Post Number: 1

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Posted on: Jan. 31 2011,21:59 |
Hello everyone, I have gone through all posts written by my friends Balder and Madar on this thing   however not been able to get the very first step.. I have extracted the contents of my EasyBoot ISO on the Hardrive. It has just two Menu Entries> First is to load IsoLinux, Second is to load Mini XP. I have tried numerous configurations in my Menu.lst file but none worked so far   I don't know what I need to do in my configuration file in order to load EasyBoot. Please detail me on this my friends and also attach any additional file or BIN Loader if required for this function.   Testing it in Virtual Machine right now  Many thanks..
Edited by SlasherPay on Jan. 31 2011,22:00
Post Number: 2

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Posted on: Feb. 01 2011,03:36 |
Quote: “First is to load IsoLinux, Second is to load Mini XP
Firstly I need more information what IsoLinux you are referring to Secondly I need more information what Mini XP you are referring to - is it Hiren MiniXP Do you have this “MiniXP” as ISO And do you have this “IsoLinux” (Ubuntu, Slax, Ariane, Kaspersky or whatever you are referring to) as a ISO-file as well Quote: “I have extracted the contents of my EasyBoot ISO” Sorry - you cannot launch EasyBoot this way You must use the ISO created by EasyBoot!
Test using my script easyboot-grub-iso.script but only create new ISO-file. You can then open newly created ISO-file in folder “WinBuilder_complete” and extract the contents to your harddrive.
Hmmm… what type of harddrive? Is it a USB-harddrive? If so you can transfer the whole build still using easyboot-grub-iso.script (read help in script) Note: USB-harddisk is formatted during this process and you can only have one partition at this point, due to built-in safety precautions in script!
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Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Feb. 01 2011,04:49 |
Thank you for replying Balder, you're always quick in this.. Here is the situation>> (1) The Hardrive is Internal. Right now testing it on Primary Partition. (2) IsoLinux is a bootable Floppy like thing, Mini XP yes, its Hiren's. Both of them are already in my EasyBoot ISO which I have extracted to C:\ (all the contents of this ISO) (3) I'm avoiding Booting ISO using Grub, as it first loads the ISO to memory and then runs it.. Can EasyBoot run Mini XP if MiniXP contents are located on a Hidden Partition? If yes, then what would be the command that will need to be used in EasyBoot Menu. Suppose MiniXP folder is in HD 0 Partition 3.
I've downloaded your script but don't know where and how to use it at the moment. Where would this .script file be opened? EasyBoot? I'm sorry for asking this question
Edited by SlasherPay on Feb. 01 2011,04:51
Post Number: 4

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Posted on: Feb. 01 2011,05:22 |
Quote: ”The Hardrive is Internal” Okay, what MBR (MasterBootRecord) has this harddisk unit? Is it grub or is it NT-5 (WinXP-family) or is it NT-6 (Vista\Win-7, server-2008 family) MBR you have implemented to harddisk?
Or do you have a WinXP running on this partition? Or do you have a Vista\Win-7 running on this partition?
--------------------------------------------------------------- Quote: ”IsoLinux is a bootable Floppy like thing” Hmmm that was a pretty cryptic explanation – is it IsoLinux bootable Floppy from Hiren? You need to be more specific
Quote: ”I'm avoiding Booting ISO using Grub, as it first loads the ISO to memory and then runs it” Grub doesn’t automatically run anything from RAM if you haven’t told grub to do so
Quote: ”Can EasyBoot run Mini XP if MiniXP contents are located on a Hidden Partition? If yes, then what would be the command that will need to be used in EasyBoot Menu. Suppose MiniXP folder is in HD 0 Partition 3” Yes it can – but to make this happen you need to change parameters in ”grub-kicker-image” that my script easyboot-iso.script creates. So it is possible!
Frankly speaking – isn’t it partly Hiren (or the whole Hiren) you try to use this way
Edited by balder on Feb. 01 2011,05:55
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Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Feb. 01 2011,07:15 |
ok MBR is of GRUB. Windows XP is Installed on the primary partition. Isolinux floppy image is from Hiren. Yes, you got it right, I'm using Part Hiren Â
I am not using gfxmenu instead of EasyBoot as GFxmenu can be cancelled by pressing Escape key and it does not support timeout and default functions. That is why I want to have EasyBoot menu to come up right when the system is started through the Grub sitting in the MBR. If doing it the ISO way is the only way, I will do that. Please provide me the menu.lst entries to do that and/or any additional steps/files. Once I'm able to bring my dear EasyBoot menu at the boottime from Hardrive using ISO or any other way as you suggest, I will move Grub from MBR to the PBR of the Recovery Partition that I will create later (and hide) and will try to assign a hotkey to that so that it can be triggered that way (again if possible and not affecting the whole project). I want to accomplish this with following goals>>
(1) Even if somethings happens to my Primary Partition including Boot.ini say the Partition is formatted, I'm still able to start my things through EasyBoot Menu at the Startup (Just like the Computer Manufacturers do) "Press F11 to start recovery" or something sort of.
(2) I do not want to give any control to the user outside of what I've offered through my EasyBoot menu including Booting to Windows. Just these 3 options> Start Windows, Start Recovery, Turn off/Reboot
I'm seriously stuck on this since many days, I need your help to accomplish the above goals.. Please provide me detailed steps for what I need to do. Â Â I hope I have clarified my question to 100% Â Please also let me know how to use your scripts, I mean in which application?
Also, I have found a solution similar to what I need but I don't know what to put in the Part2.lst file.. Your post is here> Link
Edited by SlasherPay on Feb. 01 2011,07:54
Post Number: 6

