Topic: how mak hd usb boot xpsp2,sp3,7,ser03,08 and hiren, Multiboot usb xpsp2,sp3,7,ser03,08 and | < Next Oldest | Next Newest > |
Post Number: 1

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Posted on: Oct. 22 2011,13:36 |
I Have External HDD usb samsung i need to make this hd a multiboot with 1- Win xp sp2 2- Win xp sp3 3- Win Se7en AIO 4- Win Server 2003 5- Win Server 2008 6- Hiren's Boot
i have all as ISO's
sorry about my english
and than's for help
Post Number: 2

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Posted on: Oct. 22 2011,14:37 |
@ Ashrafvote
Quote: "I Have External HDD usb samsung i need to make this hd a multiboot with 1- Win xp sp2 2- Win xp sp3 3- Win Se7en AIO 4- Win Server 2003 5- Win Server 2008 6- Hiren's Boot"
Some good news but mostly bad news - keep on reading...
First of all, it is NOT recommended (but not impossible) to use USB harddisk to launch any setup of Win* - use USB stick instead
Secondly, it is impossible to launch setup of any NT5-system (WinXP/Win Server 2003) from ISO-file
And third, launch setup from NT6-system (Win-7/Server-2008) is reported to sometimes working and sometimes not working - Read HERE
I'll say there are more problems than benefits to try launch setup of any NT6-system from ISO-file. However if you succeed in create such "multi-setup-USB stick - please let me know.
And finally, EasyBoot doesn't have needed built-in solutions to solve this kind of issues.
I'll say your request looks to be close to an "mission impossible" case.
However, mix together launch of Win xp sp2, Win xp sp3 and Win Server 2003 can be performed from DVD but only maybe from USB if using this tool HERE Note: tool can also integrate ONE setup of chosen NT6-system (Vista/Win-7 or server-2008) Another way is to use my script "USB-NT6-SETUP.script" (you have download below).
Solution to Hiren_v14* read post nr; 5 HERE Or use my script "easyboot-hiren-14*.script" (you have download below) This script can integrate any Hiren.iso from version_9.8 to version_14.1
Note: Its nothing wrong with your English - works great
Edited by balder on Oct. 23 2011,05:25
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Oct. 30 2011,13:57 |
I Have External HDD WD i need to make this hd a multiboot with 0- Boot from HD after 30 s - ( not work) 1- Win 8 64 bit - ( not work) 2- Win 8 32 bit - ( not work) 3- Win Se7en AIO - ( not work) 4- Win XP sp3 - ( is working ) 5- Hiren's Boot 14.1 - ( is working ) 6- P. Magic & Ghost - ( is working ) 7- memtest86-4.20 - ( is working ) 8- Reboot Pc - ( is working ) hope help me please .
Post Number: 4

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Posted on: Oct. 30 2011,16:00 |
This is your first post here @Mr-Zero so I say welcome
Quote: "i need to make this hd a multiboot with"
Please read in post nr;2 above and I quote: "And third, launch setup from NT6-system (Win-7/Server-2008) is reported to sometimes working..................
Take a look in given link in post nr;2 However as I wrote in post nr;2 and I quote again: "I'll say there are more problems than benefits to try launch setup of any NT6-system from ISO-file. However if you succeed in create such "multi-setup-USB stick - please let me know."
You have same problem to USB drive - but could MAYBE be solved with given link in post nr;2
Anyway... You could try this with the "Win Se7en AIO"
Copy (or extract from ISO) all files and folders to folder disk1 Use menu command in EasyBoot menu: run /bootmgr
Attention! above menu command is referring to EasyBoot_v6.5 You must have version_6.5 or later EasyBoot installed!
Note: for present time we DO NOT have any solution (or "quick fix") how to mix different NT6-systems on same root  NT6-systems are typically; Vista, Win7, server-2008, Win8 including 32/64-bit version of all mentioned OP-systems.
----------------------------------- Quote: "0- Boot from HD after 30 s  - ( not work)" In EasyBoot menu use menu command:  swap;boot 80
Command swap disk units - USB disk becomes nr;1 and internal harddisk unit becomes nr;0 and "boot 80" points to the first disk unit which is disk unit nr;0 and your problems are solved
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Nov. 15 2011,04:07 |
I Have External HDD WD i need to make this hd a multiboot with 0- Boot from HD after 30 s  - ( is working ) 1- Win 8 64 bit            - ( not work) 2- Win 8 32 bit            - ( not work) 3- Win Se7en AIO         - ( is working ) 4- Win XP sp3            - ( is working ) 5- Hiren's Boot 15.0       - ( is working ) 6- P. Magic & Ghost        - ( is working ) 7- memtest86-4.20        - ( is working ) 8- Reboot Pc             - ( is working ) hope help me please . step by step
Edited by Mr-Zero on Nov. 15 2011,04:08
Post Number: 6

