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Topic: vFloppy in EasyBoot & Q. W7-usb, Thanks to EasyBoot makers< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
 Post Number: 1

PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 11 2011,11:33  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Just want to express my gratitude to the makers of
EasyBoot, because of the new version with vFloppy.

Before I had problems loading floppy images. Now they
run very well, even ima floppy's with ramdisks of its own.


Is there 'n Easyboot solution for W7 setup from usb?
Only the MS way with their tool works. Not with EZB.
I managed to do this from an EasyBoot DVD. usb sucks.

 Post Number: 2
balder Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 11 2011,12:19 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


As you are a new member I say welcome @ghost168

Quote: "Is there 'n Easyboot solution for W7 setup from usb?"

Well in my opinion there is :)

I'm 100% sure it works if you use parts of my script-collection (you have download below in every post I write in this forum).

But why not test if Easyboot can do it right away :cool:  
Note: I haven't tested solution I present below, can you please, test and report how it works :O

Do it this way:

1. From your Windows-7 source you copy to folder disk1 in Easyboot: folders 'boot', 'efi' and folder 'sources' (optionally recommended if present also folders 'support' and folder 'upgrade') You also must copy files 'bootmgr' and if present file 'bootmgr.efi' and optionally file 'setup.exe')

2. Create menu in easyboot and use menu command:  run /bootmgr

3. Save changes and create ISO.

4. How to move build to USB is well described HERE

Note: menu commands is also well described in post above

I'm also interested in what way you used - Quote: "Just want to express my gratitude to the makers of
EasyBoot, because of the new version with vFloppy."

Could you please explain how and what you did to all other uses of Easyboot :)


Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE
Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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 Post Number: 3

PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 11 2011,13:22 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


menuitem= NONE, Start Ghost   direct...
menuitem= DNAV, DOS Navigator Commander
menuitem= CDRM, Load  UIDE    DVD/CDrom
menuitem= AHCI, Load  AHCI    DVD/CDrom
menuitem= XUCD, Load  USB-2   DVD/CDrom
menuitem= FIRE, Load  Fwire   DVD/CDrom
menuitem= FDSK, Eenvoudige Fdisk/Format
menuitem= DOS8, DOS-prompt + muisdriver




@echo off
set dircmd=/o/p

set ramd=R
\rdisk /:R /s240 /y >nul
set temp=%RAMD%:\
set tmp=%RAMD%:\

copy /v \ %RAMD%:\ >nul
if not exist %ramd%:\ goto com
set comspec=%RAMD%:\

echo Loading Mousedriver...
call extract /y /e /l %ramd%:\ \ >nul
lh %RAMD%:\mouse
echo Extracting Files.....

copy /v \ %ramd%:\ >nul
copy /v \extract.exe %ramd%:\ >nul
copy /v \cabs\*.cab %ramd%:\ >nul
call %ramd%:\wait 2

if "%config%"=="DNAV" goto dnav
if "%config%"=="FDSK" goto fdsk
if "%config%"=="NONE" goto ghost
if "%config%"=="DOS8" goto end

call dr.bat
goto end

call dn.bat
goto end

call fd.bat
goto end

call gh.bat
goto end

call dos.bat


A .nzb file to download the image file will be sent.
code: ghost168 - (cause of right protected stuff)

As you see, the Windows 7 Setup is already named, but
not really functional because I want it to setup from usb.

 Post Number: 4
balder Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 11 2011,14:30 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


Well, I'm confused...

Quote: "As you see, the Windows 7 Setup is already named, but
not really functional because I want it to setup from usb."

You show a Autoexec.bat from floppy image that has a menu that launch different batch-files ???

I don't see any setup of win7 in that Autoexec.bat ???

However you do have a two menu entrees in EasyBoot: "Setup windows 7 64 bits" and " Setup windows 7 32 bits" - is it these ones you are referring to ???
Where have you put your Windows-7 files ???
And what menu command is used in Easyboot menus: "Setup windows 7 64 bits" and " Setup windows 7 32 bits" ???


Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE
Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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 Post Number: 5

PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 11 2011,15:20 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Hello Balder,

Please look in your private mail. That will explain all
about the batch files. Its all about the default [5] Ghost
line in the menu. I had to send it private cause of the
rights on Ghost. Sorry for the other users. When they
are interested I must fix another ima without the ware.
The fact is that this works great now with vFloppy cmd.

I have tried several ways for installing/setup W7usb via
easyboot commands, never with any success. So there
are only empty lines in the menu (yet). The rest is OK:

Easeus:   run /iso/easeus.iso
Paragon: run /iso/paragon.iso
Ghost&:   as in the posting...
Mini XP:   run /hbcd/xp/xp.bin
Tcomm:   run /iso/totalcmd.iso
UBCD:     run /iso/ubcd511.iso
Restart:  swap; boot 80

I also took my chance with WinBuilder, but that gave me
trouble, to much to remember and describe here. Sure I
will try it again, and also search for solutions else in this
forum and other places on the internet.

Thx for your interest.

 Post Number: 6

PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 11 2011,15:56 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

It is possible to put a map with the Ghost files of a ready
Install (ghost-frozen-setup-start) with the dir name e.i.
Win732 on the \ usb stick.  (I tested it from HD as OK)

But from the usb, The restore started, and after a while
gave an error, and stopped restoring. This was done
by calling an install batch with among other, these lines:

echo Norton Ghost
echo Loading.....
call %RAMD%:\ghost\aefdisk /activate:1 /mbr
call %ramd%:\ghost\ghost.exe -auto -afile=%ramd%:\ghosterr.txt -crcignore -f32 -fro -ffx -ffi -fx -clone,mode=pload,src=c:\Win732\part.gho:1,dst=1:1

Note that without swap in the easyboot cmd you have
to change the dst= command (destination drive).

