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Topic: load a boot image from a subdir, How to?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
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darkrocket00 Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Mar. 04 2010,11:02  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

How do I load a boot image from a subdir? I want to keep my structure organized.
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 Post Number: 2
balder Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Mar. 04 2010,11:27 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


First of all welcome to this forum @darkrocket00 :)

Here is an example: I do not want to have files mixed together in folder ezboot because it’s a mess having all those files in one folder (folder ezboot) :O
I therefore create a folder format inside folder ezboot – and in this folder “format” I put my format/partition tools (which I have in form of floppy images and ISO-files).

Structure now looks like this:


To launch a floppy image that we normally put in folder ezboot you use as example menu command. Run pmagic.img

But as I have moved floppy image “pmagic.img” to folder format I must change menu command to: run /ezboot/format/pmagic.img

You can create how many folders you like in folder ezboot.

Another example: You can create folders on the root as well (root for EasyBoot is folder disk1). If I create a folder ISO directly in folder “disk1” (to have my ISO-files in) and I put in acronis.iso inside folder ISO I can use menu command: bcdw /iso/acronis.iso
Structure in this case now looks like this:

Note: letters for command(s) in EasyBoot itself is not case sensitive (letters in menu).


Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE
Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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 Post Number: 3
darkrocket00 Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Mar. 04 2010,12:21 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

WOW, Very quick response! I think I understand a lil... Let me explain what I'm trying to do....

I really like how I can extract the boot image in the bsf format.

I want my menu to look something like this:

1.) DOS 6.22
2.) Bart PE
3.) ERD 5.0
4.) ERD 6.5 x64
5.) Hirens BCD

I'm Using the following commands for each menu item

1.)run \dos622\boot622.bsf
2.)bcdw /iso/ubcd411.iso
3.)bcdw /iso\erd50.iso
4.)bcdw /iso/erd65x64.iso
5.)bcdw /iso/HBCD.iso
6.)bcdw /iso/OPHxp.iso

Thanks for the folder instructions
my structure is now


here are the errors i'm getting now.

1) File not found
2) could not find kernel image: linux
3) Sits at a blank screen
4.) Sits at a blank screen

I want to try and stay away from booting dos using an image file because its my hopes to use this folder format so that I can add in my firmware tools and boot to dos and upgrade systems firmware....

Edited by darkrocket00 on Mar. 04 2010,12:44
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 Post Number: 4
balder Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Mar. 04 2010,12:46 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


There is some misunderstanding here… ???

1.)run \dos622\boot622.bsf (wrong should be: run /dos622/boot622.bsf
2.)bcdw /iso/ubcd411.iso (wrong – you cannot launch ubcd411.iso this way)
3.)bcdw /iso\erd50.iso (wrong – you cannot launch erd50.iso this way)
4.)bcdw /iso/erd65x64.iso (wrong – you cannot launch erd65x64.iso this way)

You can launch boot622.bsf if this is a floppy image (I guess this is a kind of floppy image – correct?) If so you can use menu command: run /dos622/boot622.bsf
But if this is a kind of linux distro we are talking about something else – can you please be a little bit more specific what this is :O

You cannot launch ubcd411.iso, erd50.iso or erd65x64.iso with bcdw-command. Instead test my script easyboot-iso.script and check “Run from RAM” to integrate ubcd411.iso and erd50.iso. When integrating erd65x64.iso you don’t need to check “Run from RAM” (if this erd65x64.iso is based on Vista – which I guess it is).
Some ISO-files can be launched with bcdw-command – read post;5 HERE

Note1: Please read help in script (push help button in script) and read help lines on my web site to better understand how you activate and use script(s).
Note2: There are several ways to integrate ERD-commander, BartPE or Reatogo etcetera into EasyBoot. Here are some notes for you to better understanding:

Read post;3 and post; 6 HERE
And read post;2 HERE

regards balder

Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE
Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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 Post Number: 5
darkrocket00 Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Mar. 04 2010,14:05 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

I'm getting the following error when running the script

FileRename - Failed to rename file: [%BaseDir%\Iso\ERD5.iso.gz] to:[ERD50.ISO.GZ]

EDIT** Now I fixed that but getting the error

FileCopy - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\newimage\ERD50.img] to: [C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot]

Edited by darkrocket00 on Mar. 04 2010,14:15
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 Post Number: 6
balder Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Mar. 04 2010,14:20 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


Quote: ”Failed to rename file: [%BaseDir%\Iso\ERD5.iso.gz] to:[ERD50.ISO.GZ]”

It seems to me that when script asks for ISO-file to integrate – you point to a folder iso inside winbuilder. Is this a correct description?

