
Group: Members
Posts: 153
Joined: Apr. 2009
Posted on: Nov. 26 2010,14:47 |
Run avast bart cd and hiren 12 by EasyBoot -------------------------------------------- hi all Befor going through tutorial please read notes below:
I have downloaded hiren'sBootCD 12 from two different places,and checked that and i do not know why ,but booth of the downloaded ISO's have some problems,this iso has missed some of files,so when you test that ,you will encounter by error "File XXX not found" when running several programs. When i talked by some of my friends and as i informed from some messages from ezb users,they all have the same problem. So ,first i compared hiren 12 iso by hiren 10.5 ,then added the missed files to HBCD folder of that,then it worked almost you should do as i did too befor using. lets begin tutor
1.Download avast bart cd (2010-03-23) from link below.
2.use Bart's boot extractor (bbie.exe) ,and extract the bootinfo of that,then rename that to avast.bin and place that inside ....\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\ directory.
3.Open avast.iso by UltraISO and extact all contents of that to ....\EasyBoot\disk1\ directory.
4.use Bart's boot extractor (bbie.exe) ,and extract the bootinfo of modified hiren 12 ISO,then rename that to hiren.bin and place that inside ....\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\ directory.
5.Open hiren.iso by UltraISO and extact all contents of that to ....\EasyBoot\disk1\ directory.
6.Use commands below in easyboot menu : for Avast iso  run avast.bin for hiren iso   run hiren.bin
Make iso and run it.
Edited by madar on Nov. 26 2010,14:48
-------------- Shirin Zaban