Post Number: 1

Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: Jan. 2009
Posted on: Jan. 06 2009,07:02 |
Seriously I followed the instructions (as closely as I could understand them) from the built in manual and nothing worked, explanations for just about everything are "vague" at best. I read through the forum and find all sorts of command lines that are not included in the manual!!!!!!!! wtf?
How do you people know these commands, is there a real manual some place?
How do I make a multiboot when two programs use the same filenames or folders?
The software author makes some vague reference to making "disk2" folder, well I've done that and just end up with file not found errors.
The program looks great but the help/manual is horrible (and doesn't even contain the information to maker it work)
Post Number: 2

Group: Members
Posts: 1942
Joined: Oct. 2008
Posted on: Jan. 06 2009,08:52 |
Hi flickhammer
First of all, welcome
Okay, it’s not a superior “bible” to manual we are dealing with here. I can agree so far
Anyway, please tell us what you plans are. Multi boot system, combined with “rescue-LiveXP” etcetera - or what
Maybe I and other users as well, can help you sort out problems
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 3

Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: Jan. 2009
Posted on: Jan. 06 2009,12:00 |
Hi balder
I plan to use it for everything from making tea to taking over the world
I've figured quite a bit of it out by reading forum threads and managed to knock up a few boot CD's, Active boot disk, acronis, ghost, spinrite, karpesky antivirus, and few more.
BUT whenever I run into a problem there isn't a well laid out technical manual to turn to!! (why is this?) e.g. the words "bcdw","bootinfotable" are not even in the manual but you clearly need to use them to make a CD.... what other commands exist I don't know about?
I had a strange problem when I tried to use puppy linux and karpesky on the same CD, clicking puppy always booted karpesky instead even though they don't share any common file names in the same folders!!
Also there are some programs that have the same file or directory structure, is there some way to create a sub folder in disk1 so that when CD's need to be extracted they don't overwrite each others files?
Sorry don't want to sound like I'm moaning too much (I LOVE the program) but its frustrating trying to figure it out, every mistake is another 25 minutes to burn a re-writable disk and test it (my poor old puter has never been rebooted so many times in one day)
A quick list of ALL available commands would be super I also think that some if the files ezboot folder use command line syntax but again seem to be undocumented.
Post Number: 4

Group: Members
Posts: 1942
Joined: Oct. 2008
Posted on: Jan. 06 2009,14:20 |
Hi flickhammer
Quote: “every mistake is another 25 minutes to burn a re-writable disk and test” This is not necessary. Download and use virtual pc from Microsoft (freeware) Download here
You can test your built ISO file using this “virtual pc”. It works like a substitute for a CD/DVD-reader. Quick and efficient is the word
Quote: “Also there are some programs that have the same file or directory structure” Yes you are right. This is quite a common problem. Most common is the “folder i386 problem”. I can guide you when needed
Quote: “I had a strange problem when I tried to use puppy linux and karpesky on the same CD” Yes you are right here to as well! I’m no heavy user of linux or isolinux (here is where you use “bootinfotable” as run command). But there is always some kind of solution to this.
Quote: “what other commands exist I don't know about?” Memdisk is such a command. Read here There is a heavy advantage using “memdisk” as command instead of using “run”. Memdisk can load compressed floppy images like ghost.ima.gz (gz=g-zip). Note1: memdisk loads floppy image to memory. I can later explain why this is such advantage. Note2: in normal case you always use “run ghost.ima” as example.
Quote: “A quick list of ALL available commands would be super” Excellent idea, but nobody has yet done this
Final note: Please use “search” and always search for “Older” topics don’t choose to search for “Newer” topics.
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 5
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