Note1: make sure that ERD5.ISO-file is somewhere else and not in folder Winbuilder\ISO when you point to ISO-file to integrate.
Note2: make sure that ISO-file isn’t already G-zipped – you cannot use a gziped ISO-file - you must use ISO-file that is not compressed = in original shape ***.ISO


Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE
Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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 Post Number: 7
darkrocket00 Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Mar. 04 2010,14:54 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

I got it working! Many thanks I'll test it in my VM and let you know the results! THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!
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 Post Number: 8
darkrocket00 Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Mar. 04 2010,15:37 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Okay... Everything works GREAT!!! thank you so much!

I have only one problem or question... My end goal is to boot this off of a USB drive... I know how to get this set up but I'm having an issue booting dos.

I like and will keep the current file structure, however I want to keep dos expanded that way when I plug in my usb drive into windows I can drag and drop files to appear when I boot to Dos (i.e. New firmware updates). I know I can do it by creating a dos image and wrap the files into the image but I don't want to recreate it every time I need to add a file.... any ideas?
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 Post Number: 9
balder Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Mar. 04 2010,17:26 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


Quote: ”Okay... Everything works GREAT!!! thank you so much!” Nice :D

You can use ISO created by EasyBoot and launch this ISO-file directly using my script easyboot-usb.script. This script prepare USB device fully automatically (USB stick\thumb drive as example) – and when asked for ISO you point to your created ISO (EasyBoot-ISO-file). Note: As “root” is lost when launching EasyBoot-iso from USB you have to move “root” (in your case folder ISO in EasyBoot\disk1 – or at least files inside this folder to the folder ISO on USB as this is the new “root”). You do not have any use for folder ISO in EasyBoot\disk1 when creating the final ISO in EasyBoot – this makes ISO less in size as well.

Please push help button in script easyboot-iso (read especially the part “How to solve problem related to launch ISO-files from RAM in USB environment!”) to better understand what I mean :;):

Quote: “I can do it by creating a dos image and wrap the files into the image but I don't want to recreate it every time I need to add a file.... any ideas?”

If you boot computer from USB the USB device now is C: and your original harddisk is now D:. We can use these facts by creating a folder with name “dosfiles” on USB and put you “firmware” files (files that later easily can be updated this way) inside this folder. In autoexec.bat (in your floppy dos-image) you can test and use path “C:\dosfiles” as path for your “firmware” files. In theory this should work – in practice? Test and see

Edit: Tested following – I launched Ghost.exe (dos-version of ghost).
I created floppy image and set path to ghost.exe in autoexec.bat to this path: C:\format\ghost.exe (as you can see I created a separate folder “format” on the root of USB device and put my ghost.exe in there). A simplified Floppy image “ghost.img” was used and launched as usual in EasyBoot: “run ghost.img” and floppy image was put in folder ezboot as usual. I created ISO-file as usual and let script easyboot-usb.script do the whole “thing” fully automatically. I then created folder “format” on root of USB and copied ghost.exe to this folder.  
Note: floppy image “ghost.img” didn’t have ghost.exe inside itself as autoexec.bat instead launched ghost.exe from USB device in folder “format”.

Above shows clearly that it’s possible to use a separate folder for your “firmware” that this way can be launched with a simple floppy image inside EasyBoot.
How to keep a “clean environment” inside EasyBoot (using different folders) you already now from post nr;2

For the same procedure on CD/DVD-unit you can use this basic explanation how to set path (“PATH=a:\;a:\dos;x:\ghost” but changed to “PATH=a:\;a:\dos;x:\dosfiles”) to work from CD/DVD – read post nr;17 HERE
And now its sleeping time :cool:

Edit2: Attention! Script can now launch builds based on folder i386 from EasyBoot menu using menu command "memdisk *.img.gz". Script is updated - do new download :O  

Regards balder

Edited by balder on Mar. 05 2010,12:19

Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE
Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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 Post Number: 10
darkrocket00 Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Mar. 08 2010,13:57 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

(balder @ Mar. 04 2010,22:26)
If you boot computer from USB the USB device now is C: and your original harddisk is now D:. We can use these facts by creating a folder with name “dosfiles” on USB and put you “firmware” files (files that later easily can be updated this way) inside this folder. In autoexec.bat (in your floppy dos-image) you can test and use path “C:\dosfiles” as path for your “firmware” files. In theory this should work – in practice? Test and see

OMG lol  :p I was thinking about that too hard, one of those duh moments... Thanks Balder! I will let you know how it works...

I'm having trouble with your USB script... It says: Script has found more than one USB device (or SErveral Partitions) is in use. Script is stopped to not dstroy data on other inits connected to computer.... I have only one usb drive plugged in, no hubs... I have no extra partitions on it.... What can I do?
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