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Posted on: Mar. 16 2012,09:48 |
0lá I'm Brazilian so sorry for my ENGLISH ... I'm new to forum need help multboot windows 7 + windows + xp + hirensboot 15 + hirensboot 10.2 + other bootable iso ... Please help me ...
-------------- paco corporation network solutions
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Posted on: Mar. 16 2012,13:42 |
As this is your first post in this forum - I say welcome  @pacodesign
Quote: "windows 7 + windows + xp + hirensboot 15 + hirensboot 10.2 + other bootable iso ..."
You can easily find a lot of answers to these requests of yours by simply reading alot of topics or use 'Search' function in upper right corner
However here you have tutorials to your request(s) Note: this works for Easyboot_v6.5 and later version of Easyboot:
Solution to Windows-7 1. Copy from your Win7-source (or extract from ISO-file) folders 'boot', 'efi', 'sources', 'support' and finally folder 'upgrade' to folder 'disk1' in Easyboot
2. Copy from your Win7-source (or extract from ISO-file) files 'setup.exe', 'bootmgr' and if present also file 'bootmgr.efi' to folder 'disk1' in Easyboot
3. Rename file 'setup.exe' to 'setupwin7.exe' in folder disk1
4. Use menu command in EasyBoot menu: Â run /bootmgr
Solution to WinXP 1. Copy everything from your WinXP source (or extract from ISO-file) to folder disk1 in Easyboot
2. Rename file 'setup.exe' to 'setupxp.exe'
3. Use menu command in EasyBoot menu: Â run W2KSECT.BIN Â (check that you have a file 'W2KSECT.BIN' in folder EZBOOT - file should be there)
Solution to hiren-15 We have a problem here. You want both Hiren-15 and Hiren-10.2 into same build - and this is not possible. Instead try to find on Internet the 'reworked' Hiren-15 that have structure of both Hiren-15 and Hiren-10.2 in same build (with Ghost etcetera). Use search-words in Google typically: hiren boot cd rebuild
Use tutorial given in post nr; 8 HERE
---------------- Finally, when creating ISO in EasyBoot only check 'Joliet'
Edited by balder on May 11 2012,14:39
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Mar. 16 2012,16:51 |
thanks balder...
-------------- paco corporation network solutions
Post Number: 4

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Posted on: Jun. 21 2012,05:32 |
Both win7 & winXP contain SUPPORT\TOOLS\GBUNICNV.EXE which one to keep
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Posted on: Jun. 21 2012,06:00 |
Quote: "Both win7 & winXP contain SUPPORT\TOOLS\GBUNICNV.EXE which one to keep"
Why not keep all different "GBUNICNV.EXE" Note: there are several different GBUNICNV.EXE - one to WinXP one to Win7_32-bit and a third different to Win7_64-bit
Simply rename folder 'TOOLS' in WinXP to XPTOOLS as example and similar solution to Win7_32-bit\Win7_64-bit
Another solution you can practice, is to rename GBUNICNV.EXE in WinXP SUPPORT\TOOLS to GBUN_XP.exe and same solution to Win7_32-bit\Win7_64-bit (typically; GBUN7_32.exe and GBUN7_64.exe) In this way you can keep name to folder 'TOOLS' intact without any 'interfering' to file-names
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 6

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Posted on: Jun. 21 2012,13:18 |
I make a multiboot iso containing 1. Win7 2. Winxp 3. Hiren 15.1 4. Acronis home director suite 5. Norton Ghost 2003 6. Dell Utilities Now i want to transfer that iso in USB as bootable. I download your scripts. Which script should i use.(EasyBoot-grub-ISO or Easyboot-USB v2) Thank u for your support.
