Post Number: 1

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Posted on: Feb. 10 2012,09:59 |
hello balder ,
I've made the Win7PE before , it runs normal fast. It takes less than 2 minutes boot to the desktop. The way I made it is only through Easyboot usb script then it's made. (For my usb hd)
And now I want to make this Win7PE through Easyboot so as to have password protect. My procedure :
1. Use Easyboot-iso script to integrate Win7PE to Easyboot , use recommend command "run /iso/m7pe/m7pe.img" 2. Create mydisk.iso in Easyboot with password added. 3. Use Easyboot usb script to transfer mydisk.iso to usb hd
It boots ok , but very very slow about 5 minutes.
Actually what's the difference between :
1. Direct made Win7PE through Easyboot usb script , boot up less than 2 minutes 2. Made Win7PE by Easyboot , then Easyboot usb script , boot up about 5 minutes
Please any idea to make it faster ?
Post Number: 2

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Posted on: Feb. 10 2012,10:11 |
hello balder ,
Now I found that many Win7PE based software are also booting very very slow through Easyboot with password protect. That's really unlike before !!
May I have a conclusion that Easyboot slow down the Win7PE related software !!
Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Feb. 10 2012,10:21 |
Please give me a couple of ours to check your 'suspicions' if this is the case
Note: I have to 'ghost' back my build to my 500GB Buffalo USB hard-disk (take some time)
regards balder
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Post Number: 4

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Posted on: Feb. 10 2012,12:12 |
Quote: "I've made the Win7PE"
What 'Win7PE' do you mean
I guess you mean MsDart70 or similar Win7PE-build, because we cannot use EasyBoot 'Burn'-facility to Win7.vhd-build as vhd-files need NTFS and EasyBoot use FAT32 in its 'Burn'-process
I tested several different Win7PE-files and couldn't notice any difference if using different combination of 'password'/'Create Partition' - it's the same result - which it should be
EDIT: Hmm... I also noticed you use my script to get Win7PE in EasyBoot-build, quote: "run /iso/m7pe/m7pe.img"
If it is an 'real' Win7PE.ISO you can simply drop ISO in folder EZBOOT and use the 'standard' command: Â run win7pe.iso You don't need to use my 'special script' as it is only used to WinPE based on NT5-systems (WinXP as source as example) regards balder
Edited by balder on Feb. 10 2012,12:42
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Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Feb. 10 2012,23:21 |
hello balder ,
quote : "you can simply drop ISO in folder EZBOOT and use the 'standard' command: run win7pe.iso "
I've done it as your way , but after typing in the password , it stop to boot and stay in the boot up picture doing nothing.
Please help.
Post Number: 6

