Post Number: 1

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Posted on: Mar. 16 2010,13:46 |
I have been in the process of making a new diagnostic CD for work, and would like to integrate the WinRE CDs for Vista and 7 into it, both the 32bit and 64bit versions, but havent had any luck. I have mainly tried all the guides for Running multiple copies of same OS from same disc, but to no avail.
The RE CDs can be found here: http://neosmart.net/blog/2008/windows-vista-recovery-disc-download/
Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks
Post Number: 2

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Posted on: Mar. 16 2010,14:36 |
I have successfully integrated “WinRE” and “MsDart60” at same time using my script “easyboot-iso.script”. Script has capacity to launch ISO-file, as they are – no need to extracting files and folders to EasyBoot\disk1
Take attention to post nr: 12 HERE
And don’t forget to check “Allow Lower Case” when creating ISO in EasyBoot.
You can find information below – look for “Welcome to my website here”
Edited by balder on Mar. 16 2010,15:18
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Mar. 16 2010,17:00 |
I have downloaded and gone over your program and am completely lost as to what you would have me do to run that from my diagnostic CD to start the RE cds, any more help?
Post Number: 4

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Posted on: Mar. 16 2010,17:18 |
Hmmmm  I’m unsure what you mean. Note: You can download the complete set from HERE (same as on my website)
Extract downloaded zip-file to the root (C:\) - You get a new folder “winbuilder_complete”. Open folder winbuilder_complete and double-click to winbuilder.exe.
Read instruction HERE how to manage scripts
Activate easyboot-iso.script (you have it in the left panel of program window) There is a help button in script – push on help button and read example in there.
It looks like my server is a little bit slow for the moment - but I'm sure downloads work okay
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Mar. 16 2010,18:55 |
I redownloaded from the link you provided, and ran Winbuilder, under Easyboot Iso, I name it "VR32" for Vista Recovery 32bit, the first one I had wanted to make work with it, and hit start, it asks me to browse to the ISO, I do, and it says "Wrong File Type" and everything stops. Â The Iso's are perfectly fine tho, as ive tested them
Tested with several other different kinds of ISO's and get that very same error.
QUOTE Â Â Â Scripts
Processing section: [Process] in file: [EasyBoot-ISO] Â 25.381 seconds
[Failed] FileCopy - Failed to copy [AVGR.ISO] to: [C:\EasyBoot\\disk1\iso]
[Warning] Halt
   %BaseDir% = C:\winbuilder_complete\winbuilder_complete\ (winbuilder's path is replaced by the variable %basedir% to make the log easier to read)
WinBuilder version [075 beta 5]
   [Script] Processing section: [Process] in file: [EasyBoot-ISO]
[Info] File [%BaseDir%\Projects\LiveXP\EasyBoot\easyboot-iso.script] Version [2] [Ignore] IF - Directory exists: [C:\EasyBoot\\disk1] evaluated string: [If,NotEXISTDIR,%pFileBox1%\disk1,Message,Script can not find path to EasyBoot,CONFIRMATION] [Ignore] IF - Directory exists: [C:\EasyBoot\\disk1] evaluated string: [If,NotEXISTDIR,%pFileBox1%\disk1,Exit,ExitMessage] [Info] Creating folders and extracting necessary files for the process [Success] DirDelete - Deleted directory [%BaseDir%\Temp\*.*] [Success] FileDelete - Sucessfully deleted [%BaseDir%\Temp\*.*] [Success] DirMake - Created directory: [%BaseDir%\Temp\newimage] [Success] DirMake - Created directory: [%BaseDir%\Temp\newimage\menu] [Success] ExtractAllFiles - [%BaseDir%\Projects\LiveXP\EasyBoot\easyboot-iso.script] Section [Folder1] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\newimage] [Success] ExtractFile - [grldr] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\newimage\menu] [Success] IF - [False] is equal to: [false] evaluated string: [if,%pCheckBox1%,Equal,false,ExtractFile,%ScriptFile%,Folder2,menu.lst,%Temp%\newimage\menu] [Success] ExtractFile - [menu.lst] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\newimage\menu] [Ignore] IF - [False] is not equal to: [true] evaluated string: [if,%pCheckBox1%,Equal,true,ExtractFile,%ScriptFile%,Folder2,menu2.lst,%Temp%\newimage\menu] [Ignore] IF - [False] is not equal to: [true] evaluated string: [if,%pCheckBox1%,Equal,true,FileRename,%Temp%\newimage\menu\menu2.lst,%Temp%\newimage\menu\menu.lst] [Success] Message: SCRIPT NEED HELP TO EXACTLY LOCATE ISO-FILE BROWSE AND DOUBLE CLICK ON ISO-FILE! [Success] Retrieve - A file was chosen from: [C:\] to variable: [%file%] with result: [C:\Users\Will\Downloads\AVGR.ISO] [Ignore] IF - File exists: [*.iso] evaluated string: [If,NotEXISTFILE,*.iso,Message,Wrong type of file! Script stopped!,CONFIRMATION] [Ignore] IF - File exists: [*.iso] evaluated string: [If,NotEXISTFILE,*.iso,DirDelete,%Temp%\newimage] [Ignore] IF - File exists: [*.iso] evaluated string: [If,NotEXISTFILE,*.iso,Exit,ExitMessage] [Ignore] IF - Directory exists: [C:\EasyBoot\\disk1\ISO] evaluated string: [If,NOTEXISTDIR,%pFileBox1%\disk1\ISO,DirMake,%pFileBox1%\disk1\ISO] [Ignore] IF - [False] is not equal to: [true] evaluated string: [if,%pCheckBox1%,Equal,true,Run,%ScriptFile%,gzip] [Success] IF - [False] is equal to: [false] evaluated string: [if,%pCheckBox1%,Equal,false,FileRename,%file%,%pTextBox16%.ISO] [Success] FileRename - Successfully renamed file: [C:\Users\Will\Downloads\AVGR.ISO] to:[AVGR.ISO] [Success] IF - [False] is equal to: [false] evaluated string: [if,%pCheckBox1%,Equal,false,Echo, Copy ISO-file to EasyBoot - this may take several minutes - be patient...] [Info] Â Copy ISO-file to EasyBoot - this may take several minutes - be patient... [Success] IF - [False] is equal to: [false] evaluated string: [if,%pCheckBox1%,Equal,false,FileCopy,"%pTextBox16%.ISO","%pFileBox1%\disk1\iso"] [Failed] FileCopy - Failed to copy [AVGR.ISO] to: [C:\EasyBoot\\disk1\iso] [Warning] Halt
[Done] Finished processing script: EasyBoot-ISO (easyboot-iso.script) [Clock] Script time: 25 seconds and 381 miliseconds
[Done] Script has been sucessfully processed
Edited by apsolus on Mar. 16 2010,19:10
Post Number: 6

