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Posted on: Aug. 01 2009,04:42 |
How to make your own Hiren's Boot CD ======================================== Hiren's BootCD has used a lot of programs inside itself and this makes it a little bit hard to users to analyze and edit or change it.
In the other look,it uses different methodes of booting CD,In old versions used DOS based Boot,and in new version (v 9.9) uses Linux based Boot.
Any way the origional method that is used for making these CD's are almost the same in all versions.
Unfortunately there is not any good informations about making this cd in the web pages (at least in my tries).on the other side If i try to talk about all things in this cd it will take a lot of time and pages that is out of my patience. So because of many questions about that in this forum (fe007) and many others in web pages In This tutor i am going to make a mini hiren boot CD,that has just One program to run and you can do almost the same for adding other programs to it.
Reading this tutor will make you ready to work by hiren's BootCD,but i recommend you that 1st work by old versions of this CD for example versions 5 or 6 ,and when you got familiar go to work by new versions.
Notes: ----------- 1. Hiren's bootcd works in DOS mode (of course in version 9.9 it uses other way to use mini xp too),so in this tutor you should use programs that can run in DOS.
2.In this tutor i will show you how this boot cd works for making ram disk and running "Partition Magic Pro 8.05".for this purpose i will edite and also delete some files to make this cd to have and work by just one program (Partition Magic Pro 8.05)
3.because the purpose of this tutor is working by hiren's boot cd ,so i will not use my own files to make the CD and will use hiren's files.ifyou needed to know how to do the same work by your favorite programs,write your notes and i will try to talk about that in other tutor.
=============================================== Now lets learn some other things befor starting tutor ------------------ 1.All process for running hiren's programs are disigned  by bootifo of CD in all versions except version 9.9.for getting bootinfo in versions except 9.9 ,load ISO by Ultraiso and save bootinfo some where to work by that later.for version 9.9 the boot informations are located in file ...hiren bootcd\HBCD\boot.gz
2.when you boot by hiren cd ,in the first page you will see 2 lines below:
-----1.Boot from hard drive
-----2.Start BootCD
that you should select 2nd item to see origional menue of hiren CD. This page is made by file "jo.sys" that is located in bootinfo files.if you do not want to have this page ,just delete "jo.sys" from bootinfo files.
3.In Top of hirens boot cd menue you will see line "Hiren's All in 1 BootCD vx.x Menu" if you do not want to have this line in top of menue page,the easiest way is changing "io.sys" inside bootinfo files by "io.sys" from MS-DOS v7.1
4.Hiren boot cd uses several batch files for runing programs that you can see this bat files in all version excpt 9.9 in "bats" directory in bootinfo files folder.and in 9.9 version they are located in extacted boot.gz folder\drivers.cab\temp directory. These bat files are essential for working hirenCD and if you want to make your own bootcd in this way you have to know programming by bat files perfectly.
============================================= I think i have talked more than your patience.So lets to begin the real part of tutor: ============================================= By doing steps below you will have an micro hiren,s BootCD with just one program to run (Partition Magic Pro 8.05).read that carefully,this almost shows how hiren runs any DOS program in ram and if you can understand that perfectly you can extend it to any other your favorite dos programs. Note that i say the process for versions other than 9.9 and if you want to do by version 9.9 you should do the same actions but with "boot.gz" instead of bootinfo files.
1.Open hiren's BootCD.ISO by UltraIso,Click on "Bootable" in menu,then select "Save boot file...".and save that by the name of "hiren.bif" some where (for example in D:\Source).
2.Open hiren's BootCD.ISO by UltraIso, delete all files and directories inside BootCD directory excpt files below and save: mix.uha pqpm.uha uharc.exe uharcd.exe
At this time you will have a micro hiren CD that has just (Partition Magic Pro 8.05) files and some other files that are needed to run that.but if you run that you still have a lot of options in boot cd's menu that are not needed (and will not work too).
3.Open notepad and types lines below on it,then save that as "Autoexec.bat" in D:\source directory:
@echo off set ramd=R set keyboard=US startup all :all copy %cdrom%\bootcd\uharcd.exe %ramd%:\>nul IF %config%==PQPM call %config% wbat fill (+cyan on black) smartdrv>nul call loadcd
4.Open notepad and types lines below on it,then save that as "Config.sys" in D:\source directory:
[MENU] menuitem=PQPM, Partition Magic Pro 8.05 menudefault=PQPM, menucolor=11,0
[PQPM] devicehigh=himem.sys /testmem:off /numhandles=128 dos=high,umb, fileshigh=40 shell=\command.com /e:2048 /f /p switches=/f
5.Open D:\source\hiren.bif by ultraiso,replace autoexec.bat and config.sys inside that by the ones you have made in steps 3 and 4 then save it.(you can delete jo.sys too if you do not want to see first page)
======================================= Now 1st test your iso and be sure you have don OK then study files below to understand how it works and how you can do your own. autoexec.bat config.sys all bat files inside bootinfo
Edited by madar on Sep. 03 2009,04:49
-------------- Shirin Zaban
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Posted on: Aug. 02 2009,14:21 |
Hey Shirin. Good tutorial. Gonna try this out right now.
Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Aug. 02 2009,15:39 |
Note that the first bat file that is used (for making ramdisk and some other jobs) is startup.bat inside bootinfo directory
-------------- Shirin Zaban
Post Number: 4

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Posted on: Feb. 08 2010,06:15 |
Dear Madar, I studid your full article. I have not taken any trial on dos boot cd. But after studing hiren bootcd 10.0, Structure of autorun.exe, autorun.csv making of uah files and bat files.. these things are quite easy than boot cd. If u check autorun.exe, if we have to add any menu entry, simply open autorun.csv and add your menu... okey. After all, because of your this good tutorial, i get inspired to work on it. thanks.. Dhananjay Sabnis dssabnis@yahoo.com
Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Apr. 11 2012,14:13 |
Hi I have hiren boot cd 15.1 with lots of programs included that were removed for legal reasons. My question is this : When the cd well it's a DVD as it's very large, one of the options is to boot to the kaspersky rescue disk 10 and it works great however since this the making of this DVD the program has been updated I don't mean the virus defs I mean the program has been updated slightly to include a few extra functions.
Could you explain how to replace this program with the iso of the current program ? Thank you so kindly
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Posted on: Apr. 11 2012,16:34 |
First of all - welcome to this forum @tmy
Quote: "Could you explain how to replace this program with the iso of the current program"
Note: I'm unsure if @madar has the ability to answer so I'll try to do it
You are talking about 'kaspersky', but as far as I know there is no kaspersky in Hiren-15.1
However, Avira AntiVir Personal (07-12-2011 is present in Hiren-15.1.
Why don't you simply integrate kaspersky into EasyBoot and in this way have direct access to launch kaspersky avoiding detour to Hiren and then launch kaspersky - I cannot understand the logic to this
Anyway... I guess you have your reasons
In folder HBCD you have text-file 'menu.lst'
Open 'menu.lst' (use notepad) and insert extra text-lines (bold text) so your result is like this:
title Mini Windows Xp\nRun Antivirus and other windows programs # example password: test # password --md5 $1$gNe0$KZPOE8wNbTNSKOzrajuoB0 find --set-root /HBCD/XP/XP.BIN chainloader /HBCD/XP/XP.BIN
title Dos Programs\nRun Dos Programs find --set-root /HBCD/Dos/dos.gz map --mem /HBCD/Dos/dos.gz (fd0) map --hook chainloader (fd0)+1 rootnoverify (fd0) map --floppies=1
title Linux based rescue environment (Parted Magic 6.7)\nTo manage partitions, backup and recovery set pm=/HBCD/Boot/pmagic.lst find --set-root %pm% set lang=us set opt= configfile %pm%
title Kaspersky Rescue CD iso (Virus Scanner) find --set-root /HBCD/KASPERSKY.ISO map /HBCD/KASPERSKY.ISO (0xff) || map --mem /HBCD/KASPERSKY.ISO (0xff) map --hook root (0xff) chainloader (0xff)
Note: you can of course insert kaspersky text-lines where ever you like in menu - it is a question of taste - do as you like
Save changes to menu.lst
Now copy kaspersky.iso to folder HBCD and rename ISO-file to exactly KASPERSKY.ISO (it's vital you use uppercase=BIG LETTERS to name)
Open kaspersky.iso (I use UltraIso) and extract folder 'rescue' and file ' livecd' to the root of your build (folder disk1 is the root in EasyBoot if you wonder) or to the root of DVD-build
Still having kaspersky.iso-file opened in UltraIso you delete folder 'rescue' and file 'livecd' (we don't need this folder/file in ISO as it is extracted to the 'root' of your build)
Save changes and delete possible backup of ISO that UltraIso might leave.
Now you have kaspersky in Hiren.iso
Tip! To integrate kaspersky into Easyboot read post nr; 4 HERE
Edited by balder on Apr. 12 2012,05:38
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Apr. 29 2012,11:54 |
Great tutorial. I'm a newbie but I was able to walk through the steps with ease.
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Dec. 02 2012,16:21 |
Hi everyone, I've been looking around for a while in order to learn how to add a file to Hiren's Boot.I found this old thread interesting and,so far, the most understandable of all those I came across,but yet I need some clarification in the answer given by balder on April 11th,2012: QUOTE Open 'menu.lst' (use notepad) and insert extra text-lines (bold text) so your result is like this: From where do I open this file?
QUOTE Open kaspersky.iso (I use UltraIso) and extract folder 'rescue' and file ' livecd' to the root of your build (folder disk1 is the root in EasyBoot if you wonder) or to the root of DVD-build Please tell me more about the root of my build.I don't understand what you mean. Thanks.
-------------- Windows 7 Pro 64 bit Ultra Iso V 9.5
Post Number: 9

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Posted on: Dec. 03 2012,00:21 |
@ Babac
This is your first post in EasyBoot, so I say welcome @ Babac
Quote: "From where do I open this file?"
Use notepad or similar simple text-editor to modify text-file 'menu.lst' Note: text file 'menu.lst' is plainly a simple text file and not a complicated 'bin-file' You can also right-click to 'menu.lst' and chose to use notepad - and if fact - set the system to continue use notepad as the 'main program' to edit 'menu.lst'!
Quote: "Please tell me more about the root of my build.I don't understand what you mean"
I quote from my post nr;6 Â "folder disk1 is the root in EasyBoot if you wonder" This also automatically creates the 'root' to the 'burned' CD\DVD when you are finished Note: folder 'disk1' is also the 'root' to USB drive if you decide to use build from USB drive Or compare with the harddisk unit C: in your operative system you run (I guess you run Windows) - [C:] is also called the 'root' in such system
Edited by balder on Dec. 03 2012,05:57
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 10
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