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Posted on: Dec. 15 2011,18:50 |
Hello, how to create a USB stick with windows 7 32 and 64 and xp sp3?, Please.
Post Number: 2

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Posted on: Dec. 16 2011,04:04 |
@ DoniniII
Quote: "Hello, how to create a USB stick with windows 7 32 and 64 and xp sp3?"
To solve issue with Win7 64-bit and 32-bit you need to 'merge' these two together
The good news is; it is extremely easy to launch setup of any NT6-system from USB via EasyBoot menu system (NT6-system are typically Win7/Win8/server-2008 and Vista all 32-bit and 64-bit included)
The bad news is that you cannot have several different setup of NT6-systems in EasyBoot as you only can occupy folder disk1 with one 'sources'-folder. We can fix the 'boot-sequence' (create several different bcd-files but then the problems are there to stay). However I'm pretty sure you might 'merger' 32-bit and 64-bit together in same folder 'sources' which on the other hand makes it very large inside folder 'sources' (most likely not possible to fit in on DVD) but USB drive could be the solution."
Read post nr; 7 HERE
---------------------------- The WinXP issue... Run setup of WinXP from USB is very different comparing to run setup of WinXP from CD\DVD Read post nr; 11 HERE
Related interesting information in post nr; 2 HERE Note: start with doing WinXP and then continue with the Win7-system
An trick I use is to create setup of WinXP from USB and then simply copy all files and folders related to WinXP to a temporary folder. From this point I create menu and setup of Win7 etcetera in EasyBoot - and when having setup of Win7 etcetera finished in EasyBoot (including EasyBoot menu to launch WinXP from USB) I simply copy back WinXP-files from temporary folder to USB (In this way there is no need to run that special 'third-part-tool' each time to create setup of WinXP from USB) followed by copying everything from folder 'disk1' to USB stick.
Note: I recommend you to download my set of scripts (download below in every post I write in this forum). In folder 'balder\ USB_Resources' you have floppy images to launch setup of WinXP from USB - also floppy image to launch setup of Win7 (setupnt6.img) from USB is included. Study "READ_ME.txt" to better understand how to use these images (including harddisk.img)! You only need to use  these floppy images if having problems using menu command in EasyBoot that directly launch setup of Win7 and WinXP including 'Start from harddisk' - if this is the case - then use these floppy images instead!
To sum up the procedure:
1. Integrate Win7 using tutorial in post nr; 2 HERE
2. Follow tutorial in post nr; 11 HERE
3. Create menu to launch setup of WinXP in EasyBoot menu - you can use 'setupxp.img' from downloaded 'balder\ USB_Resources' and use menu command: run setupxp.img to launch setup of WinXP
4. Push on 'Save' to save changes to EasyBoot menu
5. Copy all the content of folder 'disk1' to USB stick
Edited by balder on Dec. 16 2011,09:27
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Dec. 26 2011,02:07 |
Is the procedure same for Vista?
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Post Number: 4
Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Dec. 26 2011,04:01 |
First of all, welcome to this forum @EdwardHopes1
Quote: "Is the procedure same for Vista?"
Yes of course, as Vista belongs to the same system 'family'
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 6

Group: Members
Posts: 1942
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Posted on: Dec. 26 2011,04:05 |
As this is your first post, I say welcome @yanyan123
Quote: "your information is very particular"
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later