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Posted on: Jun. 21 2012,14:08 |
quote: "I make a multiboot iso containing"
Attention! Run setup of WinXP from USB is not the same as run from CD\DVD-unit
Solution to Win7 and WinXP from USB - read post nr;2 HERE
Solution to Hiren 15.1 from USB - read post nr;8 HERE
Solution to Acronis tools run from USB - read post nr;2 HERE
Note: I found all above by simply use 'search' and reading
Norton Ghost 2003 Hmmm - what ghost-2003 As far as I remember, you launch ghost2003 from a floppy image (or at least it is fully possible to use an floppy image) Note: you must set parameters in 'autoexec.bat' and 'config.sys' to correctly launch ghost.exe (read basic example in post nr,8 HERE
And to run from EasyBoot, simply copy floppy image with ghost2003.exe inside image (DOS-version of ghost.exe) to folder EZBOOT, and use menu command: run ghost.ima (or what ever name you use to floppy image)
Dell Utilities Eeeee - which utility If it is a floppy image tool, you can use the same method as to the ghost-2003 case
Quote: " Which script should i use" You don't need my scripts in this case You must have right version of EasyBoot and UltraIso installed - Read HERE Then in EasyBoot push to 'Burn>>WriteUsbDisk'
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Jun. 22 2012,03:01 |
I Have Ultra Iso EasyBoot And I Use the following Method For Making The MultiBoot DVD For Win7 -->Copy all the file from Win7 to  'disk1\' -->Rename file 'setup.exe' to 'setupwin7.exe' -->USE 'run /bootmgr'
For WinXP -->Copy all from WinXP to 'disk1\' -->Rename file 'setup.exe' to 'setupxp.exe' -->Copy 'W2KSECT.BIN' to 'disk1\ezboot' -->Use 'run W2KSECT.BIN'
For Hiren 14/15.1 -->Copy 'HBCD' from Hiren to 'disk1\' -->Go to 'disk1\HBCD' folder and Copy 'isolinux.bin" & 'isolinux.cfg' files to 'disk1\ezboot' folder -->Go to 'disk1\HBCD\Dos' and Copy 'Dos.gz' to same folder 'disk1\HBCD\Dos' 'boot.gz' -->Copy both 'Dos.gz' & 'boot.gz' to 'disk1\ezboot' folder. -->Extract 'Dos.gz' to 'disk1\ezboot\Dos.img' -->Extract 'boot.gz' to 'disk1\ezboot\boot' Â (rename file "Dos.img" to "boot" with no extention) -->Use 'bootinfotable;run isolinux.bin' -->Or use 'bootinfotable;run /hbcd/isolinux.bin'
Acronis Home director suite -->Copy 'Acronis.iso' to 'disk1\ezboot\Acronis.iso' -->USE 'bcdw /ezboot/Acronis.iso'
For Norton Ghost 2003 -->copy 'GHOST.EXE' to 'disk1\' -->Use 'run 0.BIN'
Dell Utilites -->Make 'dell utilites.iso' as 'utilites.img' -->Copy to 'disk1\ezboot\utilites.img' -->Use 'bcdw /ezboot/isolinux memdisk initrd=utilites.img'
Now My Quuestion is what should be the Change for USB BOOTABLE DRIVE or Burn->write usb disk
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Posted on: Jun. 22 2012,05:24 |
Again I must remind you that run setup of WinXP is not done in the same way as run from CD\DVD Anyway...
