Hey, I was woundering how we get Vista, XP an 98SE on one DVD? I just want an ultimate boot DVD that reads all that and partition magic, I think I figured that one out, but not sure till I try the other ones, lol thanks for any help you can give
For WinXP Copy folder i386 from your install CD (in fact you can copy the whole content if you like) to EasyBoot\disk1 Copy every tag-file win51 etcetera to EasyBoot\disk1 Use w2ksect.bin (you have this file already in EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot-folder) Use command run w2ksect.bin  (or rename file to something more suitable winxp.bin or whatever)
I used search function (searched for “older topics”) and found so much so I got “overflow”  One search example for each system showed below.
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help fileHERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later