Post Number: 1

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Posted on: May 26 2012,03:29 |
I edit ERD Commandar with easy boot and run it ,it stops at this part that picture1 shows and it didn't go to next step and part please help me. i want it run the next part that picture 3 show for select operating system.


Post Number: 2

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Posted on: May 26 2012,06:53 |
Quote: "I edit ERD Commandar with easy boot and run it ,it stops at this part that picture1 shows and it didn't go to next step and part please help me. i want it run the next part that picture 3 show for select operating system"
This problem occurs because the network adapter in the computer is not compliant with Recovery Manager. Therefore, the drivers for the network adapter are not loaded during Recovery Manager startup.
Or put it this way; Your ERD Commander is to old to be used to newer motherboards This also means , your ERD cannot support NT6-OP-systems (typically; Vista Win7 Win8 etcetera) If you have a NT5-system installed to hard-disk, ERD certinly would find this OP-system and 'mount it' In fact, I would say this is a perfectly normal behavior from ERD Commander
regards balder
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Post Number: 3

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Posted on: May 26 2012,07:26 |
dear friend picture number 3 as you can see is the original program an it's running without any problem, but 2 other pictures (Picture 1 and 2) they are edited with easyboot, now what should I do? in the original program same as picture number 3 there is a box with this description "select the window installation you want to repair" but in the version I have created with easy boot it's like the picture number 3 and there is no box with the mentioned description. I extracted files from the erd commander to disk1 folder and picked the boot file and used run erd.bif command for launching it as my solution do you have any other way?
Post Number: 4

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Posted on: May 26 2012,09:46 |
Quote: "I extracted files from the erd commander to disk1 folder and picked the boot file and used run erd.bif command for launching it as my solution do you have any other way?"
Sure you can use this method - its okay Note: however this method only works from CD\DVD-unit and not from USB
But I recommend you to use my script 'easyboot-iso.script' to integrate ERD ISO-file Note: tick 'Run ISO from RAM' in script - ISO must be run from RAM with a special method that script implement As a benefitt using this method, you can run ERD from both CD\DVD-unit as from USB and also have several different ERD systems integrated into Easyboot If you are lucky it works better this way as well
I notice you run Vista system version 6.0.6000 You are recommended to instead use MsDart60 as recovery system (skipping ERD as is not compatible with Vista) Again I must repeat; you cannot run recovery of a NT6-system using a recovery system like ERD which is based on NT5-system (major difference there) You need MsDart60 ISO-file
To integrate MsDart60 do it this way:
1. Copy MsDart60 ISO-file to folder EZBOOT
2. Use menu command in EasyBoot menu;  run msdart60.iso  (or whatever name you use to ISO-file)
3. Only tick 'Joliet' when creating ISO in EasyBoot
This method works from CD\DVD-unit as from USB without problems
regards balder
Edited by balder on Jun. 21 2012,13:09
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Post Number: 5

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Posted on: May 27 2012,02:16 |
thanks @balder do you have any link for downloading MsDart60?
also the version I am using is version 5 but it's giving me error. any solution for solving this problem?
Edited by AhrimanSefid on May 27 2012,03:07
Post Number: 6

