Post Number: 1

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Posted on: Apr. 09 2010,16:32 |
I've download the Partition Wizard 5.0 Fee CD Version ISO. I don't know to boot this from EasyBoot. I've try to boot it's bif by command "bcd /ezboot/pw5.bif". Also I've try to extract all files to EasyBoot\disk1 and by command "run pw5.bif" ; it's all fail. In the ISO , it's got only one folder "Boot" , the content as folldw :
BZIMAGE tinycore.gz X86.IMG
Post Number: 2

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Posted on: Apr. 09 2010,17:37 |
Partition Wizard 5.0 can easily be launched using my script easyboot-iso.script (download below “Scripts mentioned by balder in topics is here: Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE”)
You don’t need to choose “Run from RAM” it works anyway – but use CAPS to name (BIG LETTERS). You don’t need to check “Allow Lower Case” or check “Joliet” when creating ISO in EasyBoot as it is run from ISO-file directly.
Take attention to spaces in name. Read HERE especially post nr 6
Finally, please do not double post
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Apr. 09 2010,18:22 |
Hello , balder Thanks first for your quick replay. I'm total new user of EasyBoot. I've a lot of questions and find answers myself in this forum. I learnt a lot. But I don't know how to use script , where can they be applied. If you say it's easy , then it must be very helpful to me later for the other ISO files. Actually I've already downloaded you script with WinBuilder. You have a brief instruction. I appreciate it. But I know nothing about it. Oh ! I'm really a fool. Please balder , would you mind to tell me step by step how to do with my Partition Wizard ISO. Actually do I have to extract them or just an ISO file ? Where to put this files ? How to write in the Command like run ..... I really need your breif explanation , please , I know I'm a bit too much ; but have mercy on me. Thanks a lot.
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Posted on: Apr. 09 2010,18:59 |
Extract folder “winbuilder_complete” to the root [C:] Best result is to have EasyBoot installed on the root as well. Script works best in WinXP but I have tested them in Win7 and it worked for me – but some reports indicate that “safety latches” in Win7 sometimes stop scripts from working well Take attention to that script hates spaces in name to files and folders - Read HERE especially post nr 6
Inside downloaded zip-file “Balder” you have a help-file use that file to better understand how you activate and use scripts. Note: each script also has a help-button - use this button as well
Activate easyboot-iso.script and give your target-file (ISO-file) a short name in the textbox – let’s say PWHE5 use CAPS to name=BIG LETTERS and as stated in script, do not put in extension “ISO” in name, only name and leave out extension ISO. Push start-button in script. You get a question and then start scrolling to your ISO-file. Note: name to your target-file might differ from what you have put in text-box. Let’s say name to target-file is in reality: pwhe5_v10.0.iso (as you can se small letters but no spaces). As soon as you double-click to this ISO-file script starts its work. When finished you get a text-file where you can copy menu command to be used in EasyBoot menu. It’s a good idea to have EasyBoot up and run with a already created menu but where you still have to put in menu command – and here you get menu command served on a “silver plate”
That’s it! Now create ISO-file in EasyBoot as usual (you don’t need to check “Allow lower case” or check “Joliet” and bye the way not DOS(8:3) (DOS(8:3) is only used in very rare occasions).
This script “easyboot-iso.script” can also directly launch WinPE-ISO-files typically created ISO-files from BartPE, Reatogo ERD5, ERD7 etcetera (basically “live-builds” based on folder i386 - or shall we say based on NT5-systems)
Quote: “Oh! I'm really a fool” No you are not! As you have decided to use EasyBoot you are – in my opinion – a smart person
Edited by balder on Apr. 10 2010,03:46
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Apr. 10 2010,05:12 |
Thanks balder
By following your instruction. I made my Partiition Wizard 5.0 bootable easily and just one time trial. Now I begin to understand how this WinBuilder work with the ISO portion.
I'm wonder whether I can use the same way to apply the other live CDs just like "PC Login Now 2.0" ; which is the one most annoying me. As I make the "Paragon Partition Manager 10.0" with :
bcdw /isolinux.bin /vmlinuzp noapic initrd=/initrd.gz root=/dev/ram0 eng_ver vga=0x314
I make Easeus Partition Manager 3.0 with :
bcdw /ezboot/isolinux.bin /boot/bzimage initrd=/boot/initrd.img prompt_ramdisk=0 ramdisk_size=102400 rw root=/dev/ram0 vga=788
I can run them both ok indvidually fine, but after I add "PC Login Now 2.0" in my boot menu by extract all it's files to C:\EasyBoot\Disk1 with command "bootinfotable;run pclogin.bif" ;
"PC Login Now 2.0" boot fine and work. But when I boot "Easeus Partition Manager 3.0" , it boot to "PC Login Now 2.0" , very strange
So what I'm always thinking is , if both "PC Login Now 2.0" , "Easeus Partition Manager 3.0" and "Paragon Partition Manager 10.0" can be in ISO mode , they may not be mixed up.
