghost image of your WinXP-system) to folder disk1
11. Rename your ghost image in folder disk1 to system.gho
12. Use run ghost.ima in EasyBoot menu
13. Create ISO as usual in EasyBoot (you can optionally tick 'Joliet' when creating ISO - should work regardless if Joliet is ticked or not)
-------------------------- balder
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Mar. 26 2015,02:09 |
Thanks for your help , i will try thi out ,, but i rememebr u gave link of WinBuilder in this app i saw .gho option , i think i can make ghost file for Ezyboot software what u think ..
Post Number: 4

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Posted on: Mar. 26 2015,02:58 |
Quote. †i think i can make ghost file for Ezyboot software what u thinkâ€
Well not in this case as your intension here is to create an automatically ‘restore’ of an created ghost image (created from partition 1 and hard disk unit 1 which can be used to ‘restore’ your Windows system back to original shape or something)
However my ‘USB script’ has a totally different approach and can not be applied to this scenario of yours
And again – I resume your intension is to ‘restore’ from CD\DVD unit and not from USB drive which demands a slightly different approach Instead, apply my suggestion in post nr;2 and see how it works
---------------- Attention! You expose yourself to the risk of losing data if the application is not optimal in relation to your hardware. Make backups or use a 'spare computer' of any kind to test this Ghost solution
----------------- Regards balder
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Mar. 26 2015,11:12 |
thanks for your reply .. by the way where can i get Ghost floppy image file ??
Post Number: 6

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Posted on: Mar. 26 2015,11:35 |
Quote: "where can i get Ghost floppy image file"
You simply create your 'Ghost floppy image' by modifying existing 'dos98.img' that you should have in folder EZBOOT Did you read the full text in post nr;2 You are supposed to edit text files 'Autoexec.bat' and 'config.sys' in 'dos98.img' Or do you having problems how to modify such floppy image (in my opinion, a pretty easy operation)
Further more... You still haven't answer my very important question; is it from CD\DVD unit your run Ghost or is it from USB drive
-------------------------- balder
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Mar. 26 2015,13:33 |
i have .gho image file on my hardisk , and want to make menu and add another xp setup and make iso through ezyboot ..
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Mar. 26 2015,14:37 |
i have used ghost32.exe file from norton ghsot 11.5 corpaorte dos iso and rename it to ghost.exe and anlso remname my xp.gho to system .gho and give a try ...i checked my iso on VMware ,, but no luck i am stuck .. can u tell me which option to select when making iso in ezyboot , i also

here iso my iso look like
Post Number: 9

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Posted on: Mar. 26 2015,16:14 |
Quote: "i have used ghost32.exe file from norton ghsot 11.5 corpaorte dos iso and rename it to ghost.exe"
Well in post nr;2 I clearly tell you that this is DOS and I quote from post nr;2 Â "This need some knowledge in how DOS is used (Disk-Operative-System)"
Its now clear to me that you have no knowledge what DOS is and how DOS is used - am I right?
DOS is not Windows - okay? Programs that are run in Windows is 32-bit (or even 64-bit) applications. Ghost32.exe is such example, designed to run only in Windows environment You cannot simply rename such Windows 32-bit program to lets say ghost.exe and expect it works in DOS environment Its even worse than try run such file in Linux - which of course doesn't work at all
So what you need is DOS-version of Ghost11 Luckily I have found such DOS-file
Do it this way:
1. Download Ghost11 ISO-file from HERE
2. Open ISO using UltraIso
3. In UltraIso chose 'Bootable>>Save Boot File' Â Save boot file to folder EZBOOT using name ghost Note: UltraIso automatically use extension 'bif' to boot file and that's fine
4. Rename ghost.bif in folder EZBOOT to ghost.img (this file  can also be opened using UltraIso)
5. Open ghost.img using UltraIso and mark file 'ghost.exe' and chose in UltraIso 'Action>>Extract' Â Extract ghost.exe to folder 'disk1' in EasyBoot (this is the right ghost.exe to run in DOS)
6. Now follow tutorial in post nr;2 but you can skip step-9 as you now already have ghost.exe in folder disk1
Sure I can provide you with a modified DOS floppy image (modified as showed in post nr;2) but the point is that you still have a lot of use of DOS - it still kicks Try to do it your self
-------------------------- balder
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 10

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Posted on: Mar. 26 2015,21:57 |
THanks for nice info .. but u know i am confused again the iso i downloaded and .iso u provided in above are same both has ghost32.exe not ghost.exe .. which file should i choose in that .iso u provided  see in pics , now what can i do i already tried that ghost32 any Tip see pic
Edited by naeembabakheil on Mar. 26 2015,21:58