Topic: Porblem with Same Folder Ezboot directory., Hy fnz! I want To build a multiboot Dvd of Win7 Sp1, windows Xp Sp | < Next Oldest | Next Newest > |
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Posted on: Sep. 03 2012,03:33 |
Hy fnz! I want To build a multiboot Dvd of Win7 Sp1, windows Xp Sp3, windows Live, & Avira Rescue System which based on Isolinux. I want To Put them in A subdirectory of easyboot like disk1/winxp for Windows Xp where all The files & folder wil be Pasted...or Disk1/win7 for win7 or disk1/AVIRA for Avira rescue or disk1/winlive for windows live. How can i do This? I want to Do This because most folder & files are Same. So i want to Paste their Suspective directory. H0w can i do This? Oh,,ya. I m getting error with Avira resque. The error is>>> isolinux: image checksum eror! Please Give me way How to fix All d porblms i have posted in This topic! Â I m new. So Plz Help me...
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Edited by Tamim_ctg on Sep. 03 2012,03:37
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Post Number: 2

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Posted on: Sep. 03 2012,04:40 |
Wellcome to EasyBoot @Tamim_ctg
Quote: "I want To build a multiboot Dvd of Win7 Sp1, windows Xp Sp3, windows Live, & Avira Rescue System"
So you want setup of Win7, setup of WinXP and a 'Windows Live'-system and finally Avira
The only problem I can think of here is that the 'windows Live-system' you are interested of is based on NT5-system (typically NT5-systems are; WinXP, Server-2003 etcetera) and as you want WinXP on same 'root' (folder disk1 is the 'root' in EasyBoot) you get problems as folder i386 is used to both these systems Is this an correct description of your problem (Avira and Win7 cannot interfere to WinXP)
A typical 'Windows Live'-system based on NT5-system is ERD or BartPE or Reatogo (or similar build) that all uses folder I386.
My question is: What 'Windows Live'-system are we dealing with here - and is above a correct description to your 'problems'
In mean time test solution to Avira using tutorial in post nr; 2 HERE
Continue read recommended solution as there are some interesting notes about 'Windows Live'-system based on NT5-system is ERD or BartPE or Reatogo (read especially post nr; 6 about this issue)
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Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Sep. 03 2012,11:36 |
Thanks 4 ur reply! Hey i have solved Avira rescue issues with bootinfotable command, but at n0w i have a porblem with windows live(BART PE) Â & windows Xp Sp3. Both the Os have i386 folder. So what they are conflicting! So i want to put windows xp & windows live (BART PE) files into subdirectory of disk1 like disk1/xp where i386 & all file &folder wil b pasted. I had already tried editing bootimage,txtsetup.sif,setupldr.bin,& i386 folder name but no success! I m getting black screen,,nothing come. Point to be noted > i have tried editing the both winxp & winlive but no way i m geting black scren. Oh. Ya i have also used wxp.bat as u say in tutorial. But no success. Please Help me Balder. I kn0w u r d briliant & wise member of d forum. Hey Balder,,, can i run BartPE Based windows live using bcdw command?
Edited by Tamim_ctg on Sep. 03 2012,11:46
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Posted on: Sep. 03 2012,12:59 |
Quote: "I kn0w u r d briliant & wise member of d forum" Thank you
Quote: "can i run BartPE Based windows live using bcdw command?"
No this is not recommended!
Use this method:
1. You need the bootable ISO-file of BartPE (BartPE can create such ISO)
2. Use my script 'easyboot-iso.script' and tick 'Run ISO from RAM' when using script (set name in text-box in script and use BIG LETTERS to name in text-box) and simply use BartPE ISO-file when script ask for the location of ISO-file to integrate into EasyBoot
3. You receive the right menu command to use in EasyBoot menu from script (copy and paste into easyboot menu - simple as that)
That's it Note: you can have several different LivePE (ERD5 is another LivePE based on NT5-system) by simply change name in text-box in script
You have my collection of script below - free to download Read carefully 'READ_ME.html' inside folder 'balder' before you start 'mess' around
This means you only have one folder I386 on the root (folder that belongs to WinXP) You don't need to make any changes at all.
However, in case you are interested to have setup of several different NT5-systems (setup of WinXP, server-2003 etcetera) you instead use my script 'easyboot-aio.script' that automatically hexedit and modifying everything with a breeze before you can say 'my bonnie is over the ocean'
regards balder
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Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Sep. 03 2012,13:29 |
Hey balder. Thank u Again. I m so glad 2 See ur Quicker response...i have tried ur Iso Script but it giving me eror! Faild to copy image to easyboot directory. Anyway Thanks 4 ur hlp.;) i have alrdy Solvd my All porblms..all d 4 Are workng grtly;) i have done all workz manualy. Thanks Easyboot for a great tool.! Offtopic:::>>:: Can u Tell me h0w I can Create Eset System resque without downloading it fr0m Their website Cauze i m using limited internet Package & d cost is so much here! I m Telling This cause i have Eset Smart Security install...As refernce Avira have way to create resque disc without downl0ading if it installd in Pc. Do u have any IDEA for it ? I kn0w it isnot ur forum related but if u help i wil be benifitted & gratfull to u:)
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Post Number: 6

