Post Number: 1

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Posted on: May 11 2010,18:26 |
I've got a "Kaspersky Rescue Disk" iso file
I use winbuilder-Easyboot-USB to integrate this iso file to my 4GB usb drive. It boots normally at the beginning , but then an error message comes out and stops :
"could not find the root block device in"
Actually I've test this iso file before under VMWare. It boots normally to the end, but when it finished booting, you can't press anything to response with your mouse. I don't know why ?
Post Number: 2
zia abbas 

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Posted on: May 12 2010,00:33 |
hi allgames71,
Yea that would not go through, that is linux iso and needs a linux enviornment.
Have you seen my multiBootDVD posting. Click here to see My MultiBootDVD I have used it on my MultiBootDVD. Initially I had the same prob on DVD but later I realised its a linux and need some extra settings.
I dont know how to incorporate it with easyboot as I never used to easyboot rather I am more comfortable with GRUB4DOS. In my DVD I used GRUB4DOS as a bootlaoder.
My menu.lst contains:
title Launch Kaspersky Rescue Disk 2010\n Kaspersky Rescue disk updates till April-23-2010 by Abbas kernel /kav_rescue_2010/boot/rescue subdir=/kav_rescue_2010 setkmap=us scandelay=5 root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc looptype=squashfs loop=/kav_rescue_2010/image.squashfs cdroot initrd  /kav_rescue_2010/boot/rescue.igz
and Kaspersky rescue works very well on DVD and even on USB.
I think Balder can assist you with easyboot, yes balder am I right.
Edited by zia abbas on May 12 2010,00:49
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Post Number: 3

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Posted on: May 12 2010,05:07 |
Quote: “I've got a "Kaspersky Rescue Disk" iso file” I tested @zia abbas method but didn’t manage to get it working  – though this is a well known method – we already used this approach to UBUNTU, read post nr:16 HERE
So the idea from @zia abbas is basically correct
However, I prefer “my method” that I “invented” several years back and I have up to this time written many tutorials for different linux/isolinux distros using this method as base. Slax is an example on the same theme. Here is my method for CD/DVD-unit:
ATTENTION! Tutorial has been modified! 1. Make a copy of kaspersky ISO. 2. Open ISO and extract files: image.squashfs, folder rescue and livecd to EasyBoot\disk1 (I use UltraIso for this operation). 3. Delete files: image.squashfs, folder rescue and livecd in ISO and save ISO-file (ISO is now less in size). 4. Use easyboot-iso.script to integrate reduced ISO-file (do not check “Run from RAM”). 5. Use menu command you get from script in EasyBoot. 6. Attention! Check "Joliet" when creating ISO in EasyBoot. ------------------------------------------------------ It’s also very easy to implement this to USB – do it this way:
1. Do step 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. But before creating ISO in EasyBoot, remove file image.squashfs, folder rescue and livecd and folder ISO from Easyboot\disk1 2. Check "Joliet" when creating ISO in EasyBoot! 3. Use easyboot-usb.script to get created ISO on USB. 4. Copy files image.squashfs, folder rescue and livecd to the root of USB. 5. Copy ISO-file from inside of folder ISO that you removed in step 1 to folder ISO on USB. (Tested on my USB-harddrive) Note: you need to use NTFS as file-system. FAT32 doesn't work for kaspersky
--------------------------------------------------------------------- PS. @allgames71 thanks for putting in download links – this really helps me and other users to help you as well as help the whole community to solve such issues about getting different distros to run in EasyBoot – thanks!
Regards balder
Edited by balder on Sep. 29 2010,11:54
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 4

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Posted on: May 12 2010,16:08 |
Hello Abbas
Many thianks for your kind help. I know because you have experience of your own on this , that's why you want to share your technique in here. You are really enthusiastic and thanks for this. I hope the others would have response like you to help the problem raiser.
Actually I'm not going to put "Kaspersky" on CD/DVD. I want to put it on my usb drive. And it must be Easyboot usb related as I've already got a lot of program of Easyboot in my usb drive. That's why I want to add some more antivirus program in it.
Anyway, thanks for your kind heart.
Post Number: 5

