Topic: Windows XP Setup disks for a floppy boot install, but on a bootable CD instead | < Next Oldest | Next Newest > |
Post Number: 1

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Posted on: Feb. 15 2011,07:39 |
Hi. I wanted to use this utility software above, which creates 6 floppy disks in which I assume the first one is bootable, but instead of using floppies, I'd prefer if I could have them in 1 bootable CD emulating a bootable drive A.
I am really new with this software, please go easy on me, a step by step guide would be appreciated, thanks.
Post Number: 2

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Posted on: Feb. 15 2011,08:30 |
As a new member to this forum, I say welcome
Quote: “I wanted to use this utility software above, which creates 6 floppy disks in which I assume the first one is bootable”
Yes you are correct there However – this is the “BOOT-files” to install WinXP or to reach the consol we are dealing with. We cannot create a large floppy image and launch it with EasyBoot (okay we can but it wouldn’t work)!
Instead do it this way: 1. create a new folder with the name i386 in folder disk1 (folder disk1 is the “root” for Easyboot if you wonder) 2. Extract all 6 images from your download to a temporary folder (I used 7zip to extract from downloaded exe-file). 3. Now extract all files from each floppy image to inside of created folder “i386” (I used UltraIso for this operation). 4. Finally you have a bunch of files including folder “system32” inside folder “i386” 5. You now need to copy your “ident-files” to folder disk1. And what “ident-files” that is needed depends on what service-pack you downloaded. Basically what we need is win51 and\or WIN51IP and\or WIN51IP.SP2 and\or WIN51IP2 and\or WIN51IP.SP3. Note: it’s okay to have all files in folder disk1 as the don’t interfere to each other. I guess you might have “ident-files” (sometimes called “Tag-files”) on your CD as well.   6. Create menu in Easyboot and use menu command:  run w2ksect.bin 7. Check that you do have file “run w2ksect.bin” inside folder “ezboot” – it should be there!
When creating ISO in EasyBoot, do not check “DOS 8.3” or “Joliet” or “Allow lower case” leave these unchecked at this point
You can now launch ISO and get your nice Easyboot menu up and run and launch “WinXP-BOOT”-sequence as you please
Edited by balder on Feb. 15 2011,08:34
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Feb. 15 2011,10:37 |
Hey, it boots! Nice work! But I would prefer if it could automatically run the configuration program without having to chose.
While it does boot, it has a problem, it is asking me to insert Windows XP Service pack 2 CD on drive A. I think I got the wrong Setup disks. I know that my Windows XP is not Service Pack 2 for sure, but I don't know if it's Service Pack 1 or Original version. How do I find that out?
These are the ident-files on my Windows CD (they're both in there): WIN51 WIN51IP
Post Number: 4

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Posted on: Feb. 15 2011,12:43 |
Quote: ”But I would prefer if it could automatically run the configuration program without having to chose”
Hmm.. what “configuration program” Basically you launch “Setup” of WinXP with option to reach the “consol”  (you can use the “consol” to repair an existing OP-system - WinXP).
Quote: “it is asking me to insert Windows XP Service pack 2 CD on drive A”
If you only have “WIN51” and “WIN51IP” then there is no service-pack involved Download “setup-disks” that referring to the “original” WinXP-BOOT-disks (no service-pack)  This means - make sure to download BOOT-disks that fit to your “ident-files” “WIN51” and “WIN51IP” (no service-pack).
To sum up: I quote from post nr;2 “You now need to copy your “ident-files” to folder “disk1” which in your case is “WIN51” and “WIN51IP”. But it also means that you cannot use BOOT-disks from service-pack sp1 (or sp2 or sp3) as you only have “ident-files” that has the right “tags” for WinXP BOOT-disk without service-pack
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Feb. 15 2011,13:09 |
What I mean is the screen with options 1, 2, 3, 4. I'd like it to go straight to Windows Setup without asking, pretty much like how it works with a floppy version, but if that's not possible, that's ok.
But I got Windows Setup working now, I can access the console. I was using the wrong set of floppy disks.
Post Number: 6

