Quote: "Run Backtrack ( Please help command run this system thanks you)"
It took me some time to find a working download to this backtrack-5 (linux-server was down as well for a time)
Anyway... I downloaded 'BackTrack 5' 32-bit ISO-file from
HERENote: you need the ISO-file of BackTrack and you don't need to register (push on 'DOWNLOAD')
Then follow tutorial below:
1. Copy backtrack iso-file to folder disk1
2. Rename iso-file to exactly
BACKTRACK5.ISO (you must use Caps to name= BIG LETTERS)
3. Open iso-file (I used UltraIso) and extract folder 'casper' to folder disk1
4. Still having ISO-file opened with UltraIso you open folder
casper inside iso-file and delete file
'filesystem.squashfs' 5. Save changes to ISO-file (now reduced to about 65 MB in size as we deleted file 'filesystem.squashfs' inside ISO-file - and if UltraIso creates a backup of ISO-file, then remove backup-file as this is such a large file)
6. Download my 'kicker-image' (backtrack5.ima) from
HERE7. Copy backtrack5.ima to folder EZBOOT
8. Use menu command in EasyBoot menu: Ā run backtrack5.ima
9 Create ISO in EasyBoot with only 'Joliet' checked
This seems to work though BackTrack is a little bit hazardous to get running correctly
Note: I managed to partly get BackTrack up and run in 'Virtual PC' but instead 'burned' to a USB stick where I made it run perfectly at once.
My guess is that it should run from DVD as well - but test in virtual environment so you don't lose a lot of DVD's