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Posted on: May 12 2010,16:44 |
Hello balder
----------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTENTION! Tutorial has been modified! 1. Make a copy of kaspersky ISO. 2. Open ISO and extract files: image.squashfs, rescue and livecd to EasyBoot\disk1 (I use UltraIso for this operation). 3. Delete files: image.squashfs, rescue and livecd in ISO and save ISO-file (ISO is now less in size). 4. Use easyboot-iso.script to integrate reduced ISO-file (do not check “Run from RAM”). 5. Use menu command you get from script in EasyBoot. 6. You don't need to check anything when creating ISO in EasyBoot. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
I tested it on VMWare with EULA error. In stops on a Tital "EULA" blank white screen and doing nothing.
======================================== It’s also very easy to implement this to USB – do it this way:
1. Do step 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. But before creating ISO in EasyBoot, remove file image.squashfs, rescue and livecd and folder ISO from Easyboot\disk1 2. Create ISO in EasyBoot. 3. Use easyboot-usb.script to get created ISO on USB. 4. Copy files image.squashfs, rescue and livecd to the root of USB. 5. Copy ISO-file from inside of folder ISO that you removed in step 1 to folder ISO on USB. (Tested on my USB-harddrive) ========================================
I test it on my 4GB usb drive , on the mid-way boot , an error message comes out and stops :
BusyBox v1.7.4 (2009-12-18 12:20:25 UTC) built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
/bin/ash: can't access tty: job control turned off
You are right "Tutorial has been modified!". I agree, for this I only have to follow the steps you teach me. Unlike before, I can handle the other programs to add in my usb drive easily with Winbuilder Easyboot scripts. For this "Kaspersky". I'm just to do of what I've been told to do like a recorder. As I don't know why I've to make it in these unknown steps. Actually I want to have your tutorial first, then I can try to handle programs like this "Kaspersky" myself. So I don't have to always cause you trouble and effort.
Actually I've few more antivirus programs that fails to boot in my 4GB usb drive that are quite like "Kaspersky", that why I want to try your tutorial with these strange steps myself. Hope you can help me more. Thanks
I have to claim that posting the software download links is NOT my aim of sharing software here. It's only for the convenience of the others to try the problem raised program confirmly.
Of course I know balder don't think I am. Only I want the others wouldn't misunderstand me as this is a Easyboot discussing forum only. I apologize.
Please balder, I've follow exactly what you told me in my usb drive test , but with problem of unexpecting error stops. I know it's quite hard for you to see my problem in "Kaspersky" as you successfully made it. But would you please try it some more way. Thanks.
Post Number: 6

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Posted on: May 12 2010,17:27 |
Quote: “"EULA" blank white screen and doing nothing”
Damn it  – you are right  – I totally forgot that when I finally did my test I checked “Joliet” when creating ISO in EasyBoot. Please test with checking “Joliet” (and only Joliet).
I changed tutorial as well
Edit1: Here is a different way to integrate kaspersky into EasyBoot. For CD/DVD-unit:
1. Extract all files from kaspersky.iso to EasyBoot\disk1 2. Extract boot-file from kaspersky.iso and save boot-file with name kaspersky.bif to folder ezboot (I use UltraIso for this operation). 3. Use menu command in Easyboot.:  bootinfotable;run kaspersky.bif 4. Check “Joliet” when creating ISO
For USB unit: 1. Extract folder boot from kaspersky.iso to EasyBoot\disk1 2. Extract boot-file from kaspersky.iso and save boot-file with name kaspersky.bif to folder ezboot (I use UltraIso for this operation). 3. Use menu command in Easyboot.:  bootinfotable;run kaspersky.bif 4. Check “Joliet” when creating ISO 5. Use easyboot-usb.script to get created ISO to USB 6. From kaspersky.iso extract files: image.squashfs and livecd and folder rescue to the root of USB
Edit2: quote: “I have to claim that posting the software download links is NOT my aim of sharing software here. It's only for the convenience of the others to try the problem raised program confirmly.” Exactly what I mean – this is not a problem. I fully understand your mission.
Sometimes people ask for help with some software that I even didn’t now exist  – and I having trouble to find the right version for download etcetera. I do not have any large library of software – this is done purely free of charges from me. Hopefully it helps somebody out there – and in fact, it is a good help to myself on this “road trip” - to better understand different software and how to implement these into EasyBoot or USB or these two at same time.
Best regards balder
Edited by balder on May 12 2010,18:04
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 7

