Post Number: 1

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Posted on: Jan. 04 2012,13:14 |
hello balder ,
I made the "Win8 Developer Preview" ( I call it Win8USB) on my usb harddisk , it's not Win8PE , it's Win8 OS that's bootable on every computer like the one we made before "CLONE Windows 7 USB Drive Edition".
The thing is how can I place this Win8USB to Easyboot ?
1. I use an empty 160GB usb hd with only one partition (primary) to do this job as this Win8USB occupied 18.4GB space ( it recommands to use a 32GB usb stick with usb3) 2. After finished making the Win8USB , it divided my usb hd into 2 partitions : 1) first partition is 350MB with folders 2) second partion is the rest of my usb hd space This time seems to be more complicated to add this Win8USB to Easyboot , as it includes 2 partitions !!
Any help, thanks
Attached Image
Post Number: 2

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Posted on: Jan. 04 2012,14:29 |
I'm a little bit unsure what methods and also what your goal is Do you mean this HERE
And you are interested to do the same to Win8 Note: as far as I know there seems to be some built-in facility to Win8, that makes it easier to run Win8 from USB device (though I haven't tested how this is done) I must admit I do not have much experience to Win8 and it's new facilities...
But shouldn't you use some method close to this one HERE
I mean run win8 from an VHD file (Virtual Hard Disk file) same as 'before'. Correct?
Note: run setup of Win8 from USB harddisk can 'mix things up' - USB stick is the recommended method
regards balder
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Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Jan. 04 2012,15:42 |
hello balder ,
This time , is surely not a .vhd file like before.
If I want to make myself clear, it may take time for me to prepare like a turorial. Surely I will.
Post Number: 4

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Posted on: Jan. 04 2012,17:01 |
hello balder ,
quote : "I must admit I do not have much experience to Win8 and it's new facilities..."
Same to me , as this is the first time I touch Win8 and know nothing about it. I'm not interest in Win8 , I think Win8's full drive package embedded may help me not to boot a windows with bluescreen on different computers with my usb hd.
Microsoft has a buildin exe file for making the Win8 to run on usb stick or usb hd. This is call "Portable Workspace Creator" (PWCreator) which is in the early pre-release Win8 , or you can't find it in the newer Win8 version. And what I know is the Win8 v7989 has the PWCreator.exe in it.
Unlike the "Windows7-USB-DVD-tool" , this "PWCreator.exe" will help you to install Win8 OS into a usb stick or usb hd. For usb stick , Microsoft recommend 32GB with USB3. As I set up the "Win8 Developer Preview" to my 160GB usb hd , it takes me around 18GB space.
Tools to prepare :
NOTE : I have to claim that I'm not here to share any software , it's just an Easyboot discusion. If you disagree, please don't download anything !!
1. Download "Win8 Developer Preview" free from Microsoft (any of the below version will do , your option)
Windows Developer Preview with develop tools English, x64 http://wdp.dlws.microsoft.com/WDPDL....per.iso
Windows Developer Preview English x64 http://wdp.dlws.microsoft.com/WDPDL....ish.iso
Windows 8 Developer Preview English x86 http://wdp.dlws.microsoft.com/WDPDL....ish.iso
Windows 8 Developer Preview guide [PDF] http://download.microsoft.com/downloa....ide.pdf
2. Win8 version 7989 torrent
Procedures :
1. Use UltraISO to extract the "Win8 Developer Preview" content to , say "D:\Win8"
2. Write the "Win8 v7989" download iso to dvd or use "Windows7-USB-DVD-tool" to write iso file to usb stick. Install Win8 v7989 to your harddisk first
3. Plugin your formatted 32GB usb stick or formatted usb hd into your computer.
4. Go to C:\Windows\System32 , double click the PWCreatore.exe (i.e. C:\Windows\System32\PWCreator)
5. The PWCreator will search automatically your plugined usb stick or usb hd , press "next" if it's correct. Then choose the "D:\Win8" folder as the source folder. That's it , PWCreator will continue to do the rest for you and it takes me about few minutes.
6. Reboot the computer and select your usb stick or usb hd to boot in the boot option. And you'll find a new "Win8 Developer Preview" windows startup. It's completely an OS , not a PE. Unlike WinPE, you can install any software in it and the installed software is there even the next time you boot it.
Problem with Easyboot :
I use a 160GB usb hd with one partition for this process , after successfully making this Win8USB , the PWCreator divided my 160GB into 2 partitions.
1st partition : 350MB
2nd partition: the rest of my 160GB (like I shown in my last posted)
So I'm wondering with 2 partitions for this Win8USB , how can I add it to my Easyboot Menu. And this is my question.
Thanks balder.
Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Jan. 04 2012,17:11 |
hello balder ,
I myself don't like the Win8 Metro UI function , as it's for tablet compatible function and seems not to computer function. You'll find that the "Start" button becomes a Desktop and Metro UI switcher and hardly find that traditionly "Start" menu function.
If you disklike this function, you can edit the registry like this :
set the "RPEnabled" value from 1 to 0 (then press "F5" key to refresh the registry on desktop , or viseversa)
Then the traditional "Start" menu will be back and make you happy.
Post Number: 6

