Post Number: 1

Group: Members
Posts: 9
Joined: Aug. 2008
Posted on: Aug. 13 2012,14:01 |
I've searched the forums and don't see any mention of Image for Windows. Is it possible to put the LINUX version of IFW and HIREN 10.6 as well as Paragon Partition manager on the same disk? (They all use the Linux kernel).
Edited by bytecode on Aug. 13 2012,14:01
Post Number: 2

Group: Members
Posts: 1942
Joined: Oct. 2008
Posted on: Aug. 13 2012,14:32 |
Quote: "I've searched the forums and don't see any mention of Image for Windows"
I'm not familiar with Linux, could you please guide me what you mean with 'Image for Windows' Is this a kind of 'ghost' Â - create image of harddisk or harddisk partition or similar Or is it this one you mean HERE
If it is this one you can test creating the 'DOS-version' (rescue-ISO) and copy ISO to folder EZBOOT and use menu command: Â run linux.iso (or whatever name you use to ISO-file)
----------------------------------------- The Hiren 'case' can easily be solved using my script 'easyboot-hiren_v14*.script' by simply pressing the start-button in script and follow guide in script
To solve the Paragon issue - please test post nr; 2 HERE
As you can notice - use ISO-file of paragon (no fussing with files and folders is needed)
Note. tick 'Joliet' when creating ISO in EasyBoot
Edited by balder on Aug. 13 2012,15:03
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 3

Group: Members
Posts: 9
Joined: Aug. 2008
Posted on: Aug. 13 2012,19:58 |
Yes, I meant the  TeraByte, Inc. IFW. I'll have to check and see if the DOS version can browse NTFS file systems like the Linux version, otherwise I can't use it to mount images. Thanks for your response.
Edited by bytecode on Aug. 13 2012,21:13
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