Now I'm looking for a commandline util that can unpack
the same Win7 install files, packed in Install.wim, as 7z
is able to extract to a destination the content of a wim.

Let you know if I succeed in any of this.

 Post Number: 7
balder Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 11 2011,16:09 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


Quote: " Please look in your private mail"
Yes I have recieved message but as I'm not any part of easyboot (I'm a 'simpel' private fan and user of Easyboot and have nothing to do with EasyBoot developer team what so ever).

AND Quote: "Its all about the default [5] Ghost
line in the menu."

But why all this fussing concerning ghost?
What's the connection with setup of win7?
It is easier if you simply show me lines in 'gh.bat' if you having problem how to 'ghost' (create image or 'write' ghost image back to harddisk partition)

Anyway, tutorial I wrote in post nr;2 to launch setup of windows-7 is (as expected) working correctly (I tested basic functionality in Virtual PC).

The good news is; it is extremely easy to launch setup of any NT6-system from USB via EasyBoot menu system (NT6-system are typically Win7/Win8/server-2008 and Vista all 32-bit and 64-bit included)

The bad news is that you cannot have several different setup of NT6-systems in EasyBoot as you only can occupy folder disk1 with one 'sources'-folder.
We can fix the 'boot-sequence' (create several different bcd-files but then the problems are there to stay).
However I'm pretty sure you might 'merger' 32-bit and 64-bit together in same folder 'sources' which on the other hand makes it very large inside folder 'sources' (most likely not possible to fit in on DVD) but USB drive could be the solution.

Unfortunately EasyBoot do not have this facility to create (or do) this 'merge' - you are bound to find it on Internet.
I did a simple Google and found a lot of solutions - as example HERE

Another exampel HERE

Attention! This also means you cannot have Vista together with Windows-7 (but who wants Vista these days - it's such a crap anyway :D )

However I noticed you have two menu entrees in EasyBoot: "Setup windows 7 64 bits" and " Setup windows 7 32 bits"
You must after done the 'merge'-part of the two systems, only use one entry in Easyboot menu that should look like this; Setup Windows 7 (32bit & 64-bit)
And as described in tutorial in post nr;2 - use menu command:  run /bootmgr

Note: after you merged the 32-bit and 64-bit system you simply copy (or extract from created ISO) same folders and files that already has been described in post nr;2
However the folder 'sources' is now much bigger this time as it hold both 32-bit as the 64-bit of Win7 :O


Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE
Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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 Post Number: 8

PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 11 2011,16:36 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

I understand it is confusing Ghost/Easyboot ???

The connection:
As in msg (11 2011,20:56) I explained a way to install
W7 via Ghost, starting one of the EasyBoot buttons.
Using a Virtual Ghost floppy with Install instructions.
Only it failed from usb, whilst it succeeded from HD.

I admit that the MS way to install directly from usb is a
possibility to install 1 (just one) Windows version, but
if it is possible to start install from different iso/img files
then you maybe can install more Windows versions and
avoid merging problems on the usb medium.

I will take a good look at the links you found on internet.
As i mentioned before, i'm also goin to Winbuilder again.

 Post Number: 9
balder Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 11 2011,16:55 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


Quote: "As in msg (11 2011,20:56) I explained a way to install
W7 via Ghost, starting one of the EasyBoot buttons."

Sorry I missed that message as I instantly wrote answer without checking if new post was in or not (he, he didn't realize you where that fast on keyboard :D )

Quote: " Note that without swap in the easyboot cmd you have
to change the dst= command (destination drive)."

I wouldn't use the swap command, it can be a problem
As BIOS is detecting your USB drive as the first disk unit - why not change destination 'dst=1:1' to 'dst=2:1'

Quote: " As i mentioned before, i'm also goin to Winbuilder again."

Some of the scripts work well but as EasyBoot from version 6.5 has most of my ideas already built-in to it's core - you only have some 'sporadically' use of script-collection ???

I must say that EasyBoot from latest version is performing great - I'm very impressed :cool:

That 'ghost-thing'...
Is this what you do:
1. Write an ghost image of setup-files of Windows-7-files to harddisk and then you launch setup of Win7 (or to continue a 'frozen setup') ???

Is this a right description of what your intension is :O


Quote: "but
if it is possible to start install from different iso/img files
then you maybe can install more Windows versions and
avoid merging problems on the usb medium"


Note: I have not tested this solution but has been reported to work......... 'sometimes'

regards balder

Edited by balder on Nov. 11 2011,17:05

Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE
Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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 Post Number: 10

PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 11 2011,17:09 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

Someone who wants to see how vfloppy images for
ghost, using EasyBoot, may look like, can download
these vfloppy images by using the attached nzb.
nzb files downloads from binary groups on internet.
So you have to use a program like Grabit or another.
Else the upload size exeeds the limit of this forum.

The right protected file Ghost.exe is removed from the
cabinets out of the images. You have to put Ghost.exe
of your own, back in the files. See txt file.
Use, look for: Ghost.exe version 11.0.2 for best result.

Edited by ghost168 on Nov. 11 2011,17:17

Download attachment [ ZIP File ]
Number of downloads: 863

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