Post Number: 1

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Posted on: Oct. 07 2013,14:18 |
Hi Everyone!.
Can anyone suggest me how to launch this app from Easyboot?
I have try the .ISO and the .IMG versions of this tool but without success. The program start but tell me to press a key to reboot. It's a great Partition Tool.
Thanks in advance.
Post Number: 2

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Posted on: Oct. 08 2013,03:21 |
Quote: "Can anyone suggest me how to launch this app from Easyboot?"
Well I tested a lot of solution that EasyBoot offers, without finding any solution
I guess this tool cannot be integrated into EasyBoot The tool seems to fail as result of the slightly difference in CDFS-file-system that EasyBoot creates
However the tool is small and handy But no solution in sight to your problem
regards balder
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Oct. 08 2013,06:36 |
Hi balder, thanks for your help.
If I can't launch this app, I have to find a solution:
I have prepared a System restore DVD whit also these two apps:
Inquisitor v3 http://downloads.sourceforge.net/inq/inq-live-3.0-x86.iso
Mini Tool Partition Wizard 8.1 Boot CD:
Please, can you help me to integrate together these two apps because if I explode their content into the \ezboot\disk1, only one of them works.
I have try to launch the Minitool from memory and via Virtualbox works but not into one real machine.
They are build with Syslinux.
Thank you very much.
Sorry for that.
Can you provide me the exact procedure?
Post Number: 4

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Posted on: Oct. 08 2013,08:51 |
Quote: "Please, can you help me to integrate together these two apps"
I tested following... Note: You are recommended to run EasyBoot_v
1. Copy ISO-files as they are to folder EZBOOT
2. Used menu command in EasyBoot menu:  run  ***.iso
Note1: I used PartitionWizard.iso and Inquisitor.iso as names to ISO-files  - you may use different name(s) (or whatever)
Note2: The Inquisitor.iso' mainly worked for the 'memory test' - I guess the rest in Inquisitor.iso menu isn't that use-full (such as 'qemu' etcetera) However the ' Partition Wizard 8.1' is a very nice tool - and run very well directly from ISO-file
By the way an interesting note This 'partition Wizard 8.1' software has been discussed before - read HERE
Final note: thanks for the download links (a great help)
regards balder
Edited by balder on Oct. 08 2013,09:04
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Oct. 08 2013,09:24 |
Thanks again Balder.
Sorry but the minitool, if launched directly from one PC, with run command, can't start. When I set one of the resolutions, the screen remain blank. Also in safe mode. Works only via Virtualbox or Vmware or similar.
Works only if I explode it into the ezboot folder than launch it via "run /boot/isolinux/isolinux.safe".
But, because there is another isolinux bootcd in the ezboot root called Inquisitor, one of them can't start.
Via "run xxxd.iso" the menu appear but the app fail when launched.
Can you suggest me how to explode them together into the root folder than give them the exact command to ignore the linux config of the other and viceversa.
Sorry Balder. I'm a Microsoft Certified Technician and not a linux developer. Â
How can I launch two isolinux proggy with different config if one continue to take the config of another?
sorry sorry sorry
Edited by fxart on Oct. 08 2013,09:26
Post Number: 6

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Posted on: Oct. 08 2013,10:16 |
Quote: "Please, can you help me to integrate together these two apps"
The 'Partition Wizard 8.1' can certainly be run using ISO-file as it is and getting menu up perfectly And as told, you can also test using method described HERE It worked well in that topic as you can see Note: you must use my script 'easyboot-iso.script' to integrate 'Partition Wizard 8.1' if using this method
And further more... Strange is that I was able to run 'Inquisitor.iso' as ISO-file as well ('run ***.iso' receiving Inquisitor menu without problems)
----------------------------------- Test is you can run 'Partition Wizard 8.1' as ISO-file and use method 'explode' to Inquisitor In this way you should be able to integrate both software into EasyBoot
Note: I have tested from both USB stick as from CD-RW (using respectively ISO-files) and didn't encounter any problem whatsoever
regards balder
Edited by balder on Oct. 08 2013,10:41
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Oct. 09 2013,02:12 |
I have try your suggestion (run xxx1.iso and run xxx2.iso) but they don't start.
I have try it in Virtualbox and they don't start. I have try it in QEMU and they don't start.
I have the last Easyboot and the last Virtualbox.
I have try your script for the MiniTool and can't start.
Where I'm wrong?
There is the possibility to explode them into two separate folder into the DVD than editing the isolinux cfg. script to address eachone to the rispective folder?
The one and only command who work at 90% is:
memdisk minitool.iso
Work in emulator but not for real.
The same for inquisitor.
Sigh! Sob.
Edited by fxart on Oct. 09 2013,02:20
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Oct. 09 2013,02:39 |
Quote: "I have try your suggestion..."
It sure works for other users  (see link in above posts) And if using my script to 'Partition Wizard 8.1' is close to bullet-proof it should work okay Why you having problems, I can't tell
However, test foillowing... Copy files; isolinux, memdisk and syslinux from folder 'EasyBoot\resource' to folder EZBOOT (force to overwriting existing files in folder EZBOOT) Now you have updated some 'core-files' - but I have my doubt it helps in your case
Note: I tested from both CD-unit (used my CD-RW to not spoil anything) and also from USB stick Both examples worked for me and as already told - it worked for other users as well - HERE ---------------------------------- Sorry it creates some kind of problem in your case
Regards balder
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later