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Posted on: Feb. 01 2011,08:08 |
Quote: ”MBR is of GRUB” Okay, I still recommended you to use my script easyboot-iso.script to create menu entries to your easyboot menu. You have a separate button for integrating of Hiren in that script. As you are using a harddisk you have plenty of space – so why not use Hiren as it is and get all utility tools on place for further use
Anyway... When finished with integrating of Hiren you use easyboot-grub-iso.script to create a new ISO-file. Attention! Don’t press button for integration to USB device Instead open folder “WinBuilder_complete\ISO” and copy the content to the root of your harddisk (except file menu.lst).
Now modify your menu.lst on harddisk and insert lines for launching EasyBoot which you have in menu.lst in folder “WinBuilder_complete\ISO”.
Or copy and use text below:
title Launch EasyBoot find --set-root --ignore-floppies /easyboot/iso.iso map /easyboot/iso.iso (hd32) map --hook chainloader (hd32) boot
Note1: if you already have a folder EasyBoot on the root of your harddisk you can copy ISO-file “iso.iso” to inside of folder easyboot. Note2: you can also delete “BOOT_HARDDISK.LST” as this is a part of the “USB-solution” which isn’t used in your case. So what happens here when you launch Easyboot ISO-file (which is the case). 1. When you start your computer you now have a new entry in menu.lst “Launch EasyBoot“ 2. When choosing this entry ISO-file created by EasyBoot is launched and you get the EasyBoot menu up and run. 3. When choosing launch Hiren in EasyBoot menu Hiren is launched by a “grub-kicker-image”. 4. You get Hiren menu ready to be used.
Another way is to simply use Hiren ISO-file directly (not extracting anything anywhere). Download my specially made Hiren grub-kicker-image (hiren.zip) from HERE
EDIT – tutorial updated including download "hiren.zip" Copy hiren.zip to folder ezboot and use menu command:  memdisk hiren.zip Create a folder “ISO” on the root of harddisk Copy Hiren ISO to inside of folder “ISO” and rename ISO-file to HIREN.ISO
Note1: some parts of Hiren might fail when using this method and I have only tested this method to different hiren 10.*-versions. Or you might need to use "Start Hiren's BootCD (Alternative Boot Method)" in Hiren menu Note2: In case it doesn’t work from EasyBoot menu you can create a menu entry in menu.lst on your harddisk like this:
title Hiren ls /ISO/HIREN.ISO || find --set-root /ISO/HIREN.ISO map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 /ISO/HIREN.ISO (0xff) || map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 --mem /ISO/HIREN.ISO (0xff) map --hook chainloader (0xff)
Edited by balder on Feb. 01 2011,12:20
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Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Feb. 01 2011,18:18 |
Dear Balder I have accomplished the primary goals. Will detail how I did it all in a single post once all the objectives are met.. (1) Loaded Grub in PBR (2) Using another Boot loader with a timer to select between Grub (in PBR) or Windows XP, using shortcut keys. (3) Able to bring my sweet EasyBoot menu up and running. The commands are executed successfully at the EasyBoot Menu part. As my iso file was around 400 MB, it gave me Error 70 file must be contigous, so it worked using the --mem keyword. It takes some time for the ISO to load in the memory 
(4) I moved HBCD folder from my EasyBoot ISO to the new Partition that I created for Grub, reducing the size of my ISO to just 13 MB.. Now it loads in a second, and also loads without the --mem keyword.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now here are two problems>> (1) From Hiren's I just need the Mini XP, that's it.. Mini-XP loads beautifully whether I do it through Grub Menu, or my EasyBoot menu, however both the times, "B:\Tools" and "B:\Program Files" folder is not present resulting in>> none of the utilities are available there. I tried to re-extract this whole folder from the original Hiren ISO, but still the same problem.

