Topic: How To Make Multi Bootable Disk with .gho Image, .gho image to bootable cd | < Next Oldest | Next Newest > |
Post Number: 1

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Posted on: Sep. 28 2009,01:49 |
i hav norton ghost 2003 build 793 , ghost bootable disk ghost 11.5 and a .gho image of my windows . i want to write it in a multi bootable disk how ??
Plz Help
Post Number: 2

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Posted on: Sep. 28 2009,04:13 |
Welcome to this forum
Some questions: Most important first. Is this a bootable floppy “ghost bootable disk ghost 11.5”? What version of ghost did you use to create image of your windows? Do you like to automatically run ghost (create image and/or also image back to hard disk)?
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Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Sep. 28 2009,08:36 |
Edited by on Sep. 28 2009,08:37
Post Number: 4

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Posted on: Sep. 28 2009,12:22 |
First of all - YOU DON’T NEED TO SHOUT  - it goes perfectly well with normal “speaking”.
Secondly what I can find out in your request, is that you have ghost image of a working XP-system witch you would like to image back to your hard disk – but if you mean starting setup of WinXP it’s a different approach. However it seems that we are dealing with a ghost operation here and you do not have a floppy unit that easily would solve your problems how to get a working floppy ghost image to folder ezboot.
How to Create DOS floppy Image Do it this way
you have two possibilities: 1. Download pre made floppy image with built in support for CD/DVD in “DOS-mode” 2. Create your own floppy image without support for CD/DVD in “DOS-mode”.
Seems we need to stick to method 1: Download pre made image from here
Create a folder with name ghost on C: Open downloaded  image WindowsME_No_Ramdrive.img (I do hope you already have a program for this) copy all files from inside of this image to folder ghost.
Start notepad and insert this text lines
del scandisk.exe del scanreg.exe del del extract.exe del del xcopy32.mod del move.exe del chkdsk.exe del debug.exe del deltree.exe del ext.exe del findramd.exe del fixit.bat del hibinv.exe del label.exe del mem.exe del xcopy.exe del xcopy32.exe del xcopy32.mod del fdisk.exe del attrib.exe del help.bat
Save text file as reduce.bat (note extension “bat” not txt)
Put reduce.bat in folder ghost. Double click on reduce.bat batch file runs and doing its “things”. Delete reduce.bat file we don’t need it more.
Right click on autoexec.bat in folder ghost and choose to edit. Insert these lines in the end of text (put in text after this one: MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:R:)
usbmouse.exe ctmouse.exe ghost.exe shutdown /R
you now have this
@echo off
MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:R usbmouse.exe ctmouse.exe ghost.exe shutdown /R
We need some more files. Download USB driver here
Copy file Uhci.exe to folder ghost rename file Uhci.exe to usbmouse.exe Congratulations you now have USB-mouse support.
Download PS/2 mouse driver from here
Right click to and choose “Extract to” Open folder cutemouse21b4 continue with open folder “bin” find and copy “ctmouse.exe” to folder ghost Congratulations you now have support for mouse connected via PS/2.
Download shutdown dos-program from here
Choose “extract here” Open folder shut12 and copy to folder ghost Congratulations you now have support for the nice small dos program “shutdown”.
Copy your ghost.exe to folder ghost (dos-version of ghost.exe - you cannot use ghost32.exe because this is an 32-bit program) Note: name on ghost.exe must be ghost.exe (look in autoexec.bat).
Start EasyBoot and choose tools>Create new floppy image and set image size to 2880 Â scroll to and use WindowsME_No_Ramdrive.img as seed image use name ghost (or whatever) as new image name (save floppy image in folder ezboot). Â
Now open your newly created floppy image with size 2880 kb and inject all files from folder ghost. Save changes. In easyboot menu you set run ghost.img
Note1: this only starts ghost with universal mouse support (both USB as ps-2 mouse) but it doesn't create or do image to hard disk automatically. For automatically response you need to set switches in file autoexec.bat and how to set this switches I can’t tell at this moment. I need to now your hardware and especially where you intend to load ghost image from. Is it from CD/DVD-unit or from a second partition on hard disk one or from a second hard disk (2) first partition or what?
Note2: Take attention to that ghost images created with ghost v 11.5 cannot be used together with ghost v 8. However, Ghost image created by ghost v 8 or later can be opened by ghost v 11.5. Conclusion: compatibility is to later (higher) version and not to lower versions.
About Reboot and command to start from first harddisk read in help>Technical Support and Service>Frequently Asked Questions balder
Edited by balder on Sep. 28 2009,13:56
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Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Sep. 29 2009,03:23 |
I had created image as per your steps .
What do i do with this image .
my problem still not solved .
Post Number: 6

