Post Number: 1

Group: Members
Posts: 119
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Posted on: Nov. 18 2011,08:51 |
I maked windows XP collection , but when run win xp 64 show this error (( INF file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing, status 14.)).
Please Guid me to solve this Problem.
Post Number: 2

Group: Members
Posts: 1942
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Posted on: Nov. 18 2011,10:44 |
QUOTE: "but when run win xp 64 show this error (( INF file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing, status 14.))."
Yes, unfortunately this is a problem that pops up from time to time
It's unclear what method you used to test your build  1. It could be run from created ISO in some kind of "Virtual PC" or similar test-system 2. Or it could be run from created CD\DVD (that will say - tested in "reality").
But regardless of above I ask you to test this simple solution:
In "normal" case - when you add the files to the ISO (EasyBoot should in 'normal' case automatically add files in alphabetically order), it adds them to the end, and if you save it like that, it puts the data in a slightly different spot on the CD\DVD even though it is in the same folder When creating the final ISO of your EasyBoot build, check that files are placed in alphabetically order.
But even this is the case - test using UltraIso and manually add files and folders  (use file 'loader.bin' in folder ezboot as boot-file to ISO-file). When using UltraIso you can chose between placing files in ISO after 'Filenames' or 'Size' or 'Type' or Date/Time' or finally after 'LBA' As told - I strongly suggest you click to 'Filenames' to place files and folders in alphabetically order. Note: no guaranties this works - but worth to try out Â
Note: If this problem occurred when run from CD\DVD - it could be related to how CD\DVD is 'burned' - burn 'slow' is the main recommendation.
However, even it isn't a 'common problem' it do pops up here and there - it isn't any 'new' problem - so to speak...
regards balder
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 3

Group: Members
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Posted on: Nov. 21 2011,10:56 |
I could not solve the problem
Post Number: 4

Group: Members
Posts: 1942
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Posted on: Nov. 21 2011,12:24 |
Quote: "I could not solve the problem"
That's bad
However the only thing I can think about is that you have checked "optimized" when creating ISO If this is the case try to uncheck ' optimize' (or vice versa)
I cannot think out any other solution This problem suddenly just pops up and is an unfriendly 'acquaintance'
No solution what I can find out so far
regards balder
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 5

Group: Members
Posts: 119
Joined: May 2010
Posted on: Nov. 21 2011,13:37 |
OK. Thanks.
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