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Topic: linux boot menu< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
 Post Number: 1
allgames71 Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Jul. 15 2013,15:09  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

hello balder ,

I've a linux boot file called grub.cfg :

set timeout=10
set default=0

menuentry "Parted Magic 64" --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
 linux /pmagic/bzImage64
 initrd /pmagic/initrd.img

menuentry "Parted Magic" --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
 linux /pmagic/bzImage
 initrd /pmagic/initrd.img

menuentry "Windows 8 x64 EFI" {
 chainloader /efi/boot/8bootx64.efi

menuentry 'Fedora-18 LIVE USB 2_BOOT' --class fedora --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
linux /LiveOS/vmlinuz0 root=live:LABEL=2_BOOT ro rhgb
initrd /LiveOS/initrd0.img

This is a file that can boot UEFI Win8ToGo and also some linux programs. But I don't have any linux program to boot
Instead , I want to boot Windows Programs with this boot menu. How can I modify the content to boot like :

Acronis , Win8PE , AOMEI Partition Assistant (Win7PE based) , MiniTool Partition Wizard (may be linux based)

Below is the grub.cfg boot screen. Thanks a lot

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 Post Number: 2
balder Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Jul. 15 2013,16:10 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

@ allgames71

Quote. ” I want to boot Windows Programs with this boot menu”

I’m still having problems, as I do no not have the right hardware to test suggestion from :(

 This seems to be a kind of ‘extended’ grub (not simple grub4dos as we use)

Interesting is the menu command:

menuentry "Windows 8 x64 EFI" {
chainloader /efi/boot/8bootx64.efi

Test to launch ‘Win8PE’ (ISO-file of Win8PE) using this menu entry:

menuentry "Windows 8 PE" {
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

Or this:

menuentry "Windows 8 PE" {
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

You of course must change path to something like: /ISOFILES/win8pe.ISO  (or whatever)

Above is just an idea and not a 100% full working solution

Sorry to say I cannot bee to any big help as I’m having ‘hardware issues’ in this case :angry:
You are an advanced user in this in this field (I’m still stuck to the ‘old hardware’) :cool:

Regards balder

Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE
Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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 Post Number: 3
allgames71 Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Jul. 18 2013,07:13 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

hello balder ,

Very very sorry to reply late , I'll test your instruction and give you answer as soon as possible
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 Post Number: 4
allgames71 Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Jul. 18 2013,17:21 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

hello balder ,

I'll test your 2 ways to modify grub.cfg

1st result
error: unknown command 'find'
error: unknown command 'map'
error: unknown command 'map'
error: no such disk

Press any key to continue ...

2nd result
error: unknown command 'map'
error: unknown command 'map'
error: no such disk

Press any key to continue ...

Nevermind , it's what I hope to modify to use Easyboot Windows programs only. Beyond your knowledge is only for the time being.

Hope you can have a new computer with UEFI , so me and the other forum mate can have your further tutor.

Many thanks
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3 replies since Jul. 15 2013,15:09 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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