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Posted on: Feb. 18 2010,14:34 |
I'm directing this question to balder or madar, as this seems like a call for an expert.
OK, I noticed that inside the Hiren's HBCD folder, the biggest file is named XP.CA_. If I rename it to XP.CAB it can be extracted to a folder with an image file named XP.IMG. This file I assume is an uncompressed HD image or RAMdrive image. The XP.IMG file can be extracted using 7zip; and inside there if a mini XP built with i386 folder etc.
Now, here are my questions:
What exactly is this XP.IMG file in Hiren's bot cd? is it an universal ramdisk image? Can it be replaced/modified?
What is the method used in Hiren's cd to boot this XP.IMG? Is it already bootable?
Can I replace the XP.IMG file inside the XP.CAB with my own universal XP image' and get an a modified Hiren boot CD with an alternative miniXP?
Can i take a liveXP ISO i created (one that boot into ram) and convert it into IMG image (XP.IMG) and use it instead of the one inside Hiren's?
Sorry for all the questions, just seem to be very interesting to know.
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Posted on: Feb. 18 2010,14:39 |
One last question:
How can I boot Hiren's miniXP using easyboot directly, without including all other tools from Hiren's CD? I mean, I want to end up with a minimum set of files required to boot Hiren's miniXP directly using EZboot.
I ask cause this could be a very useful boot method for universal XP images using EZboot... Thanks
Edited by EB1000 on Feb. 18 2010,14:40
Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Feb. 18 2010,16:54 |
Hi dear EB1000
A.For your question about how live xp runs in hiren,i should say that it runs on ram. ================================================================== B.If you want to have just mini XP of hiren ,there are several methods,and here i will tell you the way i do by hiren 9.9 that i think will work by hiren 10 too.Do as below:
1.Open hiren9,9 ISO by ultraiso,then delete all files insid HBCD except files below:
isolinux.bin isolinux.cfg keyboard.bat menu.c32 uharc.exe uharcd.exe XP XP.BIN XP.DAT XP.CA_ XPLOADER.BIN
2.Extract XP.CA_ from ISO some where then extract cab file you will have XP.img. put it in HBCD folder of ISO and delete XP.CA_
3.Open file "XP" insid folder HBCD by notepad and change that as below: [SetupData] BootDevice="ramdisk(0)" BootPath="\i386\System32\" OsLoadOptions="/fastdetect /minint /rdexportashd /rdpath=\HBCD\XP.img"
4.Open isolinux.cfg by notepad and change that as below: default /HBCD/menu.c32 prompt 0 timeout 010 menu title MCS Mini XP menu color border 0 #ffffffff #00000000 menu color sel 7 #ffffffff #ff000000 menu color title 0 #ffffffff #00000000 menu color unsel 0 #ffffffff #00000000 menu color disabled 0 #ffffffff #00000000 menu color timeout_msg 0 #ffffffff #00000000 menu color timeout 0 #ffffffff #00000000 menu tabmsg       menu timeoutrow 10 menu margin 0 menu indent 5 menu rows 5 label xp menu label Start Mini Windows Xp kernel /HBCD/XP.BIN
Save your ISO.Now you have hirenbootCD but just with mini XP on it. ===================================================================== C.If you want to run the iso made above by EasyBoot do as below:
1. copy contents of iso to ...\EasyBoot\disk1
2. Use command below in EasyBoot:
bcdw /hbcd/isolinux.bin ====================================================================== thats all
Edited by madar on Feb. 19 2010,08:38
-------------- Shirin Zaban
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Posted on: Sep. 21 2010,06:52 |
how can i put some files in XP.img?
Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Jul. 12 2011,06:13 |
How to edit file XP.bin of hiren bootcd v14.0. I want boot mini XP not in folder HBCD or change folder HBCD to folder example (folder BOOT) ? Can you help ?
Post Number: 6

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Posted on: Jul. 12 2011,21:43 |
"What exactly is this XP.IMG file in Hiren's bot cd? is it an universal ramdisk image? Can it be replaced/modified?"
Yes, You can modify it by mounting the image.
"Can i take a liveXP ISO i created (one that boot into ram) and convert it into IMG image (XP.IMG) and use it instead of the one inside Hiren's?"
Everything is possible, but why? Minixp in v14.0 is definitely a better one, support scsi, sata, wire/wireless connection, etc.. VirtualBox v4 works also within minixp (surprise!)
The only problem, HBCD is still using *.uha. If you run any applications within windows, it will create a lot of residue on the HDD. Let say after run HxD application, it will create residue as big as ~1.6 Mb on your HDD. *.exe extension is much better, in some cases no residue at all or very low.
"How to edit file XP.bin of hiren bootcd v14.0. I want boot mini XP not in folder HBCD or change folder HBCD to folder example (folder BOOT) ?"
Xp.bin is hard coded, you can change it by using hexeditor like HxD
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Posted on: Aug. 02 2011,04:22 |
I am sorry, I don't understand where you got the Xp.img. Â I extracted xp.ca_ but got nothing but xp.ca. Â Used both the Extract and Extract to.. Option for UltraIso, got same results and saw nothing with xp.img or .cab???
Never Mind, figured it out. Thank you for the Amazing Help.
Edited by NonExistant on Aug. 02 2011,13:18
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Oct. 14 2011,12:37 |
I am trying to add a file to XP.img.
I tried several programs, UltraISO, Winmount, 7Zip and I was not able to add a file to it.
I always get an error saying either invalid File format or invalid Data or in the case of 7zip which allows me to see the contents of it, when I try to add something, it displays the message "Operation not supported".
I know that the file is not corrupted as I was able to modify the XP file and boot from it.
I can see the content of the file XP.img but I cannot add anything to it.
Does anyone know how add a file to XP.img? Any help would be highly appreciated.
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Posted on: Oct. 19 2011,04:51 |
Hi for adding some other data to XP.img ,you shoul first open it by WinImage and change it's size. for example if it's size is 256 MB you should change it to for example 512M and save that. after this is done ,you can open XP.img by ultraiso and add it what you need.
Edited by madar on Oct. 19 2011,04:53
-------------- Shirin Zaban
Post Number: 10
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