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Posted on: May 27 2012,05:12 |
Quote: "thanks @balder do you have any link for downloading MsDart60?"
Actually no link because off license agreements
Did you use my script 'easyboot-iso.script' to integrate ERD ISO-file And I repeat; checking 'Run ISO from RAM' in script - ISO must be run from RAM with a special method that script implement As a benefit using this method you can run ERD from both CD\DVD-unit as from USB If you are lucky it works better this way as well
You can create your own rescue CD using this method HERE
But I also used Google and found this link HERE
Hopefully this can help you Note: this is only a simplified 'rescue' CD of Vista and not the full MsDart60-ISO-file By the way, always use your 'friend' Google, before asking around
To integrate ISO into EasyBoot, use tutorial in post nr; 4
------------------------ Why don't you create your own VistaPE-rescue CD (ISO-file)
1. Download WinBuilder_082 from HERE (Push on the green 'button'-Download in upper right part of window)
2. Create a new folder 'MyWinBuilder' on the root (C:\)
4. Copy downloaded WinBuilder_082.exe to folder 'MyWinBuilder'
5. Double-click to WinBuilder_082.exe and check 'vistape.winbuilder.net'
6. Continue with push on Download to the lower left in WinBuilder window
7. Start your funny trip and create your own personalized VistaPE
Note: you can check win7pe.winbuilder.net or whatever PE-builds you like to create It takes some time to download the first time - but when done, you are set to create your VistaPE-build (or Win7PE or whatever) whenever you like
Attention! I'm not going to give you any support to this here in EasyBoot forum However, I do recommend you to join as a member in 'reboot.pro' (create account in upper right corner) HERE
regards balder
Edited by balder on May 27 2012,09:43
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Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Jun. 11 2012,23:40 |
Hello all. Since I´m new to this board  and I´m just starting, I would like to thank everyone for the amazing helpfull tutorials around here, which already helped me alot in what I´m trying to do. P.S: Loved the "forum rules: respect other forum members",ehehe  . Enought said. From what i´ve read this really seems a great comunity to learn from. Relating my doubt, I´ve already built other bootable multiboot DVDs (using xboot and the likes), but they all seemed to lack that one bit of "extended" configurability in what concerns adding our personal touch to builds of our "own". I´ve decided to plung into easyboot, as it seems to be one of the most configurable pieces of software out here. The thing is, having almost build my multiboot dvd as I like it(being a computer tech I managed to combine almost all boot cds I need at work into one DVD), the problem being...ERD Commander...arghhh, lol. Since AhrimanSefid started this topic on the same issue I decided not to create a new one, but instead continue using the info on this one. I started with the dreeded  winbom error at boot up. Whenever I uncecked joliet and checked optimize, ERD booted fine but Linux bootloader dependent isos did not. The opossite solved the linux boot isos problem but brought back winbom error in ERD. I decided to give Balder´s scripts a go (pretty good one´s it seems).  I used easyboot iso script (load to RAM enabled) and, after creating the iso image, on virtual Box ERD Commander works flawlessly every time I boot it up. The problem is whenever I try to boot ERD on two real PCs (just to be shure), after loading ERD to RAM (which takes a lot of time), on one PC (mine) ERD gives me an error "cannot load setupdd.sys, error code 4", and on the other PC it simply frezzes on a black screen where nothing happens (even after several minutes of wait time... Â
Any idea someone, of what might be hapening? It is just that one ERD Commander 2007 that is keeping me from burning the final "build" onto a DVD...
Hope someone may help with valuable information, which I pretty much apreciate.
Thanks all. See you
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Jun. 12 2012,01:59 |
Welcome to EasyBoot @ricfil
Quote: "It is just that one ERD Commander 2007 that is keeping me from burning the final "build" onto a DVD"
Unfortunately this is not an unusual scenario regarding ERD-2007
ERD-2007 is getting 'old' comparing to newer motherboards and drivers related to these motherboards.
It would be of an interest to know how old those computers (motherboards ) are
On the other hand, make sure you have enough RAM when using my script to launch ERD (run from RAM). You need 3X RAM than size of ISO to make sure computer doesn't 'freeze' when loading and run  ERD from RAM
Could you please test these solutions:
1. Only integrate ERD and nothing else into EasyBoot (use my script)
2. Test from CD (I use CD-RW to not spoil anything)
3. 'Burn' to USB stick (you must use my script to make ERD work correctly in this case)
Note-1: Loading and launch ERD takes less than 60 seconds from USB (in 'normal' case) - If it takes more time - Â then motherboard isn't that brand new, which also most likely means, it doesn't support USB-2 speed already from BIOS
Note-2: Most of these problems can also be related to BIOS-problems (or hardware fail)
Quote: "cannot load setupdd.sys, error code 4" Sounds like a hardware problem to me Read HERE
regards balder
Edited by balder on Jun. 12 2012,07:11
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Post Number: 9

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Posted on: Jun. 12 2012,14:11 |
Thanks for the quick reply Balder. And the welcome words also.
I will try and create an ERD Commander iso alone and test that out as (using your script) as you pointed.I´l come back and post the results. Relating the motherboard versions, shouldn´t Virtual Box "emulate" hardware based on the physical hardware of the host machine?...Not really into pc emulation a lot... I thought it would.. here goes the set up:
- My PC as got an asus board 2009 model, with I3/5/7 cpu support and DDR3 memory (pretty recent I guess. - My cousins suports core 2 duo cpus and DDR2 2 memory. - And I also have an Old 2000s pc with Rambus(RIMMs as oposed to DIMM modules from nowadays) memory on it (only 128MB-which does not allow me to test this stuff out as I wanted).
Relating the 3x memory allocation needed for your scrip. I did not think it needed that much memory . That might be why my cousins pc froze on me (4GB of memory). But still, my machine has got 8GB of memory, my iso has got 3.1 GB, which would be enough for even my pc not having enough memory to run it according to the 3x assumption ... Anyway, will try the ERD" iso alone" idea. Will post back.
P.S: Ho!,relating the possible hardware issue, I don´t think it might be that as that happened on my machine which as got Windows 7 Pro on it (that issue seems related to XP systems only). Also the system runs pretty stable on me all the time.
Thank you for the interest Balder. See you.
Edited by ricfil on Jun. 12 2012,14:14
Post Number: 10

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Posted on: Jun. 12 2012,14:31 |
Quote: "I did not think it needed that much memory"
I think you may misunderstanding what I mean with '3X RAM than size of ISO'
A Â 'standard' ERD-2007 ISO-file has the size of 185 MB (or close to at least) - this means (in theory) that you need 512 MB RAM to make sure ERD ( and motherboard) can handle the situation. In fact it should work with 2X RAM than size of ISO (again in theory)
You are talking Gigabyte of RAM - so there cannot be any problem related to size of RAM in your case However that 'Old 2000s pc with Rambus' has probably not the 'right configuration' to work correctly in this case2
Finally; the point with 'Burn' to USB stick (you must use my script to make ERD work correctly in this case)' is only for test purpose to see 'what happens'
regards balder
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