-------------------------------- The 'Acronis case' I quote from post nr,1 (note:3) HERE Quote: 3) As 'bcdw' does not support FAT/FAT32 system, 'bcdw' command should be changed to 'run', 'bcdw :poweroff' should be changed to 'shutdown' This clearly shows you CANNOT use bcdw from a FAT32-partition - you must use 'RUN' instead as menu command
Use RUN as menu command everything else is okay
-------------------------------- The 'Hiren case' and again I quote from same post as above, but now from post nr;8 Quote: "Example: integrating Hiren's 14 for grldr into boot menu of EasyBoot V6.5 (works on Bootable USB and CD/DVD):
Step #1: Extract all files and folders from Hiren's.BootCD.14.1.iso to "c:\easyboot\disk1" with UltraISO (or simmilar utilities)
Step #2: Use 'run /HBCD/grldr' as menu command to load Hiren's BootCD"
I don't understand why you are 'fiddling' around with ''boot.gz" etcetera - simply do as told in step #1 and #2 and it works Solution above works excellent from USB
--------------------------------- The 'Ghost 2003 case'
Quote: "For Norton Ghost 2003 -->copy 'GHOST.EXE' to 'disk1\' -->Use 'run 0.BIN'"
Not a chance this will work, if not 0.bin is a substitute for an floppy image Â
You must learn how DOS works (especially how autoexec.bat and config.sys are used) However as soon as you have a working floppy image - copy this to folder EZBOOT and use menu command;  run ghost.ima  (or whatever name or image type you use ***.ima or ***.img they are all the same) Let me now if you do have problem to understand how DOS is used... Note: Ghost2003 doesn't fully support NT6-systems (typically NT6-systems are Windows-7 etcetera - you are recommended to use Ghost-11 instead) ---------------------------------- The 'Dell case' Quote: "Use 'bcdw /ezboot/isolinux memdisk initrd=utilites.img'" Doesn't work as bcdw CANNOT be used from FAT-partition - must use RUN as menu command Can I download this Dell utility tools that you are interested of - it surely must be some kind of 'free' utility or isn't it I can then examine it and hopefully find a possible solution - I need that ISO\image to sort this out
----------------------------------- The 'WinXP case' You must practice given solution in post nr;11 HERE
Note: I have updated my scripts (including images in folder 'USB_Resources'). Download and replace folder 'balder' completely
---------------------------------- So how to practice all this in 'reality Do it this way:
1. The 'Acronis case': copy acronis ISO to folder EZBOOT and use menu command: Â run acronis.iso (or whatever name you use to ISO-file)
2. The 'Hiren case': Step #1: Extract all files and folders from Hiren's.BootCD.14.1.iso to "c:\easyboot\disk1" with UltraISO (or similar utilities) Step #2: Use 'run /HBCD/grldr' as menu command to load Hiren's BootCD"
3. The 'Win7 case': copy your Windows-7 files and folders to folder disk1 in Easyboot: folders 'boot', 'efi' and folder 'sources' (optionally recommended if present, also folders 'support' and folder 'upgrade') You also must copy files 'bootmgr' and if present file 'bootmgr.efi' and optionally file 'setup.exe'/renamed to w7setup.exe) Create menu in easyboot and use menu command: run /bootmgr Also explained in post nr;2 HERE
4. The 'Dell case': I don't know what kind of file that is used (ISO or floppy image?) However I have already explained the basic way to launch this utility (but it would be great if you can point to some 'free' download so I can examine this utility)
5. The 'Ghost 2003 case': must be run from an floppy image (DOS-based image). Note: you can create a 'oversized' floppy image and have ghost.exe in same floppy image. To create a 'oversized' floppy image start EasyBoot and choose ''Tools>>Create new floppy image set image size and use 'setup98.img' in folder EZBOOT as 'Seed image' If having problem how to handle DOS commands you are welcome back for more instructions
6. Create your Easyboot menu and create ISO
7. Finally The 'WinXP case': Read post nr;11 HERE
Do as told (copy folder EZBOOT to the USB when finished with WinXP).
------------------------ A very good idea is to start with one integration into Easyboot Start with acronis and see if it works from USB - then temporary remove acronis and test something else (setup of WinXP)
Don't start with doing everything in same build - test one by one until each solution works and then do the whole build.....
Edited by balder on Jun. 23 2012,02:00
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 10

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Posted on: Jun. 23 2012,04:17 |
I am Testing
"1. The 'Acronis case': copy acronis ISO to folder EZBOOT and use menu command: run acronis.iso (or whatever name you use to ISO-file)"
Working Fine
"2. The 'Hiren case': Step #1: Extract all files and folders from Hiren's.BootCD.14.1.iso to "c:\easyboot\disk1" with UltraISO (or similar utilities) Step #2: Use 'run /HBCD/grldr' as menu command to load Hiren's BootCD""
Working fine for dvd but for usb Minixp Does not loading Extra component( Such as ifranview, etc)