Post Number: 1

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Posted on: Apr. 30 2012,15:33 |
Please tell me if it is possible to remove from hiren's boot cd v 15.1 the linux stuff and remove/add other programs? I want to keep those neat features of mini xp like sata, wireless etc.
I want to add some freewares that I think that are useful and remove a lot of apps that are similar to each other and have no use.
Can I do this so these changes will reflect in that hbcd menu from the bottom right of the screen?
I don't want to remove dos or dos environment because memtest needs to run from dos not from windows and other programs too.
Thanks in advance.
Edited by searcher on Apr. 30 2012,15:40
Post Number: 2

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Posted on: Apr. 30 2012,16:27 |
Welcome to EasyBoot @searcher
Quote: "possible to remove from hiren's boot cd v 15.1 the linux stuff and remove/add other programs?"
Well yes it is possible, but needs some rework from you
With 'linux stuff' I suppose you mean 'Parted Magic 6.7' - that occupies quite a bit of the size in Hiren
Test this tutorial:
1. Open Hiren ISO-file (I used UltraIso) - now open folder 'HBCD' and extract file 'menu.lst' to C:\ (don't close UltraIso)
2. Use notepad to open file 'menu.lst' that you extracted to C:\
3. Delete these lines in menu.lst:
title Linux based rescue environment (Parted Magic 6.7)\nTo manage partitions, backup and recovery set pm=/HBCD/Boot/pmagic.lst find --set-root %pm% set lang=us set opt= configfile %pm%
Close Notepad saving changes to text-file 'menu.lst'
3. Inject back 'menu.lst' to folder 'HBCD' inside ISO-file overwriting existing 'menu.lst' in ISO-file
4. Still having ISO opened in UltraIso, you open folder 'HBCD\Boot' and delete folder 'pmagic'
5. Close UltraIso saving changes to ISO-file when asked
Note: UltraIso creates a backup of your original ISO-file, you may delete this if you want to!
Hiren's ISO-file is now reduced close to 173MB in size - ending up to be 327MB in size
That's it
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Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Apr. 30 2012,16:41 |
Hello, Balder. Â I am glad that you replied to me so quickly.
I will follow your instructions regarding the linux part
I also managed to replace 1 program. There will be some where it's possible to need an expert like you to help me out with some parameters, but I will ask only after I will search google. I hope I can count on feature help.
Thanks a lot
Edited by searcher on Apr. 30 2012,19:04
Post Number: 4

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Posted on: Apr. 30 2012,22:28 |
It seems to me you might be interested of older versions of Hiren's boot-cd
If you haven't visit 'Hiren’s BootCD Fan & Discussion Platform' then do it - link HERE
Notice link to 'All Versions' - or use direct link HERE
You can scroll down to the version you prefer to use (which all are less in size)
In my opinion, version-10.6 is a good candidate of what you might need Version-10.6 has also the good 'old' Ghost11 built-in (version-10.6 was the last with Ghost11 integrated)
Note: version-10.6 is only 269MB in size
However in the end, it is always the 'user' (in your case - you) that decide what version of Hiren's boot-cd to use
To the record: I really do not consider me to be any 'expert' to Hiren's boot-cd (but thanks anyway) and in fact, not any 'expert' at all, just a 'normal' user of computers out there on 'www' (World-Wild-Webb)
regards balder
Edited by balder on Apr. 30 2012,22:32
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 5

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Posted on: May 01 2012,04:38 |
Hello again.
1. Why I should be interested by old versions? For example that 10.6 besides ghost has any other benefits? 10.6 and 15.1 have the same mini xp benefits (sata, wi-fi etc, usb 3.0) ?
2. The msdos programs from the last version are running in a "pure" msdos environment or some emulation? I am asking this for a good reason. For example to run a msdos program from bootable msdos usb key with some program it takes let's say 1 hour. Running the same program from hiren's cd could take longer from the usb key too or just the same time?
Your support it's great. Thanks again for taking time and replying me with all these advices.
Post Number: 6

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Posted on: May 01 2012,12:24 |
Quote: "Running the same program from hiren's cd could take longer from the usb key too or just the same time?"
Hmmm... I don't get it
There is no major difference in time when run Hiren from CD\DVD-unit comparing to USB key (included 'DOS'-tools')
However it looks like your motherboard might run USB devices in USB-1.1 speed when USB device is launched from 'BIOS-mode' - which is terribly slow:(
You cannot be sure that your motherboard support USB-2.0 speed in 'BIOS-mode' even you do have USB-2 speed in 'Windows-mode'
Question is; how old is that motherboard of yours
Conclusion: If you run Hiren from USB stick and launching MiniXP and it takes more than - let's say 2 minutes - to have MiniXP up and run, then your motherboard do not have USB-2-speed already from boot --------------- regards balder
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Post Number: 7
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: May 01 2012,17:04 |
Quote: "takes let's say 1 hour"
Hmmm... Â I can format and making any USB device bootable with a grub menu in less than 30 seconds Â
EasyBoot also in combination with UltraIso, has a very powerful 'Burn'-facility that makes you USB bootable very fast with menu in place.
If checking 'Create Boot Partition' you can even hide all files on USB device You can even set password in EasyBoot so only you can launch EasyBoot menu and still having all files and folders hided on USB device! Note: there are some problem involved with a hided partition Typically is that some programs need to find its folder and file-system, but as these are hided, it might fail working properly. However, it sure is an interesting option to hide and use password
Anyway... Quote: " What programming language is used in the next paragraph? batch" I would say 'batch-mode'
@setlocal enableextensions @pushd "%~dp0" @7z.exe x -o"%TEMP%\HBCD\Avira" -y Files\AviraAntiVir.7z @7z.exe x -o"%TEMP%\HBCD\Avira" -y Files\Tools.7z download.exe @copy /y 7z.* "%TEMP%\HBCD\Avira">nul @if not exist %SystemRoot%\System32\msvcr71.dll 7z.exe x -o"%TEMP%\HBCD\Avira" -y Files\DLL.7z ms*71.dll @start "" /D"%TEMP%\HBCD\Avira" "AviraScan.cmd" %~dp0
As far as I can see this is a kind of 'advanced' batch-file that update avira virus-definitions And at the end launch another batch-file ' AviraScan.cmd' that launch avira scanner.
Note: I'm eager that we use Easyboot to launch your DOS-applications - or programs like Avira antivirus, which  easily can be launched from EasyBoot menu. To integrate Avira into EasyBoot can be found HERE
regards balder
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later