Post Number: 1

Group: Members
Posts: 24
Joined: Oct. 2010
Posted on: Nov. 01 2010,07:07 |
i have finished a multiboot ISO (various XP+Hiren'sBootCD). well, i'm curious if i can transfer it to a flashdrive so i can boot it from USB.
Post Number: 2

Group: Members
Posts: 1942
Joined: Oct. 2008
Posted on: Nov. 01 2010,09:40 |
Quote: ”i'm curious if i can transfer it to a flashdrive so i can boot it from USB”
Yes you can Hiren can as example easily bee transferred to USB device (stick/Thumb-drive or USB harddisk unit) – but you must use easyboot-iso.script and use “memdisk” and not ”run” as menu command in EasyBoot menu.
Further more… All kinds of “Live-systems” based on NT5-systems (typically BartPE, Reatogo, ERD-2003 ERD-7) and all “Live-systems” based on NT6-systems (typically MsDart60 etcetera including Ghost-15 rescue CD) can be launched from USB. The same for all kinds of “rescue-ISO-files” – these can mostly be used on USB device, including Acronis-products.
I strongly recommend you to use easyboot–iso.script (you must make it work) to integrate above mentioned systems and when finished, then take advantage of easyboot-grub-iso.script to transfer you build to USB device – it’s this script that transfer build from EasyBoot to USB. Note: easyboot-usb.script can also directly launch ISO-file created by EasyBoot (and a lot of other ISO-files as well - but only one ISO-file can be launched at the time and not WinXP-ISO setup). This means that floppy images (typically Ghost or whatever) that you have integrated into EasyBoot-build can easily be launched from USB - you don’t need to extract floppy images at all – ISO created by EasyBoot is launched as it is from USB
However - You cannot launch setup of WinXP in the same way as when launched CD/DVD-unit It’s a huge difference between USB-device and CD/DVD-unit. Read post nr: 2 HERE
I recommend you to start with a simple build – let’s say Hiren and a “Live-system” of some kind. And use a USB stick if possible. I repeat: easyboot-iso.script is superior to integrate ISO-files and launch ISO’s as they are (no need to extract anything) and easyboot-grub-iso.script can transfer build to USB. Note: in easyboot-grub-iso.script you first create a new “combination-ISO-file” (pressing "Start"-button) and then you can use the button: "Make USB bootable and transfer ISO-build to USB" The ISO created may not work properly in test but work okay on USB as the “root” is different
Attention! If you decide to integrate a “Live-system” that have folder i386 inside ISO-file – then check “Run ISO from RAM” as this is an NT5-system (folder i386) and must be run from RAM. NT6-systems doesn’t need to be run from RAM (Live-system based on Vista, Win7 or server-2008)
Edited by balder on Nov. 01 2010,12:17
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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