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Posted on: May 20 2009,11:31 |
Run several OS setups from one DVD ==============================================
I have seen in several posts,requesting about having windowses vista and windows xp setups together.this is easy job,because most of the process needed to do is writed in EasyBoot help file.and we need just some considerations for using windows vista.
Any way I have tested operating systems below:
Windows vista (I tested by vista home lite version 2). Windows XP sp2 Origional English Windows XP sp2 Customized
Step_1: ======= Â
1. Copy All contents of you Vista bootable DVD (or CD for lite version) to ...EasyBoot\disk1 directory.
2. Make directories below in ...EasyBoot\disk1 directory:
...EasyBoot\disk1\SYS ...EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\XPEN ...EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\MYXP
3. Copy all contents of "Windows XP sp2 Origional English" to ...EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\XPEN
4. Copy all contents of "Windows XP sp2 Customized" to ...EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\MYXP
5. Copy files below from One of XP CDs to ...EasyBoot\disk1\ Directory (you will need to copy  other files too if you want to have win 2000 or 2003 setups too):
Step_2: =======
1_ Make another directory by the name of "XPEN" inside ...EasyBoot\disk1\ directory and Copy just "I386" Directory of "Windows XP sp2 Origional English" CD Â inside it.
2_ Make another directory by the name of "MYXP" inside ...EasyBoot\disk1\ directory and Copy just "I386" Directory of "Windows XP sp2 Customized" CD inside it.
3_ Copy "wxp.bat" from ...\EasyBoot\resource directory to ...EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN directory an run it.after a while you will have some other files and directories inside ...EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN directory Now you can delete "i386" directory from ...EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN directory.
4_ Do just as above for ...EasyBoot\disk1\MYXP directory then delete "i386" directory from ...EasyBoot\disk1\MYXP directory.
5. Make two copies from ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\w2ksect.bin in this directory then rename one of the copies to "XPEN.BIN" and other to "MYXP.BIN"
Step_3 ========
If we burn our DVD just by files above,it will not be bootable,because files are not placed in standard format.so We need to edit few files in "BOOT" directory ,to say to system,where to find boot files for each windows and how to run them.
1_ Open ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\XPEN.BIN by your favorite hex editor,Search for string  "i386" on it and replace all instances by the word "XPEN".and save it.  2_ Do the same process by file ...\EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN\SETUPLDR.BIN and save that.
3_ Open ...\EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN\TXTSETUP.SIF" by notepad, search for "SetupSourcePath" section, you will see that it is as:
SetupSourcePath = "\"
change that to:
SetupSourcePath = "\SYS\XPEN"
4_ Do the same processES 1 TO 3 for "Windows XP sp2 Customized" ,just use string "MYXP" in hex editing and address below:
SetupSourcePath = "\SYS\MYXP"
You should Do the same process if you want to have other windowses,Just note that:
Step_4 ========
====================== Notes: ======= 1.I used HexEdit for editing BIN files and used XPEN and MYXP (Uppercase) in them.
2.I have named All folders in Disk1 in Uppercase (i mean MYXP,SYS,XPEN folders and also SYS\MYXP and SYS\XPEN)
============================= THATA ALL,I checked it by vmware was OK.
Thanks a lot from balder that helped me a lot and taught me a lot in this tutor
Edited by madar on May 30 2009,13:06
-------------- Shirin Zaban
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Posted on: May 27 2009,04:31 |
hi madar,thanks a lot.
i tested it was ok
i have seen your the same topic by you ,by other program,in other site too.
thanks for all your good tutors,hope to be successfull every time in your life.
-------------- Mahdi
Post Number: 3

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Posted on: May 28 2009,05:50 |
Thanks a lot madar i have read this tutor and tested it it works great i registered here to say thank you and to learn more from other topics
Post Number: 4

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Posted on: May 28 2009,22:16 |
Tried this method and am getting "CDBOOT: Couldn't Find NTLDR"
-------------- Hmmmmmm.....
Post Number: 5

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Posted on: May 29 2009,03:52 |
1.I have tested this method many many times and the burned dvd's are are used with a lot of my friends for a long time.
2.When making project Do step by step,and check step by step,in virtual machin. if you don't there may be some mistakes
3.I think you have some mistakes in editing BIN files and TXTSETUP.SIF
4.Please try again ,do first OS ,check it,then proced to other
5.Do not forget to put files below as said in step 5 of tutor in root of your DVD
-------- and please inform me about your test
-------------- Shirin Zaban
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Posted on: May 29 2009,13:57 |
About WinXP…
It’s not only an issue if “ident files” (tag files) has been copied to the “main root” (EasyBoot\disk1). It’s a issue if “ident files” (tag files) has been copied to the “second root”, witch in your tutorial is EasyBoot\disk1\SYS In fact, it’s impossible that your tutorial works as there are mistakes involved into it
To @mahdi and @Mega_num How did you have success with a tutorial that doesn’t work
Why not use original tutorial in EasyBoot help file together with tutorials originally written by xoben
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Post Number: 7

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Posted on: May 29 2009,14:33 |
I am very sorry that you talk about some thing that you did not test it yet. you just think it is un correct
i have done the same project by other programs like "Aero Studio' and "BCDW" and i have my ISO's in my archive.
please first try that then give answers like this.
it is not important for me what you said to me,but you have do that by other users too "mahdi and mega.." all are laying and you are right???
please try the tutor it will not take more than hour for you
-------------- Shirin Zaban
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: May 29 2009,14:51 |
In Step_2:
I quote from point 2:” Make another directory by the name of "MYXP" inside ...EasyBoot\disk1\ directory and Copy just "I386" Directory of "Windows XP sp2 Customized" CD inside it.” This is correct
I quote from point 3:” Copy "wxp.bat" from ...\EasyBoot\resource directory to ...EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\XPEN directory an run it.after a while you will have some other files and directories inside ...EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\XPEN directory Now you can delete "i386" directory from ...EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\XPEN directory.” This is not correct
I suggest you change tutorial to… “Copy "wxp.bat" from ...\EasyBoot\resource directory to ...EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN directory….” In this way you create the necessary boot folder (XPEN in this example) that’s needed. Don’t you agree with me
This is needed as you in step3 (I quote): “1_ Open ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\XPEN.BIN by your favorite hex editor,Search for string  "i386" on it and replace all instances by the word "XPEN".and save it.” This is correct.
By the way…Why not use EasyBoot>Tools>Replace text instead of external hex editor as this is far more easier for new users
@madar (Shirin Zaban) I do like (respect) you tutorial but only if they works. In fact plenty of your ideas are brilliant  and very useful but as I pointed out… this tutorial cant work as there are some problems to solve. And again I must repeat that you need ident files (tag files) at the “second root” witch is another problem with your tutorial.
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Post Number: 9

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Posted on: May 29 2009,15:19 |
Hi balder
1.thank you for your notes
2. at the time after replaying you i did test again my project it worked
3.you are right ,in tutor i have a mistake as below:
"After using wxp.bat the i386 directories below should be deleted
..disk1\xpen\i386 and ..disk1\myxp\i386
not (...disk1\Sys\xpen\i386 and ..disk1\Sys\myxp\i386)
thank you for your help,and i am going to change that lines, thanks again
-------------- Shirin Zaban
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Posted on: May 29 2009,15:28 |
Again I must repeat that you need ident files (tag files) at the “second root” witch is another problem with your tutorial. Your “second root” is EasyBoot\disk1\sys
You have changed this here: SetupSourcePath = "\SYS\XPEN" You need to copy ident files (tag files) to folder EasyBoot\disk1\sys Don’t you agree
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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