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Posted on: Feb. 15 2011,14:56 |
Quote: ”I'd like it to go straight to Windows Setup without asking”
Hmmm.. Is it “unattended” you are asking for Using unattended the whole setup procedure is done fully automatically (no keyboard action at all) Please enlighten me if this is what you are asking for
Edited by balder on Feb. 15 2011,14:57
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Feb. 15 2011,15:19 |
Ah, sorry for confusion. I'll try to explain what I did and what happens.
I did every step from 1 to 4. Step 5 caused problems at first, because I had the wrong Floppy Set. Step 5 is solved now. Step 6 tells me to create a Easyboot menu, but I don't know if I did it right:
There are 6 tabs: File / Layout / Text / Menu / Misc / About Under File tab, the button 'New' is unclickable, so I headed to tab Menu and I find the 'Command' and typed 'run w2ksect.bin'
Step 7, I thought the file 'run w2ksect.bin' was a typo because I found 'w2ksect.bin' in there but not that one, but who knows...
I clicked 'Make ISO' and the Option parts are unclickable, grayed out. I can set CD File Dir, Boot Image, CD Volume and ISO file. I didn't touch any setting and clicked 'Make'
Now I headed to UltraISO and burned that ISO on a CD-RW.
I reboot, the CD spins up and first screen I see is Easyboot with 4 choices. This is what I was mentioning, I wanted this to go straight to option 1 without having to chose. I clicked on the first one and it starts exactly as I intended. It works the way I wanted it to work, except for that part.
Edited by DJ_Samu on Feb. 15 2011,15:20
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Feb. 15 2011,15:34 |
Quote: ”I wanted this to go straight to option 1 without having to chose”
Well, he, he… that was a major difference – he, he sorry for missunderstanding
Under the Menu tab you have “Acc Key” and a button “Set Default” Mark any of your 4 menu choices you have created (I guess you mark the first one) then press “Set Default” Note: you must also have a “Acc Key” (usually the first menu choice has number 1 as this is more locical).
Open File tab and check “Wait Time” and set time to let’s say 10 (the “window” at the right of “Wait Time”). Open Misc tab and check “Show Progress Bar” (if not already checked).
Now if you choose to not responding, your first menu choice is automatically launched within 10 seconds
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 9

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Posted on: Feb. 15 2011,16:18 |
Hehe, sorry, it's nearly that, I should be more precise with my wording, forgive me. I prefer the easyboot menu to disappear alltogether, like non-existant, transparent. Maybe my issue doesn't require Easyboot, my goal is to use that CD as if it was the CD version of that same utility on 6 floppy disks, no more no less, so no need for multiple boot choices, just one boot. Since it's only one, it's a moot point to have choices.
I think I misunderstood the purpose of this program after all, not your fault, not saying that it's bad. It's actually good.
Edited by DJ_Samu on Feb. 15 2011,16:20
Post Number: 10

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Posted on: Feb. 15 2011,16:28 |
Quote: ”I prefer the easyboot menu to disappear alltogether, like non-existant, transparent”
Well that is a huge difference
Do it this way: 1. Launch UltraIso 2. “Draw-and-Drop” folder i386 and "ident-files" (win51 etcetera) to UltraIso 3. Use W2KSECT.BIN as “BOOT-file” 4. Create ISO – voila’ – that’s it Tip: Check out your settings in “Properties” in UltraIso
And why burning to CD for testing To test ISO-file you can use Virtual PC or VmWare or Qemu or use MobaLiveCD download HERE Note: you don't need to "create a hard disk image" when testing using MobaLiveCD
In this way you don’t need to burn any CD – at least not before it runs as supposed
Edited by balder on Feb. 16 2011,06:23
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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