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Posted on: Mar. 16 2010,21:58 |
Well although I still do not have a solution for why it wont work on my desktop, for experiments sake, I tried it on a Windows XP Machine and had no issues, so just copied the files over to my EZBOOT folder after generating them on that machine and everything is working perfectly.
I now have a CD which includes: Acronis True Image Acronis Disk Director HD Regenerator PQ Magic Norton Ghost UBCD Hirens CD AVG Rescue CD and all 4 RE CDs for WinVista and Win7
Sadly, now it all requires a DVD instead of a CD lol
Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Mar. 17 2010,02:50 |
Quote: it wont work on my desktop” As I pointed out – run script(s) from the root (C:\) and make sure you do not have/use spaces in folder and file names – and do not use compressed ISO-files
EDIT: I have found a problem in setting in script when you run it from your desktop. This line in log indicate you have set wrong path to folder easyboot: [C:\EasyBoot\\disk1\iso] Please set path to folder easyboot like this: C:\EasyBoot Do not set path like this: C:\EasyBoot\ If script is run in WinXP it doesn’t matter if path is set to: C:\EasyBoot\ But in Vista or Win7 it fails completely. If you push “help-button” in script it is clearly described that you should not set path to folder easyboot like this: C:\EasyBoot\
Note: No need (but no harm) to check “Run from RAM” if integrating ISO-files from NT6 or NT7-family Vista or Win7 based ISO-files. (Typically MsDart60, MsDart65, WinRE, Ghost14, Ghost15 as example). Only ISO-files based on NT5-system – using folder i386 - need to be run from RAM (typically BartPE, Reatogo, ERD5, ERD7 or similar).
Anyway – it did work out for you  Run script engine (Winbuilder) in WinXP is highly recommended by me – very smart decision from you Â
Quote: “Sadly, now it all requires a DVD instead of a CD lol” He, he life is tuff
Edited by balder on Mar. 17 2010,08:02
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Mar. 18 2010,09:06 |
Regardless of what the error log said, the path set was honestly C:\Easyboot, like it was default after opening the application, I never changed it, and I did read over all of your help files is another reason why I didn't try setting a different path or adding the \ after. I did try the "Run from RAM" and it failed too on my desktop, and on XP for all the images except, as you said Ghost 15 which is expected since it needs the i386 folder. Sadly, I do not have a XP machine myself, did it on a customers machine that had downgraded to XP from Vista but wanted to install Win7 before I did it, will have to setup a Virtual Machine I guess for future use.
Thanks for the help, still wish I knew why it wont work on my desktop, or laptop for that matter, both Win7 Pro 64bit, with application running as admin. Also tried compat mode for XP SP3 and still no go.
Post Number: 9

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Posted on: Mar. 18 2010,13:30 |
Quote: ”still wish I knew why it won’t work on my desktop, or laptop for that matter, both Win7 Pro 64bit”.
Well it can be related to the Win7-64bit system. It could be this that causes as trouble – I have never tested scripts in such system
Quote: “the path set was honestly C:\Easyboot” He, he relax @apsolus, I do believe you  – but log indicated that – but can also be a result of behaviour in Win7-64bit system – who knows?
Regards balder
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later