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Posted on: Sep. 03 2012,14:00 |
Quote: "i have tried ur Iso Script but it giving me eror! Faild to copy image to easyboot directory"
You most likely have space in name to file(s) or to folder(s) somewhere Read again carefully 'READ_ME.html' about spaces in name to files and folders And make sure you use\run folder 'balder' from the 'root' (C:\)
Quote: "Can u Tell me h0w I can Create Eset System resque without downloading it fr0m Their website" Well I don't have the 'Eset rescue system' so I cannot be to any help regarding this issue - but I know how to launch Eset Nod32 rescue ISO - read HERE
regards balder
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Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Sep. 04 2012,09:01 |
Hai Balder. I have made multiboot Dvd of Xpsp3,win7,avira rescue,&winlive(bart Pe) i have porblm with windows Xp. I have used Wxp.bat to change I386 Directory To XPS3. But unfortunatly my WinXP NOT working. AFTer Completing Ist Step it Says to insert WinXPsp3 Cd. H0w Can I s0lve dis? Im using oracle Vmware to Test Iso . H0pe u wil help me!
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Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Sep. 04 2012,10:03 |
Quote: "AFTer Completing Ist Step it Says to insert WinXPsp3 Cd"
Well, if you instead used my script 'easyboot-aio.script' to change name to folder I386 this wouldn't happen Or as recommended, used my script 'easyboot-iso.script' to integrate ISO of BartPE Then you could use WinXP-folder I386 as it is without any changes at all!!!
But, He, he, you seems to be a little bit 'stubborn' refusing using scripts... And now you are in trouble - exactly as I predicted...
He, he hopefully you are not that 'stubborn' that you can change your mind - hopefully... --------------------------------------------------- Quote: "I have used Wxp.bat to change I386 Directory To XPS3" Yes but this only works when using English language of folder I386 - and further more - most likely only support WinXP_sp1 and not, WinXP_sp3 To make it worse - I can guarantee it won't work if using folder I386 with language Bengal (Bengali) - in case you use such source or any different language that differs from the original English WinXP_sp1
Attention! My script 'easyboot-aio.script' can use any source of folder I386 - regardless of language and service-pack Note: Script support Windows-2000/2000-server/WinXP-PRO/Home/MediaCenter/server2003 with different service-packs.
Anyway... Quote: " it Says to insert WinXPsp3 Cd" We can test one thing... Check that you have 'ident-files' ('Tag-files) typically Win51, WIN51IP.SP3 etcetera in both folder XPS3 and on the 'root' (folder disk1 in EasyBoot)
But I have my doubt it work to 100% anyway - you must start using my scripts
1. Choose use 'easyboot-iso.script' and integrate BartPE ISO-file 2. Use source of WinXP_sp3 as it is (not changing any name - use folder I386 as it is)
This solve your problem as long you use CD\DVD-unit
regards balder
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Post Number: 9

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Posted on: Sep. 04 2012,10:32 |
Hey Balder. U may have missunderstood me! I m not refusing 2 use ur Script. Can u give me a complete Tutorial on ur Script 0n h0w 2 Use it??? Oh ya i have made Some Cust0mizati0n To xp disc with nlite like removed all languazes except bengali & english! H0pe u wil not make me frustrated! Oh ya! I have got 3 virus in ur usb Script. Please Scan ur Script...
Edited by Tamim_ctg on Sep. 05 2012,10:09
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Post Number: 10

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Posted on: Sep. 04 2012,12:06 |
Quote: "Oh ya! I have got 3 virus in ur usb Script
I can garantiu there is no virus in scripts - it is your virus program that makes a mistake
If run Vista or Win7 you must also set UAC (User-Account-Control) to lowest level when run scripts as command line tools are used in scripts An example is that can be found in folder Windows\system32 - if UAC is not set to lowest level script cannot even use the in Windows built-in tool as it can be defined as a 'virus' when script tries to run such command line tool Sometimes Windows is really stupid
Quote: "Can u give me a complete Tutorial on ur Script 0n h0w 2 Use it"
Please again carefully read 'READ_ME.html' in folder 'balder' (double-click to 'READ_ME.html') There is also a flash-movie in that help-file that clearly show how 'easyboot-iso.script' is used ------------------------------ Quote: "U may have missunderstood me! I m not refusing 2 use ur Script" I was only joking Note: I have run several different antivirus program to check that no virus is in the program (WinBuilder) Some antivirus programs can sometimes by mistake 'think' that WinBuilder is a virus - which it definitely is not There is also a qemu test that some virus declare as virus - which again is totally wrong
By the way - why are you using 'easyboot-usb.script' it has nothing to do with the WinXP-problem
------------------------- Quote: " made Some Cust0mizati0n To xp disc with nlite like removed all languazes except bengali & english"
In case you want to change name to folder I386 in this case, you must use 'easyboot-aio.script' to integrate setup of WinXP_sp3 The file ' Wxp.bat' won't work in your case ---------------------- @Tamim_ctg
Can you please use 'standard colour' - which is black to text in your posts That orange text is not that easy to read
regards balder
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