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Posted on: Nov. 15 2011,06:28 |
Quote: "0- Boot from HD after 30 s  - ( is working )"
Okay, as far as I can understand, ' Boot from HD' is now working correctly
But you have problems with Quote: Win 8 64 bit            - ( not work) Win 8 32 bit            - ( not work)
Read post nr;7 HERE
Note: post nr;2 in topic describes very well how you include setup of win7 (or in your case win8) from USB However only ONE setup of this NT6-system can be integrated. To integrate both 32-bit as 64-bit read below...
Read also post nr; 11 and 13 in same topic
Note: I repeat from topic above: EasyBoot DO NOT have built-in tools to merge Win8-32-bit and 64-bit together. This must be made with solution from other source as described in post nr; 7 in mentioned topic above.
However I must say, using ghost image from  'frozen' setup is working great Note: you can of course simply run Ghost 'manually'
Edited by balder on Nov. 15 2011,22:38
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Nov. 22 2011,06:56 |
I'm not container steps saree guided me to it. I hope new steps easier and more accurate than the previous. Aarat and the steps are numbered
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Nov. 22 2011,10:30 |
Quote: "accurate than the previous"
To merge (mix) Win8 32-bit and 64-bit you can following tutorial HERE
Note: This show Vista, but are the same for Win8 32-bit and 64-bit
When you are finished, folder 'SOURCES' is much bigger than before as 'install.wim-file' now hold both 32-bit as 64-bit of your Win7 setup.
Then do this with files and folders: 1. From your Windows-7 source (the one you have merged together) you copy to folder disk1 in Easyboot: folders 'boot', 'efi' and folder 'sources' (optionally recommended if present, also folders 'support' and folder 'upgrade') You also must copy files 'bootmgr' and if present file 'bootmgr.efi' and optionally file 'setup.exe')
2. Create menu in easyboot and use menu command: Â run /bootmgr
3. As an alternative you can use my 'kicker-image' setupnt6.img in downloaded script-collection (in folder 'USB_Resources'). Read carefully 'READ_ME.txt' in folder 'USB_Resources'.
Attention! I noted 'you have this in your build; '3- Win Se7en AIO' You can only have ONE folder 'SOURCES' on the 'root' If this 'Win se7en AIO' is such build, and you already have copied folder 'SOURCES' to the 'root' - then you cannot also copy folders 'SOURCES' from Win8 to the 'root' of USB, as it already is occupied by a folder 'SOURCES' from your Win-AIO
Basically, you cannot combine Win7 and Win8 on same root (folder 'SOURCES'). But its been reported possibility to launch setup of Win7\Win8 directly from ISO-files - read HERE
Note: I really cannot guide much more, as method to solve this issue, is out of EasyBoot 'area'
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 9
Posted on: Nov. 22 2011,16:56 |
(balder @ Nov. 15 2011,12:28)
QUOTE @Mr-Zero Balder: However I must say, using ghost image from  'frozen' setup is working great Note: you can of course simply run Ghost 'manually' balder READY Install on any machine (W7) ------------------------------------------------- ~ Not only a "frozen setup" works great, I use it for my own READY installs, i mean complete with drivers and programs. You just have to set a runonce for the DAZ loader (cannot explain further - illegal), then remove all drivers with i.e. "Device Remover". To prevent OS to restore automatically the drivers, you have to use the cmd gpedit.msc
• Go to Start–> RUN(search) -  type in: gpedit.msc • Click the file to open the Local Group Policy Editor and show Windows who is in control!! • You want to go here: Computer Configuration->Administrative Templates->System->Device Installation. - Click on the subfolder Device Installation on the left and on the right side you will see the possible restrictions. • Right Click on Prevent Installation of Devices not described by other policy settings and edit this option, set it on ENABLED.
After Device Removing set it back to "not configured" Then reboot and make a Ghost image (or copy the C: with any util directly to any map).
You may extract the ghost content to a drive or map. Then use GimageEx to create a .WIM image and name it Install.wim. Â Replace the Install.wim from the original setup DVD with your created Install.wim Now you can use the MS utility or WinBuilder to create the files needed for a Win install with EasyBoot Menu.
Making an Install.wim this way may end up with a wim file, too big to fit on a Fat32, so you better install from a ghost image split into spans of max 2047 mb. Balder did point to the postings which described how to do this.
After restoring a "Ready Installation" prepared with driver removal by gpedit.msc, you will see that all the needed drivers for a new system will be searched for. So you better create a Map in C: named DriverShare and put/append a line in the registry: HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/ @DevicePath REG_EXPAND_SZ %SystemRoot\inf;C:\DriverShare
Have your Not Native Drivers in the Map DriverShare! You may use i.e. DriverGenius to collect them at first. ~
Edited by ghost168 on Nov. 23 2011,17:47
Post Number: 10

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Posted on: Nov. 25 2011,08:38 |
Hi guys! this is my first post, and I have a question about creating a pen drive with EasyBoot .. for you to understand is a summary: The entire process of creating menus, tracks, and even the generation of the ISO, is complete without a problem. When I load the ISO from a virtual machine, (Virtual PC or VM Ware Player)the process runs perfectly, I can install win xp, win 7, run Hiren's. But I burn this ISO qdo on a 16gb usb drive, boot usb drive for that, the only process that works is to load the installation of Win7 and load the DOS. I have no idea where the problem might be, someone could help me?
I'm sorry by poor English, I'm learning slowly [D]
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