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Posted on: Feb. 10 2012,23:31 |
hello balder ,
Sorry for my careless mistake ..... I made a little mistake to make the Win7PE not bootable.
According to your instruction , the Win7PE boots normal fast like before. It's a simple command that shows I really have no knowledge about Easyboot. Shame on me.
Anyway I'll test the other Win7PE based software also.
Thanks for your kind instruction.
Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Feb. 11 2012,06:07 |
hello balder ,
This time I rewrite all my necessary Easyboot software with Easyboot password protect. Most of them are not difficut. But for some software I forgot (you have taught me before) how they be created like :
Hdd Regenerator 2011 MHDD 4.6 Paragon Partition Manager 10
They have the same way to make it : 1. command : memdisk xxxx.img.gz 2. C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ISO\xxxx.iso
It means , there's a .gz file in C:\EasyBoot\disk1\EZBOOT and a .iso file in C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ISO. How they were made like this.
I've tried to Easyboot iso script , but the result is not like this ?
Would you mind to tell me how ? And if you don't mind , would you write down some hints to which iso should use which method to create by Easyboot. Just like the Win7PE , you recommend to copy the iso file to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\EZBOOT and use command "run xxxx.iso". So the other Easyboot forum members can also have a refenerce.
Thanks a lot.
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Feb. 11 2012,07:45 |
Quote: "would you write down some hints to which iso should use which method to create by Easyboot"
Let's put it this way...
A general rule is to always copy ISO-file to folder EZBOOT and use menu command in EasyBoot menu:  run  ***.iso Note: this is only working from EasyBoot_v6 and later
But if EasyBoot fails to launch ISO properly - then use 'easyboot-iso.script' for better result. Note: of course not all ISO-files can be run directly and some ISO-files need 'special treatment' Another example is Win7 setup-ISO-file that can be launched but doesn't work fully out Attention! EasyBoot cannot directly run NT5-ISO-files - but my script can do it All NT5-ISO-PE-files (typically BartPE\Reatogo\ERD5 etcetera) must be integrated to Easyboot using my script 'easyboot-iso.script' and have 'Run ISO from RAM' checked when integrating such ISO into Easyboot.
Anyway... Example to 'special treatment' is the 'frugal solution' (simple solution) Bitdefender is a typical example to an ISO that need 'special treatment' - read HERE
As there is an constantly feed of new (different and modified) ISO-files every day (Bitdefender is such example) - it is, if not pointless, so at least, a constant need to update list of 'old' and newer ISO-files available for download This is a pretty hard work to maintaining
I hope I don't not make you disappointed - this is time consuming ------------------------- According to your example: Hdd Regenerator 2011 MHDD 4.6 Paragon Partition Manager 10
Above ISO-files can most likely all be launched from EasyBoot (copy ISO's to folder EZBOOT and use menu command: Â run ***.iso
Note: paragon can always be launched with 'run paragon.iso' -------------------------------- Don't forget the possibility to create 'subfolders' to keep an clean invironment in folder EZBOOT.
Example: I wan' to put six ISO-files into folder EZBOOT - to keep a clean file structure I create a folder 'ISOFILES' inside folder EZBOOT. To launch ISO-files I must change path in menu
In normal case I simply use: run ***.iso But as I have copied ISO-files to a subfolder inside folder EZBOOT I set 'absolute' path in menu command, like this: run /ezboot/isofiles/***.iso
regards balder
Edited by balder on Feb. 11 2012,09:52
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Post Number: 9

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Posted on: Feb. 11 2012,10:40 |
hello balder ,
Thanks for your brief explanation , I and the other members of this forum would have much help from this. And you must have spent a lot of time to make this conclusion. Thanks again.
Sorry , balder , I've another question about Easyboot. Inside Easyboot .... [Misc] tab , there's :
1 'q' quit 2 'r' reboot
And about these 2 decriptions , there's a [Append] and [Insert] button. So is there a way to add a shortcut key to go back to the main menu.lst if I made a wrong choice by then , so I don't have to reboot and choose the menu again.
Thanks for you tutorial.
Post Number: 10

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Posted on: Feb. 11 2012,11:14 |
Quote: "And about these 2 descriptions , there's a [Append] and [Insert] button"
If you push 'Append' a new command line is inserted below and if pushing 'Insert' a new command line is inserted above
However, I really don't see the point with having two buttons for this as you can move inserted command line up and down as it please your self - using buttons 'Up' and Down' ---------
Quote: " So is there a way to add a shortcut key to go back to the main menu.lst" Yes there are - you can jump to any menu you prefer
Let's say that you accidentally jumped to 'format.ezb' but want back to 'main.ezb' Â (or whatever name you use to your 'main menu'). Then insert a new line and above in field for 'Func Key' I decide to use letter m to jump back to main menu. And in field for 'Command' I write run main.ezb (my main menu or whatever name you use to your 'main menu')
If I chose wrong menu I simply press m and hereby launch my main menu to get back to square one (to my main menu)
Note: you must create this command key facility to every submenu(s) to be able to jump back to 'main menu (main.ezb in my case)
regards balder
Edited by balder on Feb. 11 2012,11:18
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