Anyway thanks a lot balder for your great help , and I'll continue to try the ISO boot ways. See whether I can solve the "PC LoginNow 2.0" problem. Of course I'll try the other portion of your WinBuilder help.
If I face other problem or question , hope you won't mind to answer me. Thanks. You're a real good man.
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Posted on: Apr. 10 2010,06:11 |
Hello , balder
I fail to boot with "PC Login Now 2.0". An error message comes out in the booting mid-way as follow :
>> Loading modules : scanning hardware ..... >> Activating mdev >> Making tmpfs for /newroot >> Media found on /dev/iseries/vcd* >> Determining root device ... !! Invalid loop location" /root.dat !! Please export LOOP with a valid location, or reboot and pass a proper loop=... !! kernel command lin!
BusyBox v1.1.3 (2007.05.18-06+0000) Built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
/bin/ash: can't access tty: job control turned off /newroot # _
Surely I made the same way as I made "Partition Wizard 5.0" with CAPITAL letters and command "memdisk PCLOGIN.img.gz". Which WinBuilder generate a file C:\Easyboot\Disk1\EZBOOT\PCLOGIN.img.gz
Is there another way to make ISO files. I read some passage you wrote in this forum about "No Fee Lunch". Well, I really think so. But how can I try the other lunch. Waiting for your tutor. Thanks a lot.
Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Apr. 10 2010,06:48 |
First, great that you managed to use script as supposed - excellent
Quote: “"Easeus Partition Manager 3.0" and "Paragon Partition Manager 10.0"” I think these two ones can be loaded as ISO-files – and I also think you can run these ISO without checking “Run from RAM”. Note: "PC Login Now 2.0" cannot that easily be launched using ISO-file. It could be that this ISO-file can be launched if the right command lines are inserted to grub floppy image in the same way as we can launch UBUNTU-ISO-file. Research is needed to find out how
However – as you probably don’t need to extract files and folders from "Easeus Partition Manager 3.0" or from "Paragon Partition Manager 10.0" - root is quite clean and you can hereby use method for "PC Login Now 2.0" (post nr 5) to make this one run as suggested.
Note: there is no harm in testing if an ISO-file can be launched directly – test and do your research. And you are very welcome to make a list of ISO-files that can be loaded this way – such list would also be a great help for other users as well.
Regards balder
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Apr. 10 2010,12:42 |
Hello , balder
First of all, I like to thanks for your reply everytime just like my friend. Contribution to the others is a must for me. Just give some time and I'll try to list whichover live CDs and use this way to boot up. But actually I don't get much of these , of course I'll try my best to find out some others and test them over.
By the way, as you know now , a normal DOS boot cd with IDE-rom and SATA-rom boot drivers , may still can't boot up a new computer and use the files in that cd except the A: (emulation floppy A). You can make the floppy to 2.88mb , but still it's too small to fit some other program if that cd can't be boot up nomatter in IDE or SATA driver mode. I found recently , there's quite a lot of this kind of computer of self-assemblied , and specially the HP brand desktop and notebook computers ; it's BIOS hidden the choice of changing AHCI back to IDE or SATA mode. And that's why the normal DOS boot cd can't be boot up with IDE or SATA mode driers.
Of course Easyboot CD or DVD can solve this problem as it doesn't need any of the IDE or SATA drivers. By using the Easyboot CD , I made a big floppy image of 31.68mb by "WinImage" . So I can place all my DOS utilities in it like "Ghost" , "Drive Image" , "Partition Magic 2002" , "Special Fixdisk" .......
It's simple , I just use command "run dos.img" to go. Why I'm talking it this topic is I'm thinking , if "PC Login Now 2.0" is so an unnormal ISO file , and I don't want to spread all it's files over the "C:\Easyboot\Disk1". And I found that it's a Linux base boot program. So may be we can make a larger DOS boot floppy (like 60mb) , then boot this floppy up to DOS and use the menu.lst to load it and run the program (Unfortunately I know nothing about Linux). But I did managed to load a DOS boot in my USB harddisk , ]
my config.sys is "install=grub.exe"
menu.lst is : color black/cyan yellow/cyan default 0
title NoName XPE chainloader /setupldr.bin
title Reboot reboot
title Halt halt
Simplily speaking , for those ISO files which is hard to boot up , how about using the above mention way to boot them up under a big DOS floppy image . I think it should be one of a way that can be adopted by Easyboot and just use command like "run dos.img".
If it works , how would you suggest me to apply this to the "PC Login Now 2.0 (I don't know Linux).
