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Topic: Symantec Drive Image question, autorestore partiton?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
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kyme32 Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Dec. 27 2009,06:05  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

hi guys
I'm new @here and i want you to ask if it's possible to make an bootable cd/dvd with restore image like autorestore when disk it's booted
i have used PowerQuest Drive Image to restore my windows and i want to make it little easily like only to boot the disk and then to chose restore and to restore my partition, i restore only C: partition

Edit: not necessarily to be an cd/dvd can be an usb mass storage but i think an dvd it's the best solution
I forgot to mention that i want to restore complete files using dos i have the PowerQuest Drive Image iso (known as pqdi.iso) but it's there some code to make it automatic restore?like without selecting image and partition etc, just boot an image and to restore it?

Thank you, i waiting your feedback's
Regards, Emanuel

Edited by kyme32 on Dec. 27 2009,06:47
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 Post Number: 2
balder Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Dec. 27 2009,17:03 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE


Welcome to this forum kyme32

I must admit that I have no experience how to fully out use switches to powerquest drive image, but it is never to late to learn new tasks :cool:

Let’s start with “standard” = CD\DVD-unit

To run a "Restore" operation test this:

1. Download pre made image from HERE
2. Create a folder with name powerquest on C:
Open downloaded image WindowsME_No_Ramdrive.img (I do hope you already have a program for this – I use UltraISO) copy all files from inside of this image to folder powerquest.

Start notepad and insert this text lines

del scandisk.exe
del scanreg.exe
del extract.exe
del xcopy32.mod
del move.exe
del chkdsk.exe
del debug.exe
del deltree.exe
del ext.exe
del findramd.exe
del fixit.bat
del hibinv.exe
del label.exe
del mem.exe
del xcopy.exe
del xcopy32.exe
del xcopy32.mod
del fdisk.exe
del attrib.exe
del help.bat

Save text file as reduce.bat (note extension “bat” not txt)

Put reduce.bat in folder powerquest. Double click on reduce.bat
batch file runs and doing its “things”. Delete reduce.bat file we don’t need it any more.

3. Right click on autoexec.bat in folder powerquest and choose to edit. Delete all text in autoexec.bat-file and instead insert this text:

@echo off
MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:X
PQDI /CMD=X:\restore.scr /IMG=X:\backup.PQI

Please note following: change name to “backup.PQI” to the name you use to your own earlier created drive image file (I don’t know what name you use to the earlier created drive image file).

4. You need following files (DOS-files) in folder powerguest as well: pqdi.exe, pqdi.ovl, pqdi.pqg, pqdplctr.rtc I hope you have this DOS-based files on some floppy or whatever

5. Open notepad and put in this text:

Save textfile with name restore.scr (use extension scr and not txt). Save restore.scr to EasyBoot\disk1

6. Copy earlier created drive image file to EasyBoot\disk1 (make sure name to this image file is the same as in autoexec.bat-file - in my case backup.PQI). Note: Name is not case sensitive

7. Start EasyBoot and choose tools>Create new floppy image and set image size to 2880 scroll to and use WindowsME_No_Ramdrive.img as seed image and use name restore as new image name (save floppy image in folder ezboot).

8. Now open your newly created floppy image (restore.img) in folder ezboot with size 2880 kb and inject all files from folder powerquest (I use UltraIso for this operation). Save changes.

9. In easyboot menu you use command:  run restore.img

10. Create ISO-file and you are finished :)

Some explanation to file reboot.scr:
SELECT DRIVE 1 >this select drive 1 (first hard drive=target drive)
SELECT PARTITION 1 >this select partition 1 as target for operation
SELECT IMAGE ALL >this command force RESTORE to use the whole drive image file you restore from)
RESIZE IMAGE PROPORTIONAL >these forces RESTORE to use all space in partition 1
RESTORE >operation command (store is the opposite)
REBOOT >this force computer to reboot when operation is finished

Interesting link HERE and switch examples HERE

I take no responsibility for problems caused by using this instructions!!!
You are advised to always backup your data!

ATTENTION! Do not have any bootable USB device in use to computer as this might change hard disk number in BIOS which hereby fools powerquest (not any bright idea if you ask me).

Final note: It's possible to run this from USB device as well - but let's start with this :;):


Edited by balder on Dec. 27 2009,17:13

Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE
Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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