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Posted on: May 12 2010,19:43 |
Hello balder
The last CD/DVD tutorial was successful. But the USB tutorial was fail with error :
a whole black screen with "kavrescue ~ #" and a blinking cursor
Thanks for your second tutorial. Actually I want usb version more than cd/dvd version. That's why I've tried your tutorial more than once but with the same result.
I'm sorry to fail you. Please help. Thanks
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: May 13 2010,10:15 |
Quote: "kavrescue ~ # and a blinking cursor" This means that you succeed with the text-based part of kaspersky – and when the graphic part is launched it fails
I had to use NTFS to USB stick when format. If using FAT32 it failed when launching kaspersky. I have reworked easyboot-usb.script so that you now have a new option: “Format to NTFS (Default is FAT32)” You can hereby force USB stick to use NTFS-file system instead of “standard FAT32”. When using NTFS to USB stick kaspersky didn’t fail. This means that you must do a complete new download of my scripts. Replace the one you currently use with this new download.
I tested this tutorial without having any problems: For CD/DVD: 1. Make a copy of kaspersky ISO. 2. Open ISO and extract files: image.squashfs, folder rescue and livecd to EasyBoot\disk1 (I use UltraIso for this operation). 3. Delete files: image.squashfs, folder rescue and livecd in ISO and save ISO-file (ISO is now less in size). 4. Use easyboot-iso.script to integrate reduced ISO-file (do not check “Run from RAM”). 5. Use menu command you get from script in EasyBoot. 6. Attention! Check "Joliet" when creating ISO in EasyBoot. ------------------------------------------------------ It’s also very easy to implement this to USB – do it this way: For USB stick/thumb drive and USB harddisk: 1. Do step 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. But before creating ISO in EasyBoot, remove file image.squashfs, folder rescue and livecd and folder ISO from Easyboot\disk1 2. Check "Joliet" when creating ISO in EasyBoot! 3. Use easyboot-usb.script to get created ISO on USB. Attention! Check “Format to NTFS” if using USB stick/thumb drive (if using USB harddisk, NTFS is automatically used by script). 4. Copy files image.squashfs, folder rescue and livecd to the root of USB. 5. Copy ISO-file from inside of folder ISO that you removed in step 1 to folder ISO on USB. 6. You are recommended to push “Defrag-button” - can take some time.
Regards balder
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 9

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Posted on: May 13 2010,15:54 |
Hello balder
I've already downloaded the new Winbuilder before Kaspersky usb test. Therefore my fails before is already a NTFS usb thumb drive. This time, I format my 40GB usb harddisk with a new test as to guarantee the usb harddisk must be in NTFS mode. Unfortunately with exactly the same failure "kavrescue ~ #".
I've followed your tutorial for 3 times very carefully as it's a little difficult for me this time , but still with the same failure.
So, I decide to write down my own steps. As I'm thinking , if I tell you that I exactly follow your tutorial , you may actually don't know how do I do it and how do I follow your tutorial without mistakes. Below are my steps to show you how I do it my own :
1. Use UltraISO to open kaspersky.iso 2. Extract all contents except folder "boot" to "C:\EasyBoot\disk1" 3. Delete all iso contents except foldr "boot" and save iso file to "abc.iso" 4. Use easyboot-iso.script and name to ISO file name "KASP" to integrate "abc.iso" (do not check “Run from RAM”). Then new generated iso is "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ISO\KASP.iso" 5. User menu command : memdisk KASP.img.gz ------------------------------------------------------ The above 5 steps are steps for making cd/dvd
6. Move "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\" ... image.squashfs, folder rescue and livecd and folder ISO to a "Temp" Folder 7. Check "Joliet" when creating ISO in EasyBoot! with menu command "memdisk KASP.img.gz" 8. User easyboot-sub.script to integrate "C:\EasyBoot\iso\mycd.iso" to usb harddisk (I use usb harddisk this time to guarantee the harddisk format must be NTFS) 9. Copy files image.squashfs, folder rescue and livecd from the before "Temp" folder to the root of USB 10. Copy the former made "KASP.iso" from "Temp" folder to usb harddisk\iso folder 11. Delete usb\harddisk\iso\iso.iso. Rename usb\harddisk\iso\KASP.iso to iso.iso
This time when I run my usb harddisk, something different (better) happen , I can see the "License Agreement" screen. So I press "A" to accept. But afterward, I see a sentence somewhat like
"fail to go on due to unexpecting error"
Then "kavrescue ~ #" comes out and stop again. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
balder, you can see the steps I've made above. Did I do anything wrong. Please tell me. Thanks in advance.
Post Number: 10

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Posted on: May 13 2010,16:25 |
Quote: "something different (better) happen"
Well step 11 is not right but works anyway as you then launch kaspersky ISO-file directly and not EasyBoot-ISO-file. You should only copy former made "KASP.iso" from "Temp" folder to usb harddisk\iso folder. Then you launch easyboot-ISO-file (iso.iso) and from menu in easyboot you launch “kicker-image” that launch kaspersky ISO-file ("KASP.iso" in folder ISO on USB).
However as you rename "KASP.iso" to ISO.ISO you directly launch kaspersky. No harm but not my intensions Anyway – you seems to be able to launch kaspersky and even got the EULA agreement presented on the screen – this proofs to me that kaspersky is up and run.
You then get "fail to go on due to unexpecting error". The first thing kaspersky is doing is to find and register harddisk-units and it seems that here something goes wrong You could test on USB stick to see if this problem is related to your USB harddisk-unit.
In my opinion, kaspersky is up and run but something (probably hardware related) makes kaspersky to “flip out” when searhing for harddisk-units– and I have no clue what problem this is – I can only guess and speculate
Note: I have tested this to several different USB sticks and even this one HERE (memory card reader) and used memory stick (512MB) from my camera. And even this one worked fine
Regards balder
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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