Quote: ”is there anyway to get it?”
Well low your eyes a little bit

 and you find: “Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE”
You find latest updated set including script-engine “WinBuilder” that I use to control script collection.
It would be nice if you read “READ_ME.html” before starting asking questions
Some notes how to use scripts:
1. Extract to the root of harddisk C:\
2. Use folders on the same root (C:\) for ISO-files that you want in your build
3. Do not use the desktop
4. Do not have spaces in name to folder and files. Example: “Hiren’s BOOT cd.ISO” doesn’t work, But Hiren’s_BOOT_CD.ISO is okay.  Same to folder where you keep your ISO-files – no spaces in name please.
5. If running script in Vista/Win-7, set UAC (User-Account-Control) to lowest level and run as “Administrator”.
Note: If using script like easyboot-usb.script, take attention to this:
As a precaution to not destroy data on a second USB disk OR a second partition - includes both hided as unhidden partition(s) - script automatically scan what USB device(s) that are connected to your computer.
In case you have more than one USB device that script has discovered (or think is) a second USB disk OR a USB disk with several partitions, script halts to not destroy any data.
Some explanation how USB-script works…
Script analyse if USB device is a “fixed” (in most cases a harddisk) or “removable” (USB-stick/thumb-drive).
If script detect USB device as “fixed” it automatically use NTFS as file system (can be overridden with checking “Force Format to FAT32”).
If script detect USB device as “removable” it automatically use FAT32 as file system
However - even if script detect USB device as “removable”, and USB device is larger than 32 GB in size (let’s say 64GB), it automatically select NTFS as file system to avoid the 32GB-limit to FAT32 (can be overridden with checking “Force Format to FAT32” but not recommended).
As far as I know there is no script that can do all this fully automatically – no need to set a lot of parameters manually (and make mistakes this way).
The “backside” is that to make script as safe as possible – script must refuse to handle more than one USB device - or more than one partition on USB device - to not get confused what is the target for the whole operation
regards balder