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Posted on: Jan. 05 2012,00:31 |
First of all - thanks for sharing your knowledge and efforts according to Win8 and the "Portable Workspace Creator" that I mentioned in post nr; 2 (I knew there was something like that in Win8)
Quote: "So I'm wondering with 2 partitions for this Win8USB , how can I add it to my Easyboot Menu"
I'm curios... From where are you running EasyBoot? Is it from your 160 GB USB harddisk (can't see it in image in post nr; 1)?
Attached Image in post nr; 1 indicate for me that bootrecord points to partition 1 (you have folder 'boot' there) and that folder 'boot' in some way launch Windows system in partition 2 (as far as I can understand, as there are no folder 'boot' in partition 2).
I would solve it this way: First create a backup (use ghost Acronis or similar to create a complete backup of partition 1 including MBR). In this way you can reverse back your partition 1 to original shape.
1. Create Easyboot menu and create ISO without files and folders in folder disk1 (except folder ezboot that must be in place) Note: create menu entry with 'run setupnt6.img' and also menu entry with 'run harddisk.img' which hopefully boots your 'real harddisk' (copy setupnt6.img and harddisk.img from folder 'balder\USB_Resources' to folder ezboot) Attention! download latest script-collection as these files has been updated!
2. Use my script 'easyboot-usb_v2.script' and in script check "Force script to NOT format USB drive!" and point to EasyBoot-ISO-file (ISO created in step 1 above). Note: your USB harddisk has now grub implemented as MBR and launch EasyBoot-ISO-file.
What happens with this solution?
1. USB harddisk boots up and grub launches Easyboot menu.
2. You can now launch setupnt6.img from EasyBoot menu which directly launch 'bootmgr'. Note: it's possible we need to change name to bootmgr in partition 1 (or to bootmgr in partition 2Â so not this bootmgr is launched, which we are not interested in) It's also possible you need to edit text-file 'menu.lst' in setupnt6.img. But let's test before we make such changes.
3. Bootmgr points to folder 'boot' and the launch process to Windows continue (hopefully).
Attention! If you later are interested to implement Linux\isolinux you might need a third partition with FAT32 - I use this solution to launch ISO based on Linux (ylmf etcetera)
So my basic question once again; from where are your intension to run EasyBoot menu (you cannot use built-in 'Burn' facility in EasyBoot as 'ezldr' used there must be run from FAT32. You need to use my script and launch ISO created by EasyBoot and only use the EasyBoot menu in this ISO).
Wow! This is an really interesting discussion You sure come with new ideas and new approach to dig into
---------------------------- Finally...
I'm currently downloading Win8-ISO (I'll see if I can 'kill' my laziness and install Win8 and run "Portable Workspace Creator" to my 500 GB Buffallo USB harddisk) But no promises....
Quote: "If you disklike this function, you can edit the registry like this"
Yes I do have tested and done this but I can't say that I'm impressed! Sure Win8 has its advantages but also disadvantages like the 'Win8 Metro UI function' which I also totally dislike Anyway ... Thanks for download links - always welcome to other users as well.
regards balder
Edited by balder on Jan. 05 2012,01:44
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Jan. 05 2012,08:50 |
hello balder ,
You don't have say thanks. As whatever interesting software I find , I would not keep it secret from you. As you are my teacher. Without you I can do nothing about them. Thanks to you and your effort.
I can only understand 20-30% of your memtioned theory. Hoping after you downloaded everything and tested them. Let me know the result in details as I'm quite stupid in this. Thanks in advance.
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Jan. 05 2012,09:54 |
Still need to know; From where are you running EasyBoot? It seems NOT from your 160 GB USB harddisk (can't see any Easyboot files etcetera in image in post nr; 1)?
As far as I can understand - you goal is to launch Easyboot and from its menu launch Win8 residing on same USB harddisk as Easyboot is launched This must be the case you are looking for. And further more, you may want to lunch other stuff as well from Easyboot menu as we always do as Easyboot is a bootmanager.
In my case I might be interested launching YLMF.ISO and must hereby have an extra partition with FAT32.
So basic needed question is; From where do you launch Easyboot OR where are you interested to launch Easyboot to get the menu to choose from
regards balder
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Post Number: 9

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Posted on: Jan. 05 2012,11:10 |
hello balder ,
quote : you goal is to launch Easyboot and from its menu launch Win8 residing on same USB harddisk as Easyboot is launched
Yes , you are right. That's what I mean. By using the 160GB usb hd is only a trial on Win8USB. If success , I'll place this Win8USB into my Easyboot usb hd as part of the menu.lst.
Post Number: 10

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Posted on: Jan. 05 2012,11:44 |
quote: "I'll place this Win8USB into my Easyboot usb hd as part of the menu.lst."
Well then you must use what I suggested in post nr; 6
I'll try to clarify what I suggested:
1. Create a menu entry in EasyBoot with: run setupnt6.img (copy setupnt6.img from my script-collection in folder 'balder\USB_Resources' to folder ezboot) Attention! download latest script-collection as these files has been updated!
2. Remove everything from folder disk1 in Easyboot except folder 'ezboot'
3. Create ISO as usual (this ISO cannot be that large as only folder 'ezboot' is left in ISO)
4. Make a backup (clone) of your USB harddisk partition 1 (use ghost or acronis or similar cloning tool)
5. Use my script 'easyboot-usb_v2.script' and check "Force script to NOT format USB drive!" in script. When script asks for ISO you point to ISO created in EasyBoot (script is now implementing grub MBR to your USB harddisk including copying ISO to partition 1 on USB). Note: script doesn't touch any of your files at all as you checked "Force script to NOT format USB drive!". If you like to reverse partition 1 on USB harddisk (get the 'old' MBR back, well use your backup image (made by ghost or acronis) to reverse partition 1 to its original shape.
6. Anyway... Next time you boot USB harddisk you should be able to get EasyBoot menu up and launch setupnt6.img (setupnt6.img is looking for 'bootmgr' which should launch your Win8 on USB harddisk)
Note: I have some problem as I cannot find any DVD, only a lot of CD's (and I know my DVD-burner is not that 'sharp' any longer - guess I must by a new one as times goes bye) I usually do not use any CD\DVD any longer - USB is the name of the game these days
Still working on some workaround to solve it so I can participate into testing
regards balder
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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