I'm having trouble with integrating Passware Kit bootable ISO into Easyboot.
What I did was ... copy out the contents of ISO to C:\EasyBoot\disk1 ... changed the I386 folder name to PAWK ... (because there is another app using I386 folder name) ...
extract the boot loader of ISO and put it into ezboot directory (I gave the name as pawk.bif) then replace the I386 to PAWK with Easyboot's text replacing tool.
After this, hexedit the BOOTFONT.BIN, SETUPLDR.BIN and TXTSETUP.SIF; replacing all I386 to PAWK
then build the ISO, boot in Virtual PC and when I run the Passware Kit ... It shows ... setup is inspecting your computer's hardware configuration ...... (something like that) and don't continue.
The original Passware Kit ISO is running well on Virtual PC.
Hi, I recently (for a couple of minutes ago) tested to integrate passware kit using my script “easyboot-live.scriptâ€. Everything went well Â
You can download this tool(s) from my website – find below “Welcome to my website here"
Note1: you have to download “easyboot-live.script†separately Note2: I used WinXP when doing this.
Edited by balder on Dec. 26 2009,06:32
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help fileHERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later