Please test yours and tell me what could be wrong with my setup..
(2) When FreeDos is loaded through EasyBoot, it loads all the way to the end and runs the Ghost. I have made my Batch file to catch Errorlevel from Ghost if unsuccessful and is already tested Ok to give a user message that the Image Restore was unsuccessful, it then reboots the system when user press Ok. However here, the ghost closes (as there is no Ghost File to restore) but there is no error or anything and the system (I mean Virtual system) just reboots.. ----------------------------------------------------- Brother once these two problem are solved, I'm good.. I will then work on Hiding the partition as my last step and still being able to run everything from the Hidden Fat32 Partition.
Also, please let me know what is used in EasyBoot command to execute files located in a Hidden Partition. Suppose the file is> TEST.EXE located in Hidden FAT32 partition where the Grub and the EasyBoot ISO are loaded.
How can we launch ISO files directly from EasyBoot. I know there's an option in your (balder) script for that, but just curious if it can be done directly by hardcoding within the EasyBoot Menu.
Edited by SlasherPay on Feb. 01 2011,18:30
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Feb. 02 2011,03:48 |
Quote: “I moved HBCD folder from my EasyBoot ISO to the new Partition” Yes you must do this, because as we launch EasyBoot-ISO-file as it is, the “root” is lost (files and folders in folder disk1 is not visible for EasyBoot) Quote: “From Hiren's I just need the Mini XP, that's it.. I think I already wrote a tutorial how to implement MiniXP from Hiren Read post nr;2 HERE
At least this should solve the 7-zip problem Note: In your case you launch MiniXP with the “grub-kicker-image” as MiniXP resides on the harddisk (you are not starting\launching from CD\DVD-unit). --------------------------------------------------- Quote: “please let me know what is used in EasyBoot command to execute files located in a Hidden Partition”
You cannot use EasyBoot this way. Basically, EasyBoot has no capacity to launch EXE-files on the “outside”. EasyBoot can generally only launch files from inside of it’s owns ISO-file – in reality – from the root of CD\DVD. However, I solved this in  EasyBoot by using “grub-kicker-image” - and voila’  grub can then launch files that are “outside” the ISO (for example, files that even not are present on CD\DVD or on your harddisk partition). But there are limits - grub cannot launch all kinds of files. Note: Grub should be able to launch files from hidden partitions as well. However, is grub capable to launch your *.exe  I can’t tell
Quote: “When FreeDos is loaded through EasyBoot” Well, you cannot be sure how such floppy image (Ghost floppy image) behaves in the way you use EasyBoot. If I were you, I would launch Ghost.exe from a folder on harddisk – rather than from floppy image. Note: this is a highly experimental stuff you are in to. There are limits for what I can help you regarding this issue
----------------------------- Quote: “How can we launch ISO files directly from EasyBoot” Well some ISO-files can be launched by in Easyboot built-in bcdw-command. Some of ISO-files from the Acronis-family can be launched with internal bcdw-command Read HERE
But generally my script easyboot-iso.script is the right way to go. Note: in some cases we need to modify “kicker-image” to make ISO run (map ISO) Ubuntu is such example. But WinXP-PE-ISO (NT5-family) can be launched directly by script and the same to NT6-family (Vista\Win-7\server-2008) can be launched even without checking “Run ISO from RAM". Note: always test odd ISO-files without checking “Run ISO from RAM”. But PE-ISO based on NT5-systems (WinXP etcetera) that use folder I386 must always have “Run ISO from RAM” checked. Also take attention to that you must move files and folders from the “root” (folder disk1) to your “new root” except folder ezboot that is the “boot-folder” for EasyBoot. Note: This is done automatically if you use easyboot-grub-iso.script (the "root" is moved by script).
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyway – interesting issues you are bringing up for discussion @SlasherPay
Regards balder
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Post Number: 9

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Posted on: Feb. 03 2011,07:20 |
Hi all
To My Dear Friend "Balder": I do not want to intrrrupt your discussion by @SlasherPay.The following notes are just because of a message from @SlasherPay ,inviting me to share in discussion. ==================================== To @SlasherPay:
1.The methodes that @Balder says are perfect,clear and allways better than my methodes.So try to follow what he says.
2.In following lines i am not going to change the way that @balder said,instead i will try to say how can we run hiren bootcd from HDD,then it will be easier for you to use my ideas by EasyBoot.
================================================== A)_ For XP users (I tested by hiren 10.0 ,was ok) ================================================== 1.Extract "HBCD" folder of hiren.iso to C:\ 2.Copy (grldr and  grldr.mbr and menu.lst) of grub4dos to C:\ 3.Open C:\menu.lst by notepad ,delete all contents of that ,then just type lines below on it :
timeout 30 default /default
title Hiren 10.0 find --set-root /HBCD/boot.gz map --mem /HBCD/boot.gz (fd0) map --hook chainloader (fd0)+1 rootnoverify (fd0) map --floppies=1 boot
title Mini Windows Xp find --set-root /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN chainloader /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN
4.Open C:\Boot.ini  and add line below to it:
c:\grldr="Run Hiren's BootCD 10.0"
Now if you restart your computer,you will have option for selecting "run hiren.." in xp's boot menu ,that you can select,and you can run hiren from HDD.
================================================== B)_ For Vista or Windows 7 Users ================================================== You can do the same process ,but for adding "run hiren" entry to vista/7 boot menu you can use bat file below: ------------- @echo off for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('bcdedit /create /d "Run Hiren BootCD" /application bootsector') do set res=%%a set id=%res:~10,38% bcdedit /set %id% device boot bcdedit /set %id% path \grldr.mbr bcdedit /displayorder %id% /addlast
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( echo "Error" ) ELSE ( ECHO "Done" ) ------------- Hope will be some help
Edited by madar on Feb. 03 2011,10:44
-------------- Shirin Zaban
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