Here are some information about the big DOS image under "WinImage" :
Size Sector per Cluster Total no of sectors Head 1.44MB 1(512) 2880 2 2.88MB 2(1024) 5760 2 4.32MB 2(1024) 8640 2 5.76MB 4(2048) 11520 4 7.20MB 8(4096) 14400 8 8.64MB 8(4096) 17280 8 10.08MB 8(4096) 20160 8 11.52MB 8(4096) 23040 8 12.96MB 16(8192) 25920 16 14.40MB 16(8192) 28800 16 15.84MB 16(8192) 31680 16 17.28MB 16(8192) 34560 16 18.72MB 16(8192) 37440 16 20.16MB 16(8192) 40320 16 21.60MB 16(8192) 43200 16 23.04MB 16(8192) 46080 16 24.48MB 16(8192) 48960 16 25.92MB 16(8192) 51840 16 27.36MB 16(8192) 54720 16 28.80MB 16(8192) 57600 16 30.24MB 16(8192) 60480 16 31.68MB 16(8192) 63360 16 33.12MB 16(8192) 66240 16 34.56MB 16(8192) 69120 16 36.00MB 16(8192) 72000 16 38.88MB 16(8192) 77760 16 41.76MB 16(8192) 83520 16 44.64MB 16(8192) 89280 16 48.00MB 16(8192) 96000 16 72.00MB 16(8192) 144000 16
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Posted on: Apr. 10 2010,13:54 |
Quote: "So may be we can make a larger DOS boot floppy (like 60mb)". I understand your idea but I’m pretty sure this won’t work. It’s nearly the same as using my script easyboot-iso.script and check “Run from RAM”. You most likely get same errors – isolinux can’t find the “core”. ISO-file and Floppy image-file works nearly the same way
Sure to create floppy images "WinImage" works fine, but you can also use EasyBoot to create floppy images as well. Start EasyBoot and choose “Tools”>>”Create new floppy image” – and choose size of new floppy image – up to 23 MB in size is supported
By the way…I personally prefer separate floppy images  (one for ghost and one for partition magic etcetera… I put them in folder ezboot or in a separate subfolder to have a clean environment – read HERE how to use subfolders). Note: To hold Ghost_v11 you only need a simple floppy image sized to 2.88mb to manage ghost including drivers for CD/DVD-unit. And if I use my script easyboot-cab.script and run gzip to such floppy image, size is 2,3 MB and followed by using menu command: memdisk ghost.ima.gz floppy image is run from RAM – heureka is the word
However you are right about that EasyBoot is powerful as it can launch “oversized” floppy images
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 10

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Posted on: Apr. 11 2010,12:35 |
Hello , balder
As for now, I can use Winbuilder iso-scripts to make the following ISOs :
Easeus Disk Copy 2.3 Easeus Partition Manager 5.01 Partition Wizard 5.0 Acronis True Image Echo Workstation 9.7.8398 with Universal RXPE 2008 (NoName XPE 2008)
The above ISO's can be Winbuilder iso-script built easily. But still the "Paragon Partition Manager 10.0" can't be made in this way. The question is not every ISO can be made this way. If so, what other way can be tried ?
Even though Winbuilder and oversized image are working the same function. But if Winbuilder can't make some ISO work ; why don't we try it it a DOS boot mode and use Linux base menu.lst to make it work. It is a bad practise. As I'm sure I made the "Easeus Partition Manager 3.0" work under DOS. And the thing is I know nothing about Linux procedures !!
Take "Paragon Partition Manager 10.0" as an example , it's structure is like that :
dos (folder) COMMON.zip local.zip SAFE.zip utils.zip psr (folder) bm_hide bm_stat boot.com gptmbr.bin mbr.com plug_in.bin plug_in.bmp plug_in.cfg (Others files in root directory) bm.bin bm_mbr bm_stat boot.catalog cd.cfg cd_plg.bmp cd_plg.cfg cd_plg.exe initrd.gz memdisk vmlinuzp dos.eng lilo.eng
Actually , I want to know how to call the Linux base CD program to work under DOS ; what is it's requirement , what is boot first and next , how can I write the menu.lst myself. So everytime when I can't make the ISO the Winbuilder iso-script mode. I can use the DOS way. May be it's a stupid idea or may be it's another way to solve the problem.
I know before the way that Easyboot can create 23mb floppy disk. But WinImage can create a bigger one , as some other cd needs large mb size that exceeding 23mb.
balder , if DOS is not a good way to go. Would you mind to suggest me the other way to run the ISOs.
Again, I really appreciate you reply me everytime. Really I learnt from you. It's true from my heart. And now I can finish making my first Easyboot CD around 650mb. I'm really happy with that as this is my first success.
Now I'm going to make a DVD one that I may place more programs in it. It means I need your help again. Hope that you will forgive this trouble man. Thanks in advance.
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