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Posted on: Sep. 29 2009,04:18 |
Quote: ” What do i do with this image” It’s this image that we use to control the whole operation. We can now create several copies of this floppy image (modifying autoexec.bat)  and automatically run ghost to create or load image to hard disk. That means you can have a menu in easyboot: ”image hard disk one” and/or “create ghost image from hard disk one”. If you lift your eyes a little bit  you find PINNED: Creating a restore disk W/ghost This topic gives a hint what I’m talking about. When you have read and understand basic in this topic you understand that we need to edit autoexec.bat a little bit more to set path for ghost image (and set different switches to ghost.exe). That’s why it is “deadly” important for me to know from where ghost image is loaded (hard disk or CD/DVD-unit).
Attention! This part is still unclear to me: “Note1: this only starts ghost with universal mouse support (both USB as ps-2 mouse) but it doesn't create or do image to hard disk automatically. For automatically response you need to set switches in file autoexec.bat and how to set this switches I can’t tell at this moment. I need to now your hardware and especially where you intend to load ghost image from. Is it from CD/DVD-unit or from a second partition on hard disk one or from a second hard disk (2) first partition or what?”
Again I repeat  I need to now your hardware and especially where you intend to load ghost image from. Is it from CD/DVD-unit or from a second partition on hard disk one or from a second hard disk (2) first partition or what? Basically - Do you have more than one hard disk or do you have one hard disk with several partitions or is your intension to load ghost image from CD/DVD-unit instead from the faster method using several partitions (if only having one hard disk) or several hard disks?
I suggest that you google for ghost switches commands to better understand how these switches are set. I can help you but it is always nice to be acknowledged by you own for future use of ghost.
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Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Sep. 29 2009,07:04 |
Thanks For Helping . I hav one hard disk with 3 partions and i want to install xp only at first partion .
I had Done As U Say Plz Tell Me The Next Steps Like Ur Previous Steps Only , Q 2How Can I Make A Self Installing Image ,
I attached A image I Want This Like Bootable Image . Or Tell Me IF It is not possible ,and tell my second question.
Plz Visit My Site Here
Edited by on Sep. 29 2009,07:13
Attached Image
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Sep. 29 2009,11:22 |
One clarification though you don’t “install” XP (or whatever) when you use ghost. You clone using load or dump ghost images.
You still haven’t told me from what source ghost image should restore hard disk partition
It seems you only have one hard disk with 3 partitions. Correct? I now assume your ghost image is on (lets say) hard disk partition-2 (showed as [D:] in windows). If so, open your created floppy ghost image in folder ezboot and extract autoexec.bat to a temporary folder. Attention! Don’t extract autoexec.bat to the root [C:]
Right click on autoexec.bat and choose to edit. Insert these lines (change ghost.exe) to this text: Ghost.exe -sure -or -clone,mode=pload,src=D:\name_to_your_image.gho:1,dst=1:1
Note1: change this name_to_your_image.gho to the name of your created ghost image (I don’t know what name you have used). Use short names like mysystem.gho or xp_sp3.gho that will say less than 8 letters Note2:  I assume your created ghost image is on second partition (showed as [D:] in windows). If your ghost image is on [E:] change D:\ to E:\
This creates “dump” a new ghost image with the name latest.gho of your hard disk partition one that will say [C:] Ghost.exe -clone,mode=pdump,src=1:1,dst=d:\latest.gho -z2 -fx –sure If I change dst=d:\senaste.gho to dst=e:\latest.gho ghost images is saved on hard disk partition-3 that will say [E:]
You can now make a copy of your floppy ghost image you earlier created and rename them to clonexp.img and/or imagexp.img or whatever to load and save ghost images fully automatically.
Attention! I take no responsibility if “things” goes bad here. Make sure you have made copies of vital software/programs and personally data.
Finally, is this a2zdl your homepage
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Post Number: 9

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Posted on: Sep. 29 2009,12:19 |
I want To Make A bootable Disc So My Ghost Image Should Be In CD .
I Want To Run It From Cd To C:/
Next You Had Edited The Folder Ezboot What To Do With This.
How This Is Help Full To Create Muliti Bootable Disk.
Yes a2zdl is my own site plz see the link if i am fAKING .
Post Number: 10

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Posted on: Sep. 29 2009,16:08 |
Quote: “I Want To Run It From Cd To C:/”. Thanks  you finally answer my initial question what source you intend to use to load ghost image to [C:].
To use CD/DVD-unit we need to again edit autoexec.bat in ghost floppy image. But first replace MSCDEX.EXE with Open ghost floppy image and delete MSCDEX.EXE continue with Download from HERE Extract files and inject to ghost floppy image. Delete all text in autoexec.bat and inject this text lines instead
@echo off /D:tomato /L:X PATH=a:\;a:\dos;x:\ghost usbmouse.exe ctmouse.exe ghost.exe -clone,mode=load,src=X:\system.gho,dst=1:1 -fx -sure –rb shutdown /R
Note1: do not forget to change name in autoexec.bat to your ghost image name (I use system.gho in my example text above). Note2: if can’t find your CD/DVD-unit try using from downloaded zip-file (rename to so you don’t need to change text in autoexec.bat). Note3: you can create a second floppy image and only use ghost.exe (leaving out switches) to control ghost manually. Â
Anyway - above text lines load (clone) your hard disk one partition one [C:] from CD/DVD-unit and when finished automatically reboot your computer. It will not ask you (-sure) to continue cloning – it just runs on. If leaving out switch –sure you get a question like “continue with cloning?”
Edit: Copy your created ghost image ***.gho to EasyBoot\disk1 You put ghost floppy image to folder ezboot as usual. Use command run ghost.img in easyboot menu
Edited by balder on Dec. 27 2009,10:39
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